The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2472

Mingzhu nodded and held Liu Hao\'s arms in her hands. Her heart was as sweet as honey.

After Xinzheng\'s bloody night, Han Fei controlled the situation properly, and everything returned to the original track.

This is the king capital of South Korea, which has restored its former prosperity.

Liu Hao stood in front of the Purple Orchid Pavilion with his hands down. Cars and horses could be seen everywhere.

Celebrities, high scholars, businessmen and rich men throw a hundred gold in the Purple Orchid Pavilion just for a kiss.

Laughter and laughter continued in the building, and the sound of silk and bamboo came slowly, and the aroma of wine became more and more intoxicating.

It is worthy of being the highest style gold selling cave in South Korea. It seems that Liu Hao has extraordinary bearing. In the building, there is a Madame Xu, who is half old but still charming, waving a folding fan and smiling.

"Oh, childe, come in and play?"

The smiling woman shook her folding fan and was quite surprised when her eyes swept.

I\'m used to seeing the dissolute childe who comes here for fun. I haven\'t seen Liu Hao bring a woman like this.

Her eyesight in this line of work is very fierce. Just at a glance, the welcoming madam knows:

This woman, with her beautiful appearance and refined temperament, is by no means ordinary.

Throughout the whole Purple Orchid Pavilion, only the owner can compare with it.

But looking at his face, he was respectful and respectful to the young man in purple. It was enough to see that the young man was as expensive as a prince. I\'m afraid he had a lot of potential.

You should report this man to the master quickly!

Liu Hao looked at the environment of zilanxuan and said calmly, "go and send a message to your master, Miss purple. There is a big deal to do with her."

Coming to the Purple Orchid Pavilion tonight is not for romantic affairs, but for the future layout.

The seven dynasties of Qin Dynasty were strong, and the will of heaven was unified.

At present, the wheel of history is rolling, and the rise of the state of Qin is irresistible.

The Empire was full of civil and military talents. Liu Hao came to this world alone. Although he had 100000 white armour troops and took the land of South Korea with great momentum, his power was still much worse than that of Qin.

However, Liu Hao also has the advantage of Prophet plot. Zilanxuan is not only a happy scene, but also the source of quicksand organization.

Holding the Pearl, Liu Hao walked into an elegant Pavilion.

The music of the piano curls up, and sandalwood is still burning in the elegant Pavilion, which is soothing and quiet.

Did not wait too long, a purple shadow pushed door and came.

"When the master of snow clothes Castle arrives, the Purple Orchid Pavilion is really shining..."

This is a beautiful female voice. It seems to have a kind of fantasy and magic in the voice, which is intoxicating.

When Liu Hao looked up, strange lights flashed between his eyes.

This legendary woman is really enchanting.

The whole body is decorated with mysterious and attractive purple. The close fitting purple skirt outlines her charming figure. Several silver hairpins are inserted on the high purple hair, like a rose in full bloom in the sun. The hooked eyes also have a light purple, like a pair of pearls hidden deep in the sea, dark but bright.

It seems that one glance can make people intoxicated.

Pearl glanced, but the corners of her mouth pouted.

When beautiful women meet, there is always inexplicable hostility. Moreover, she has a keen sense that Liu Hao seems to have some green eyes for the purple girl.

Liu Hao said calmly, "purple girl, your news is really well-informed."

"Xinzheng has turned the sky. How can I know?"

The purple girl Yingying saluted and said with a smile, "the snow clad Marquis made a lightning raid and attacked Xinzheng with a counter attack. Bai didn\'t lose the battle. General Ji Wuye ascended the throne of the strongest general in South Korea at one fell swoop. She also killed the dead bone shining silver armor and the towering reputation of the blood clad marquis."

"But few people know that the owner of Xueyi castle is actually someone else. Bai Jiajun controlled the whole Xinzheng in silence. It was written by people behind the scenes. In this way, the layout of the city hall can be called a hero in the world. Today, the little woman is lucky to see a hero in her life. Dare you ask me if she is famous?"

The purple girl smiled, but Liu Hao keenly felt her expression. In fact, she was a little wary.

"It doesn\'t hurt to tell you."

Liu Hao brushed off his sleeves and said, "my name is Liu Hao, the master of the seven countries in the future."

Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, no one dared to call Liu Hao directly.

Because the holy emperor, who respected the ninth five year plan, called his name directly is a great sin. We should punish the nine families!

Liu Hao lost the coordinates of the stars and lost contact with the Han Dynasty, but this did not affect Liu Hao\'s self-confidence and hegemony.

The supreme king of the dynasty, the Immortal Emperor, who dares to be rampant if he is not qualified to be hegemonic?

Purple girl\'s heart is shocked. She has seen the world. It is clear that all kings of the seven countries are heroes. It is the first time she has met such an overbearing figure as Liu Hao.

The princes of the seven kingdoms are mostly tolerant and independent. When they are not absolutely sure, they will not easily compete for the world.

Absolutely no one dares to be like Liu Hao, domineering and confident, looking at the heroes like nothing.

Pearl looked at Liu Hao with adoration on her face. Her heart was full of admiration. If the purple girl was not still there, she would like to throw herself into Liu Hao\'s arms and bury her head in it.

After half a ring, the purple girl pressed down her complex mind and hugged her fist: "I admire you for your heroic spirit. However, the Purple Orchid Pavilion is weak and can\'t help. I can only hope that you can calm the fighting of the seven countries as soon as possible."

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed, as if there was a force penetrating people\'s hearts. He stared at the purple woman and asked, "do you know Weizhuang?"

"Ghost Valley!"

Hearing the name, the purple goddess\'s feeling changed slightly.

At this time, the vertical and horizontal swordsmen were not unknown.

After entering the Qin Dynasty, gainie was awarded as the first swordsman of the empire by Ying Zheng, king of Qin. He is a famous swordsman in the Jianghu.

Wei Zhuang and gainie came out of the ghost valley together. When talking about talent, they didn\'t come out of the cottage under gainie, so they swept through the seven major sword schools in the world with shark tooth sword, traveled three thousand miles and were invincible.

Wei Zhuang and gainie, two generals in the Jianghu, are called vertical and horizontal double swords. Some people compare them to the sun and moon, shining brightly in the world.

Zinv hesitated and asked, "Weizhuang is far away from the Jianghu. It doesn\'t seem to have anything to do with the situation in South Korea?"

"Ghost Valley is vertical and horizontal. Who can compete?"

Liu Hao tapped his finger on the table and sighed: "the Korean chaos can be eliminated in ten days after Ji Wuye is removed. I\'m looking for Weizhuang because he is a great talent and can be reused."