The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2459

I\'ll kill whoever dares not to obey!

That\'s how overbearing!

Bai is not standing with the sword. The blade drops red blood. In the fierce murderous spirit, there is a bit of evil spirit and madness. 100000 Bai Jia troops tremble and are silent.

The dead bones shine on the silver armor, and the fresh blood stains the white clothes. White is not fierce and powerful!

No doubt, if anyone dares to stand up and say no, the terrible blood red double swords will pierce his throat at the next moment!

Mole ants are greedy for life, not to mention people, who dares to try their edge!?

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He planted the magic method with the heart of the Tao, joined with the divine desire of the snow clothes Hou, successfully helped him break through the realm of martial arts, completed the task, and the snow clothes Hou surrendered!"

"Congratulations to the host. Bai is not killing. Subdue the Bai Jia army!"

"Congratulations to the host. Marquis Xueyi meets the requirements of the emperor\'s nine sword God. Please make persistent efforts!"

Current emperor\'s nine sword gods: 9 / 9!

[ye Gucheng, Ximen chuxue, Taoist mu, Xie Xuan, Hou in purple, man in white, Xiao Qiushui, Fu Cailin, Hou in snow!]

The emperor\'s nine sword God is finally over!

After this system prompt sound, Liu Hao checked the system list and impressively found that the sword God task had been completed.

God in the sword (false god level): completed!

Task description: please invite the host to recruit nine swordsmen with unparalleled qualifications and guide them in kendo!

Every swordsman is required to gain understanding of Kendo and increase the force value to no less than 100!

Task reward: the host obtains the title of sword God!

Sword God (only) ยท (can be upgraded): the God of the sword, Jiuji Kendo, the extreme state of kendo, a sword can resist thousands of swords!

Tip: [the host has the title of sword God. If he holds the sword against the enemy, his combat power will be increased by 10%. If he carefully teaches Kendo and the basic force of the taught object is lower than himself, he will have a greater chance to increase his force value!]

After several years of walking all over the world, Liu Hao finally completed the task of the emperor\'s nine sword God.

In the end, there is only one title of sword God, but the value of this title is immeasurable.

Liu Hao instinctively felt that the innate broken body and invisible sword Qi hidden in his acupoints and orifices seemed to be much stronger. The effect of the increase of sword meaning brought by the title of sword God was obvious.

"One hundred thousand white armor, listen to the Lord\'s orders!"

Bai didn\'t look cold. He bowed to Liu Hao without any disrespect.

Liu Hao looked at Xiongshi and observed the attribute and combat effectiveness of the white Jia army. He sighed: Although the white Jia army can also be called the elite of the world, it is still a little worse than the fierce soldier Tianzi camp of Huben in the Han Dynasty.

If we can open the channel between the two planes, and the general of the five tigers and nine dragons of the dynasty commands millions of dynasty troops to come, how can we wipe out the seven countries?

"The white armour army is under your command. Come with me."

Liu Hao casually waved his hand and turned to walk towards the inner hall of the snow clothes castle.

The snow coat Hou obedience, now closed to impact the realm of human fairy, so big snow coat fort, naturally Liu Hao has the final say.

The Pearl blinked her watery eyes. While leading the way, she asked curiously, "how did the Lord persuade the snow clad marquis to surrender? She is not a person who can bow her head."

No one knows that Xueyi Hou is ah Qing, who once destroyed 3000 Yue armor with one sword, but everyone knows that the only female marquis in Korea has had an extremely brilliant experience and her martial arts are unfathomable.

Such arrogance will choose to surrender. Mingzhu has a clever mind, but he feels that his head doesn\'t seem to be enough.

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The sword of the son of heaven will destroy the princes."

Liu Hao\'s eyes moved and his arrogance was awe inspiring: "besides, in front of Changsheng Avenue, what does Xueyi Castle count? If you are not an immortal, you will eventually turn into loess. If Xueyi Hou wants to break through the land gods, you have to surrender..."

Only the achievement of land immortals will greatly increase longevity. The real carefree life is invincible in the world.

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops around, they can\'t be the strong ones in the realm of human immortals.

"Lord, it\'s a land fairy! What a broad pattern and boldness. You see the heroes of the seven countries as nothing!"

Pearl and white are not all slightly shocked in their hearts. Such a powerful spirit is rare in the world. No emperor can match it through the ages?

The whole snowy castle had a gloomy and cold atmosphere. When he came to the inner hall, Liu Hao took the main seat.

"In today\'s world, the strength of Qin is the most powerful. Millions of Qin troops are brave soldiers. Imperial generals Bai Qi, Wang Jian and others are all famous generals in the world. They fought in the South and the north with remarkable achievements."

"The next two countries are Chu and Zhao. Although their national strength is not as strong as that of Qin, there are also a large number of heroes and heroes. The state of Jin is divided into three parts in the spring and Autumn period. Zhao now has a famous general Li Mu, known as the military God, who has been stronger than Qin several times!"

"There are Xiang\'s generals in the state of Chu. The people of Chu are brave and aggressive. There are more than 400000 legions such as Tenglong and Lei Bao. They have fought against Qiang Qin several times. They can\'t be underestimated..."

In contrast, Yu Qi, Yan, Wei and South Korea are in a relatively weak position.

Bai Yifei is now a general in the South Korean army. He is in charge of 100000 Bai Jia army. He is only under general Ji Wuye. Naturally, he is very clear about the military affairs between several countries.

South Korea\'s overall military strength is less than 300000. The country is in a four war position and can\'t resist the Qin Empire at all.

After listening to Bai Yifei\'s analysis of the situation, Liu Hao had a clear idea in his mind, raised his hand solemnly and pressed with emptiness: "to take the world of the seven countries, we must first occupy the land based on South Korea. Who is the king of South Korea now?"

"Han Wang an!"

"Han Wangan, it\'s him..."

Liu Hao searched the memory in his mind and resolutely said, "this man is just a mediocre person. He is weak in courage and weak in spirit. It is difficult to achieve great things. This is a good opportunity for me."

This fat man, Han Wang\'an, once appeared in the nine songs of heaven in the Qin Dynasty.

Although this man is a little clever, he is greedy for beauty and pleasure, but he is afraid of military affairs. Liu Hao gives him an assessment of having no ambition. How can he look up to him?

However, Han Wang\'an\'s own quality is mediocre and his children are quite extraordinary.

In the future, Han Feizi, Chilian of Liusha organization, is his pair of children.

The Pearl, who had been listening, suddenly said, "if you want to plot South Korea, I\'m afraid one person is the biggest obstacle to the Lord."


Liu Hao became interested and asked, "who is this person?"

Mrs. Pearl\'s bright beautiful eyes flashed a trace of fear and said, "the strongest general in South Korea in a hundred years, Ji Wuye!"