The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2468

Han Wang\'an rubbed his hands when he thought that Mrs. pearl, the famous lady of Xueyi castle, was going to be on the chenghuan couch.

At this time, the monk in the palace received the news and hurried to report: "big... King, it\'s bad. Bai Yifei suddenly broke up with Bai Jiajun in the name of sending off relatives, killed Zuo Sima, General Liu Yi, and led his troops into Xinzheng City. Now the situation has lost control, and the general is eager to see him!"

The situation is extremely urgent. Ji doesn\'t take a bus all night. She directly runs the lightness skill and goes straight into the deep palace to see the driver.

When Han Wang\'an heard the news, he was not to blame for the thunder. His eyes widened, his lips trembled, and he was scared into a cold sweat.

At this point, King Han sank to the ground, and there was no more beautiful thought in his heart. He said angrily, "Bai is not this disorderly subject and thief! I wasted my people to let him control the snow clothes castle. Unexpectedly, this cruel thing dared to rebel!"

Ji Wuye hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, at this time, the white thieves are making trouble and the soldiers are invading Xinzheng. The situation is extremely critical. Please make a decision..."

Xinzheng is the king capital of South Korea, and Bai Yifei is also an evil star in the army. When he suddenly got into trouble, Xinzheng couldn\'t respond at all.

"General, what do you say to do?"

While cursing, Han Wang\'an wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ji Wuye said, "please raise the forbidden army to kill the white thief to guard the king. Otherwise, I\'m afraid the white thief will enter the palace."

"The white thief is hateful. Aiqing is the strongest general in South Korea in a century. Please mobilize the forbidden army quickly to kill the thief and protect the country."

Han Wang\'an said quickly.

He is a good hand in eating, drinking and playing. Where is he good at leading soldiers to fight?

At this time, we can only hope that Ji Wuye, the strongest general in South Korea in a century, will let him lead his troops to fight Bai Yifei.


In Xinzheng City, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Honglian sat in the car, through the window, looking at the scene outside, as if she were dreaming.

Mingzhu said with a smile, "Princess Honglian, are you afraid?"

Red lotus held her chest and said, "I\'m not afraid!"

In fact, she has always been treated with dignity, unruly by nature, but kind. She has never seen such a cruel war of blood killing. In fact, she is afraid to die.

Honglian asked weakly, "where has brother nine gone?"

Mingzhu said with a smile: "Han Fei is a scholar. He has no strength to bind chickens. He is in such turmoil tonight. I\'m afraid he has died for a long time..."

"Don\'t talk nonsense!"

Red lotus is angry, her face is bulging, very cute.

"Pearl, don\'t tease her."

When Liu Hao\'s warm and mellow voice came, Mingzhu smiled and said solemnly, "yes, Lord!"

Han Fei has gone to appease the people in the city. Liu Hao sent a white armour army to protect his safety. There is also an anti scale sword in hand. It is almost impossible for experts under human immortals to kill Han Fei.

"Did you find Ji Wuye?"

"Ji Wuye went straight into the palace and obtained the command of the forbidden army. Now the Bai Jia army is fighting in the street with the Korean forbidden army."

"Pearl, go and help Bai Yifei."

Liu Hao gently tapped the table in front of him with his fingers and said calmly, "before dawn, I want to see Ji Wuye\'s head."

"I see, Lord!"

Pearl answered and backed out.

Since entering Xinzheng City, Liu Hao\'s plan to swallow South Korea has been half successful.

Next, Ji Wuye\'s resistance is doomed to be futile.

"Good! Why did you disturb Xinzheng?"

Red lotus\'s bright beautiful eyes stared at Liu Hao angrily, as if they were going to spit out fire.

At this time, she is not the bloodthirsty and cruel quicksand Chilian, but an unruly and arrogant greenhouse flower.

Innocent, a little cute.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "South Korea is weak. It will be destroyed by the chaotic war of the seven countries sooner or later. Now it comes early. It\'s the best choice. Why are you looking at me like this?"

Honglian said angrily, "hum! You are so hateful. I want to bite you."


Liu Hao was stunned and lost his smile.

The conspiracy is treacherous and there are many iron blooded murders. Communicating with such a naive and simple girl also feels that her heart is purified.



The replacement and reshuffle of power has always been bleeding.

As night fell, there were corpses everywhere and bleeding in Xinzheng City.

The smell of blood floated in the air. It was white and not as cold as ice. It was vaguely excited.

After practicing the seven kill secret skill, his Qi mechanism became more and more unfathomable.

At the same time, it was affected, and the killing intention became like a wild and fierce beast, bloodthirsty and tyrannical.

The double swords in the hands kept waving and killing, and the sword gas was fierce. The forbidden soldiers were hanged, their limbs and arms were broken, and their blood splashed.

Killing is like cutting grass mustard!

The seven kill secret technique is based on killing. Its terrible thing is that it is completely immersed in the artistic conception of killing.

The more you kill, the more powerful your Qi will become and the more powerful your killing power will become.

"Bloody Hou! Bloody Hou!"

Ji Wuye\'s soldiers trembled from their hearts when they saw the crazy devil killing Bai Yifei.


He kicked open the gate of the general\'s house. Bai was not horizontal, and cold as electricity.

"Ji Wuye?"

According to tonight\'s plan, it is bound to flatten the general\'s house. If Ji Wuye surrenders, he can save his life.

If you resist tenaciously, the general\'s house will be killed from top to bottom!

"You\'ve eaten the bear heart and leopard courage! You dare to break into the general\'s house without permission. Go to hell!"

Ji Wuye has been in power in Korea for a long time, and her men have gathered a group of strange people and scholars.

Bai Yifei had just stepped into the general\'s house when he felt a sharp wind blowing in the face.

"Hidden weapons?"

Bai Yifei, who was trapped in the extreme state of killing, was sharper than usual. His body was slightly sideways, and the concealed weapon wiped his body and flew over.

"Scorpion gate, listen, go together, kill this guy, the general will be rewarded!"

The scorpion sect leader roared wildly, and immediately countless bloodthirsty and fierce eyes fell on Bai Yifei.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Countless people raised their swords and roared and rushed out of the darkness of the general\'s house.

Scorpion sect is one of the most powerful sects in South Korea. The sect leader\'s poison Kung Fu is even more first-class in the Jianghu. He took refuge in Ji Wuye and helped Ji Wuye do something that is not uncommon.

"A bunch of waste, come and die!"

White is not the corner of his mouth, quietly hanging a touch of cold radian