The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2462

Among the seven countries, outstanding people, heroes and Heroes rise together.

According to Liu Hao\'s observation, the world timeline is a little disordered. Some famous generals who should not have survived are still alive.

However, the overall situation of the seven countries has come to an end smoothly. In the near future, there is bound to be a world shaking war.

Liu Hao seemed to see the golden iron horse, his Qi swallowed thousands of miles, millions of male troops were bleeding, and the sad songs of all schools of thought could not help but get vaguely excited.

Compared with the drastic changes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the world is closer to the ancient times, with gloomy aura and many secrets waiting to be solved.

Stepping on Renxian Avenue is just the beginning.

The real longevity is to share the same light with the sun and the moon, live together in heaven and earth, be immortal and brilliant.

"In a short time, we can\'t open huntianxing road to connect with the main boundary of the Han Dynasty. That is to take South Korea as the foundation, play chess with Ying Zheng and compete for the world..."

Liu Hao\'s fingers beat the table rhythmically, and a person\'s name came to mind: "general, Ji Wuye."

Judging from the information given by Bai Yifei and the memory in her mind, Ji Wuye is undoubtedly an ambitious.

This man was regarded as a general by King anbai of Korea. He was in power and controlled the rest of the army except the forbidden army of the Korean palace.

Under his command, he also gathered many strange people and scholars, and his power gradually covered Korean espionage, finance, politics and so on.

If things go on like this, if nothing goes wrong, within ten years, Ji Wuye can overhead Han Wang\'an and take charge of South Korea.

While he was meditating, a white Army soldier came in quickly outside the door, knelt on one knee, hugged his fist, and said respectfully, "Lord, general Ji Wuye sent a message."

"Ji Wuye\'s secret letter?"

Liu Hao took the bamboo slips presented by the white armour soldiers and swept them down at a glance.

Ji Wuye did move.

"I want to invite Xueyi hou to Beijing and plan big things together. I also want to send the Pearl into the palace and control the palace... Make a wishful thinking..."

At a glance, Liu Hao\'s mouth hung a cold arc.

With a shake of the wrist, the bamboo was simplified into fly ash.

The white armour soldier secretly exclaimed and was in great awe. The Lord gently pinched the bamboo slips and turned them into powder. Where can ordinary people do it?

It is widely said in the Baijia army that the master of the snow clad marquis is a dragon among people and a figure like an immortal. That\'s true.

Bai didn\'t flash out of the shadow, his face was cold, and said, "Lord, Ji Wuye has a bad intention. Do you want to be him?"

Bai doesn\'t just respect officials and obey the absolute strong. Liu Hao is his master.

As for Ji Wuye, although he is a South Korean general, he will only die if he is blocked in front of Liu Hao.

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple glowing light flashed, running the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor, and it was clear in his heart.

Ji Wuye - force 98, intelligence 75, politics 76, command 90!

Stunt 1, haoxiong: Ji Wuye is the haoxiong of the world!

In a dead battle, fight bravely with blood and force + 2!

Stunt 2, general: Ji Wuye worships the South Korean general, holds hundreds of thousands of troops and horses, marches and arranges, and is proficient in everything!

Ji Wuye Command + 3!

The combat power of all soldiers under his command is increased by 5%. When they fall into a dead battle, their force is increased by 2 points!

"Now you are not Ji Wuye\'s opponent."

Liu Hao\'s eyes were disillusioned and said calmly: "since he dares to calculate the snow clothes castle, he just took this opportunity to pull out this tusk first..."

"Master, I\'m not as good as you!"

Bai is not respectful.


Under the snow castle.

Hundreds of thousands of white armour troops gathered in a mighty manner and sent troops from the snow clothes castle with a clear flag and a long queue.

Along the way, a joy call was played, and the Pearl with exquisite makeup sat in the wedding sedan, bright and moving.

"Does the Lord really want to send the Pearl into the palace?"

Looking at the handsome young master in front of her, Mingzhu felt some injustice inexplicably. Her beautiful red lips turned up, and her beautiful eyes accumulated water mist. She wanted to cry.

"You think too much."

Liu Hao closed his eyes and said with an indifferent smile, "going to Xinzheng is nominally to send off relatives. In fact, 100000 white armour soldiers do their best to enter the Korean imperial city. If Ji Wuye falls well, leave him alive. If he refuses to surrender, he will bloody wash his general\'s house."

What a domineering man!

The Pearl\'s beautiful eyes were slightly bright, and the haze in her heart was gone. She patted her towering chest, slightly spit out her fragrant tongue, and said, "people thought that the LORD would send the Pearl into the palace to serve the old man Han Wang\'an, hee hee!"

Since Han Wang\'an took office, he has lived in the cracks of Qin and Zhao countries, which has dissipated his heroic spirit, become timid and greedy for pleasure, and his wind evaluation in South Korea is also quite general.

Liu Haoxiang smiled and said, "Han Wang\'an is not enough. Except for the king of Qin, the other leaders of all countries are like dead bones in the tomb."

The seven dynasties of Qin Dynasty were strong, and the will of heaven was unified.

This is the inevitable process of historical development. At present, Ying Zheng has made great efforts to govern the country. With strong national strength and powerful generals, he is on the road of unifying all countries.

It was calm all the way. The checkpoints had long been ordered by general Ji Wuye. The white armour army hurried all the way.


After South Korea destroyed Zheng in the past years, it moved its capital to Xinzheng.

Xinzheng King City is more than twenty feet high. The city wall is majestic Cui Wei, and there are many city guarding soldiers on the city wall.

At this time, under the city wall, there was a young man in purple, who was dusty, but his thick eyebrows were flying and his eyes were clear and deep. Looking around the King City of Xinzheng, he held a wine pot and would drink.

This man is Han Fei.

After coming out of the mountain from the sage village, Han Fei traveled around the world, traveled thousands of miles, and finally returned to the King City of Korea.

He was originally the ninth son of Han Wang\'an. His status was respected. When others met him, they would call him childe Han Fei.

"Outside Xinzheng City, there are traces of the White army marching in a hurry, but there are lights and decorations in the city. The atmosphere is a little wrong... It seems that something is going to happen?"

Han Fei was very observant. Looking around, he found a clue.

But before he came to remember to ask, he heard a crisp silver bell like smile behind him: "brother nine, you\'re back!"

Looking back, a woman in a red dress was standing behind him with a beautiful smile.

"It\'s red lotus."

Han Fei saw this familiar dimple and couldn\'t help smiling at the corners of his mouth. He joked: "it\'s only been a few years. My red lotus has become so beautiful."