The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2470

When the two swords meet, there is a deafening sound of metal and iron impact.

Bai is not the tiger\'s mouth trembling. She retreats with strength, and her heart is awe inspiring: Ji Wuyi is invincible across the battlefield. She is also known as the strongest general in South Korea in a century, and then controls the power of a country. She is indeed a very powerful person!

Ji Wuye shook her body and laughed wildly: "come on, come on, come on! I\'ll kill you first, and then the bitch Mingzhu. I\'ll kill everyone up and down the snow castle!"

The sword sound of the Dragon singing and the tiger roaring can be heard all the time. Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye are in a vertical and horizontal position. They fight endlessly at the gate.

The sword Qi ran through like a startling rainbow. Thousands of sword Qi collided violently, and countless deep pits were opened on the ground, and dust and gravel flew everywhere.

Bai doesn\'t use the seven kill secret technique to run the sword formula, and then use the ice magic formula to confuse the enemy, but Ji Wuye\'s martial arts are honed from the dead on the battlefield.

His mind is brave and firm, his heart is firm and firm, and he will never be moved by foreign things.

The sword technique is also open and close. It\'s definitely a killing sword technique!

The two killed together. The sword is so sharp that others will die if they touch it. The soldiers around can\'t intervene at all.

At this time, a burst of silver bell like laughter suddenly came from the distance. Ji Wuye read it and suddenly felt the transformation of the situation around her.

He was not in an extremely dangerous battlefield, but sat on the Throne made of red gold, and all officials in the hall knelt down.

At this moment, he is the king!

Ji Wuye was so excited that she shuddered and almost laughed!

Planning layout for many years, the dream is such a day, did not expect happiness to come so suddenly.

wait...... I\'m fighting with Bai Yifei. Why did I suddenly get here!?

For a moment, Ji Wuye suddenly woke up and thought of Bai Yifei\'s Scarlet eyes, with a cold sweat behind her.

"No, I\'m in illusion!"

Ji Wuye\'s experience of killing and cutting at night was very old. When she sensed the danger, she immediately reacted and almost instinctively stepped back.


White was not cold and piercing. The sword Qi just brushed his cheek. It was only a few inches short of cutting his head.

Rao was like this. Her right ear was cut off by the sword. Ji Wuye howled miserably and fell back.

"Attacking his mind with the extermination seal, he can wake up so quickly. The general is really powerful..."

The Pearl has changed into a purple black gauze skirt, elegant and beautiful, as if coming from a dream.

A white is not already called Ji Wuyi headache, plus a pearl who knows no depth and uses treacherous magic to stir up the game and help her. Ji Wuyi has no desire to fight again, so she withdrew her sword and retreated.

"Get out!"

"Cover the general and retreat quickly!!"

In the chaotic army, a black and a white figure suddenly stood out and stopped Bai Yifei\'s pursuit.

Ji Wuye started to plunder several times and mixed into the chaotic army, with a faint trace.

Bai is not angry and wants to pursue them with his sword, but the black and white people in front of him have good martial arts. In particular, they cooperate with each other and are proficient in the art of joint attack. They can\'t take them for a moment.



"Tell your Lord, the Marquis defeated Ji Wuye. Ji Wuye was rescued by his experts and fled in a hurry. Han Wangan\'s car is under control!"

After hearing the information from the soldiers of the white armour army, Liu Hao slightly picked his sword eyebrow and checked Ji Wuyi\'s attribute ability with the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor.

South Korean general Ji Wuye - force 98, intelligence 78, politics 75, command 93!

Stunt 1, ambition: Ji Wuyi is ambitious and infatuated with power. She will do anything to achieve her goal!

Ji Wuye politics + 2!

Stunt 2, Xiong Kui: Ji Wuye is a South Korean general, known as the strongest general in South Korea in a century!

Ji Wuye Command + 3!

When in battle, the morale of all the troops under his command is increased by 20% and the force of all soldiers is + 2!

No one is a simple person who can stand at the peak of a country and be a big villain.

Although Ji Wuye\'s attribute ability is not comparable to that of a great general, she is also a first-class general. It is more than enough to suppress such a weak country as South Korea.

Although Bai Yifei is also a demon, he is inexperienced and has a lot of room to improve. At present, he is still a little worse than Ji Wuye.

speak of the devil.

A brisk footstep sounded. Bai didn\'t kneel down on one knee, slammed his fist and bowed his head: "my subordinates are incompetent. Let Ji Wuyi escape in disorder. Please give sin to the Lord!"

Last night\'s Xinzheng war was chaotic, followed by the capture of Han Wang\'an alive. If Ji Wuye can be caught, the plan to raid Xinzheng can be regarded as a complete success.

Liu Hao picked up Bai Yifei and said with a light smile, "you\'ve done well enough to defeat Ji Wuye. Ji Wuye can\'t go. Everything is under control."

After controlling Xinzheng, Han Wang\'an also fell into his hands. Holding South Korea is also a matter of pushing the boat with the water.

If Ji Wuye leaves Korea, what is the strongest general is a joke. Han Fei, as the counselor, has made follow-up arrangements.

After appeasing Bai Yifei, Liu Hao sent him to eliminate Xinxin Zheng Chengfang. After all, when power is shuffling, it is also the most turbulent time, which needs iron and blood suppression.

"Bring Han Wang\'an to see me."


Straight into King Han\'s palace, Bai Jiajun soon came to Liu Hao with Han Wang\'an.

This white and fat middle-aged man has a big belly, messy clothes and hair bun, and is scared to death. Where is there any monarchy?

According to the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor, Han Wang\'an\'s attribute ability, that is, the second-class level, but since he is Han Fei\'s father, face always needs to be left for him.

"The seven heroes of the Warring States period, South Korea is in a four war position. What does the king of Korea think of the national luck?"

Han Wang\'an was slightly stunned. His heart was full of oppression. He didn\'t dare to look directly at Liu Hao on the throne. He hardened his scalp and replied, "tigers and wolves look around like walking on thin ice."

These words made Liu Hao look at him differently.

The facts are just as he said.

South Korea\'s national strength is the weakest among the seven heroes of the Warring States period. Not to mention fighting the state of Qin, Wei and Zhao have several times the strength of South Korea.

In this case, if you want to dominate the seven countries, it is like a dream.

Maybe this kind-hearted fat king of Korea is not completely brainless, but he sees the situation clearly, so he doesn\'t want to forge ahead, is content with pleasure, and can enjoy as long as he can.

In that case, Liu Hao was not polite. He said bluntly, "South Korea is weak and all countries are strong, so there is no need to exist. Now I want to take all the land of South Korea. What does the king of Korea think?"