The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2469

In the face of hundreds of Jianghu experts, Bai didn\'t even have the fear, but felt his blood racing!


In the long and narrow eyes, the red blood awn flashed, and the seven kill secret art has been run to the extreme.

White or not, with silver hair flying and blood clothes flying, he drew his sword and killed into the scorpion gate array.

The body method of carefree travel was formerly Lingbo Weibo. Liu Hao regarded Bai Yifei as half an adopted son and deliberately cultivated a god killing statue. Naturally, all the skills taught are superior martial arts. This lightness skill body method, which is like a God, is not made in Bai Yifei. It\'s incredibly fast.

The sword is as bright as electricity.

White and not bloody, the figure flickers and moves, and wears and kills among the people of the scorpion sect, like walking in a leisurely court.

In a moment, there were more than ten good players of the poison scorpion sect. The leader of the poison scorpion sect screamed angrily and tried his best. However, the highly toxic attack could not even touch a piece of clothes. He collapsed to doubt life: "what martial arts is this? How can there be such a terrible body method in the world?"

"Take you on the road!"

Bai Yifei was not polite to him. The red blade of his left hand turned and mysteriously pierced the heart of the scorpion sect leader.

Bai Yifei\'s wrist shook again. The water vapor in the air began to condense into extremely cold black ice. The cold spread and the black ice covered the body. In an instant, the scorpion sect leader was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The scorpion sect leader\'s eyes widened. Until the last moment before death, they were full of fear, which made people palpitate at first sight.

After killing the scorpion sect leader, the people were shocked. Bai Yifei didn\'t stop. He took his sword and killed the general\'s house again, as if he were in a no man\'s land.

Blood and gas kill more and more.

The red is like blood, and the sword\'s light is like a tide. The extreme cold seals the white. It\'s not within three feet. The children of the scorpion sect have no death or injury, but no one can stop it.

When Bai Yifei was killing wildly, Bai Jia\'s army soon took action and surrounded the whole general\'s house.

Scorpion sect dominates the Jianghu, but these outlaws die when they encounter the sword forest and half column incense Kung Fu of the army.

The general\'s military mansion, which has been in power, is as miserable as purgatory at this time!

But if there are resisters, they will be killed on the ground, and no one will be spared!

"Tell the Marquis that you have caught the emerald tiger!"

In a secret room of the general\'s house, the white armour army found the jade tiger shrunk into a shivering mass

The emerald tiger sweated coldly, fell to the ground, knelt down, and Bai was not in front of him. He said with a flattering smile: "the Marquis is divine and powerful. He is a man who has achieved great things. I am willing to follow the Marquis and work for him!"

This rich man is Ji Wuye\'s confidant. He is also a giant. However, at this time, he is no different from an old dog.

Bai Yifei glanced at him and asked, "where is Ji Wuyi?"

The emerald tiger got goose bumps and said, "general... Ji Wuye is a traitor of the country. The fearing Marquis Tianwei fled into the palace. The Marquis should be careful that this person coerces King Han an and runs away in disorder. There will be endless trouble!"

This guy\'s ability to steer in the wind is first-class.

Seeing that the situation was declining, Ji Wuyi wanted to hold Bai Yifei\'s thigh immediately because the ship was going to sink.

In his heart, Bai didn\'t raid Xinzheng and violently mutiny. What he did was to control the power of the Qing monarch.

"This man is still valuable to the great cause of the Lord. Let\'s hold it for the time being. Ji Wuye will be killed tonight!"

Bai is not a solemn way.

"Must kill Ji no night!"

The white armour army killed red eyes and raised its knife to roar!


Step! Step! Step!!

On the streets of Xinzheng City, iron boots trampled on the bluestone floor, and the heavy and solemn sound resounded through the night.

Ji Wuye rushed to the front with a heavy sword in her hand. Her teeth were almost broken!

Hate! Hate! Hate!!

power and influence.

To him, it is more important than life.

However, Bai Yifei launched a mutiny, Xinzheng was in chaos, and the power pattern of the whole South Korea is bound to shuffle and alternate at this night.

Ji Wuye spent decades on the good situation, which turned into fly ash on that night.

Overnight, heaven and earth overturned.

The forbidden army hugged the terrified Han Wang\'an, followed Ji Wuye\'s back, was hugged by the forbidden army, and stumbled to the front.

Bai is not familiar with military battle. Liu Hao entrusted him with the task of controlling Xinzheng. He did a good job.

After breaking through Xinzheng City Gate, Bai Jiajun began to control the city gate and control the main traffic roads in the city.

"It\'s urgent to kill Xinzheng first, and then mobilize the troops of Shangdang and Nanyang to kill Bai is not the rebel!"

It\'s funny that Ji Wuyi, an ambitious general on weekdays, became a loyal minister to help the country.

At this time, the strength of the white armour army is several times that of the forbidden army, and it has the first advantage. If we fight to the death, it is ourselves who will suffer.

Ji Wuye fought for a long time and made a quick decision. She gathered the people and killed them at the west gate of Xinzheng.

The strength of South Korea\'s strongest general in the past century can not be underestimated. It killed the Baijia army all the way, and finally broke through the defense and hit the west gate.

Ji Wuye smiled with his sword: "Bai is not a child. I don\'t know how to use troops. If I kill here, where can I live?"

"Worthy of being the strongest general in South Korea in a hundred years!"

The generals of the forbidden army under him also breathed a sigh of relief and expressed their admiration for Ji Wuye\'s bold and decisive decision.

At this time, on the southeast side outside the city, suddenly smoke billowed, and two Biao cavalry killed them like a whirlwind.

The first one, covered in blood!

It\'s the white of killing!

Bai didn\'t mention the double swords upside down. He galloped forward with his horse. His white robe had already been dyed demon red by blood. His killing intention was gradually violent, like a raging tide and waves. He wanted to crush Ji Wuyi completely!

"Ji Wuye, you can\'t escape tonight. Die!"

The sword sounded like a dragon, and white was not human. He jumped up on the horse\'s back and crossed a distance of more than ten feet in an instant. A sword stabbed in the air, pointing directly at Ji Wuye\'s head.

"Vertical son! If someone doesn\'t kill you, he will swear not to be a man!"

Ji Wuye glared angrily at the tiger\'s eyes and suddenly cut the sky with a long sword in her hand.

The great general of South Korea, below one person and above ten thousand people, was forced to be so embarrassed. He really wanted to eat his meat raw!


The two swords collided in the air, and the violent sword Qi exploded, making a loud noise and the air waves billowed