The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2464

"Bold! Dare to stop Bai Jia\'s army from marching. If you know what\'s going on, get out of here!"

The forward cavalry of the Bai Jia army galloped off the road and soon saw a Confucian scholar in purple standing on the road ahead, whipping and scolding.

The leading cavalry general raised the reins and made a gesture, and the white armour cavalry came up with a very tacit understanding.

The bloodthirsty eyes were fierce like a lone wolf eager to bite people. Princess Honglian was palpitating and afraid, hiding behind Han Fei.

Where has she experienced such a vicious military battle?

Han Fei took a step forward. Lang Sheng said, "I\'m Han Fei. I\'d like to see the chief General of the white armour army."

"Son Han Fei!?"

Hearing the name, the forward general of Bai Jiajun was slightly stunned. He looked at Han Fei suspiciously and asked, "your son Han Fei has gone to xiaoshengxian villa for a long time. His words are groundless. How can you prove your identity?"

Han Fei said with a wry smile, "if Han Fei, a nameless man, pretends to be this identity in front of the Baijia army commander, isn\'t he looking for his own death?"

Knowing that it was the Korean army, Honglian was brave again and shouted, "I\'m blind! I don\'t know your son Han Fei, then you should know me!"

Princess Honglian, Han Wang\'an\'s favorite little daughter.

Beautiful and immortal, wearing red skirts, but the temper is as bad as simultaneous interpreting.

"It\'s Princess Honglian. I\'ll forgive the last general for his military order. It\'s impolite."

The forward general of Bai Jia army hesitated again and again. Finally, he sent a messenger to the Chinese army to inform Bai Yifei.

After all, he is only a small role. He is naturally speechless in the face of the Korean royal family.


The Bai Jiajun still hurried towards the king\'s capital Xinzheng.

Sitting in the carriage, Liu Hao is instructing the combination of Pearl killing God seal and magic.

The bright pearl is crowned with a Phoenix, wearing a bright red wedding dress, which adds a bit of charming color. Only when facing Liu Hao, he smiles, his big eyes smile into two curved moons, and spits out lilac tongue:

"Lord, it seems that I am really an immortal. Otherwise, how can I have such attainments? If only I were half as powerful as Lord..."

She is also a genius in magic, but just like this, she can better understand the unfathomable depth of Liu Hao\'s cultivation.

In his eyes, Liu Hao seems to be an omniscient and omniscient God. A little guidance can make her suddenly enlightened, and she has the feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky.

"When you combine the extermination seal and ice magic formula to Xiaocheng, you can also run around the world. No one can stop you..."

Liu Hao rubbed Mingzhu\'s hair with a smile.

Bai is not facing him, but more from the fear in his heart, just like the fear of gods.

The girl Mingzhu has a different feeling. Liu Hao is not a ruthless person, especially a beautiful girl like Mingzhu, who naturally feels pity.

"The white armour army stopped. Did anyone cut off in front?"

Liu Hao is flirting with Mingzhu happily, and his popularity is rising. Suddenly, he has a thought and feels the abnormality more than 200 feet away.

After being tempered by the nine Supreme robbers, Liu Hao was reborn and reached the realm of human immortality.

The land immortal realm has a word "immortal". Although it is not immortal, it is several times stronger than before, both in mind and body.

Within hundreds of feet, mosquitoes and flies can be seen. In case of any change, it is almost an instinctive reaction, which appears in Liu Hao\'s mind.

"Tell the Lord, there is a Confucian scholar and a woman blocking the way in the front road, suspected childe Han Fei and Princess Honglian!"

Bai Jiajun hurried forward to report. Bai Yifei stood on the shaft and said in a sharp voice according to his sword: "dare to stop the Bai Jiajun and kill him on the spot, so as not to miss the main event!"

He is already determined to follow Liu Hao all the way. Even if Han Wang\'an is in front, he will definitely kill him with a sword as long as Liu Hao gives an order.

"Is it Han Fei?"

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "it\'s really interesting to dare to intercept 100000 white armour troops alone. Don\'t hurt his life. Bring it over and have a look."

During the Warring States period, a hundred schools of thought contended, like a hundred flowers in full bloom.

Great generals and celebrities go everywhere, and great sages travel among countries to seek strategies to govern the world and save the people.

Han Fei is one of the best.

The fierce soldiers of the white armour army soon pressed Han Fei and Honglian to the front of the Chinese army. The white armour army clanked with iron armor, and the long bronze halberd pointed at Han Fei. They were murderous. They would kill Han Fei in front of the Chinese army only under the command of the Chinese Army.

So the tiger and the wolf looked around, and the atmosphere was tense. Han Fei looked around, but he was calm and relaxed. He smiled calmly and said, "Xueyi Hou is a young hero. It\'s really good, but even Xueyi Hou is a pioneer in riding. I want to know who is the person sitting in this car?"

It is a noble and gorgeous carriage, carved with gold and silver. It is an ancient strange animal with the carving pattern of a divine craftsman on the body. It is lifelike.

This is an era that pays attention to etiquette and law. Bai is not a pioneer in riding, which is equivalent to the role of bodyguard. Then the people sitting in the carriage obviously have a higher status than him.

"Han Fei is really clever..."

Liu Hao opened the curtain of the carriage and stood out.

Bai Yifei immediately knelt down on one knee, hugged his fist and said respectfully, "see the Lord!"

Hundreds of thousands of white soldiers knelt down on their knees, holding the Ge in their left hand and lying on their chest in their right hand, and shouted, "meet the Lord!"

Han Fei\'s pupil contracted suddenly, and his calm face finally changed.

Snow clothes Castle white is not alone and arrogant, but kneels down!

100000 Baijia army is the most elite army in South Korea. Kneel down together!

What a shocking scene!?

Princess Honglian opened her mouth wide and could not speak.

"May I ask your name?"

Han Fei sighed in his heart.

At present, the situation is equivalent to that xueyibao completely broke away from the Korean military system and chose to be independent. If it goes to the king capital of Xinzheng, it will inevitably set off a bloody storm.

The collapse of the situation has been out of control.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "it\'s a long way to Xinzheng. Please rest with Princess Honglian Sui Jun. Mr. Han Fei, please get on the bus."

Mingzhu used magic to let Princess Honglian obediently get on another carriage to rest without any effort.

Han Fei\'s face was complicated. He brushed his sleeves and boarded the car. He sat opposite Liu Hao, but his heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley