The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2463

Princess Honglian is Han Wang\'an\'s youngest daughter and his favorite apple of the eye. She grew up with Han Fei when she was young. Her brother and sister have a deep friendship.

Han Fei studied abroad for several years. When he came home this time, he saw his sister. Naturally, he had endless words.

Princess Honglian was very useful, but after looking at Han Fei for a week, Joan wrinkled her nose and hummed, "brother nine, did you lose the necklace I gave you? Did you exchange it for wine?"

"This... A woman\'s sixth sense is really terrible!"

Han Fei was slightly stunned and sweating on his forehead. Although he was full of wisdom, it was obviously impossible to reason with women.

He immediately laughed and was busy changing the topic.

Brother and sister haven\'t seen each other for several years. They both feel very warm after playing around.

At the gate of the city, a column of clanking imperial guards patrolled the streets. Han Fei looked sideways and said, "Honglian, today\'s Xinzheng King City of South Korea seems a little different. Is there anything big to happen?"

"Hum! I\'m not my father yet. I\'m going to marry Mrs. pearl of Xueyi castle into the palace."

Princess Honglian hummed: "I heard that the Pearl lady is recommended by the general Ji Wuye, but her life is overwhelming. No wonder my father is moved. You men really don\'t have a good thing..."

Han Fei was also shot lying down, but with a smile, his mind turned sharply.

"Something\'s wrong, something\'s wrong!"

Han Fei seemed to notice something, and a cold sweat came down behind him.

Red lotus blinked her watery eyes and asked curiously, "brother nine, what\'s so strange? My father has married a beautiful woman into the palace in recent years, and Lady Mingzhu is just one of them."

Han Fei said with a bitter smile: "my father has always loved beauty, and I don\'t know that the back palace is full. It\'s just that this pearl lady has a special identity and is not comparable to ordinary beauties. General Ji has no night power. Today, I met the Bai Jiajun of Xueyi Castle outside the city, which can be said to be murderous... In my opinion, it\'s not just sending the Pearl into the palace..."

Speaking of this, Han Fei\'s heart has gradually become clear and has a clear judgment on the situation.

Snow clothes castle is world-renowned and covers all countries.

The 100000 white armour army under Xue Yi hou can be compared with the golden fire cavalry of the Qin Empire and the Tenglong army of the Chu state. It is even more elite than the imperial forbidden army of South Korea.

If the white armour army of xueyibao enters Xinzheng today to launch a mutiny, South Korea will be in a dangerous situation in an instant.

"It seems that I\'m a unlucky guy. I just returned to Korea and caused such a thing..."

Han Fei couldn\'t help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Wisdom is as far-reaching as he can discover unknown secrets through many details.

But under the secret, what is hidden is often danger.

As long as one is not handled well, South Korea\'s King Xinzheng is likely to fall into turbulence and blood chaos.

"Honglian, it\'s dangerous here. Go back to the palace quickly and inform your father... Say that a rogue thief was found outside the city today, which is likely to invade Xinzheng."

Han Fei, who is serious, has a strange charm and can persuade people to obey his orders.

Although Honglian is a willful and proud girl, she is still kind and righteous in her heart. She pursed her lips and refused: "brother nine, it\'s so dangerous. I\'ll protect you!"

"I learned swordsmanship from the old swordsman in the palace. Now I\'m powerful. Even the swordsman is not my opponent!"


Han Fei took a smoke from the corner of his mouth and was speechless.

The imperial palace is guarded by the forbidden army. Now it is the safest place in the whole Xinzheng King City.

As for Honglian\'s swordsmanship, he did not hold any hope.

With her golden body, the king of Xinzheng walks sideways. Even if those palace swordsmen are good at swordsmanship, who dares to provoke the precious little princess of King Han?

Since he couldn\'t get rid of the red lotus, Han Fei reluctantly pushed the boat along the water and said, "then you should listen to my command and don\'t act impulsively."

"Well, well!"

Honglian nodded and agreed.


Step! Step! Step!

The iron boots made a dull and solemn sound when they stepped on the blue stone ground.

White is not wearing snow-white clothes and jade crowns. He rides on a snow-white foal with silver sideburns flying. The long and narrow Danfeng\'s eyes burst out cold lightning and constantly swept around.

During this operation, the Bai Jia army poured out, stretching for several miles, and the military array was magnificent.

Ordinary people along the way were frightened by the murderous spirit of the white armour army. No one dared to approach. They hid at home one after another. The door was closed and they were afraid.

"It\'s less than ten miles away from Xinzheng!"

The Scouts of the Bai Jia army galloped forward to convey the latest information to Bai Yifei.

"Order the generals to speed up the March. They should arrive at Xinzheng before tonight. There must be no mistake!"

Bai Yifei raised his hand solemnly and ordered decisively.


Bai Jiajun\'s scout Qiang ran hugged his fist and took the order.

Liu Hao finalized the plan of raiding the capital of Xinzheng, and Bai Yifei was the perfect executor of the plan.

This is also the first time that the new Xueyi Hou has worked under Liu Hao. Naturally, there is no room for any difference.

The white armour army marched rapidly, and the army was as winding as a long dragon.



Han Fei put his hands behind his head and leaned leisurely against a huge tree beside the ancient road.

Honglian said discontentedly, "brother nine, if you bring people to the wilderness, you can\'t even touch a thief. What can you do?"

She also wants to use her sword skills to show her in front of Han Fei, so that Han Fei can look at her differently.

"This is the fastest way from Xueyi castle to Xinzheng. You will soon know what will happen..."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes, hung a cool radian from the corner of his mouth, and smiled silently.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

Red lotus\'s beautiful eyes stared round and looked at the rustle of trees on the side of her body. All birds seemed to be frightened and fluttered into the sky.


What a powerful murderous spirit!

Han Fei suddenly stood up and stood in the middle of the ancient road. His lazy face receded and replaced by a solemn face