The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2460



Ji Wuyi got up from her bed, and two beautiful maids dressed him in gauze.

The bright red Xiongwu brocade robe is draped over the body of the nine foot tiger and bear. Ji Wuye\'s rough and square face is red and powerful.

By the time he stepped out of the front door, the breakfast was ready.

The maid, holding 49 steaming delicacies, filed into the front hall and lined up.

Ji Wuye can eat Dou rice for a meal. She prefers to eat the meat of tigers and bears. After a large piece of flower is large, she pours a mouthful of wine into her mouth, which is inexplicable.

At this time, a soldier came in quickly outside the door, bowed and hugged his fist: "tell the general! The emerald tiger wants to see you!"

Ji Wuye raised her eyebrows, waved her hand and said, "let him in."

At this time, there are no four fierce generals in the night, but Ji Wuye\'s power has been transferred to the government and the public, and the embryonic form of the night organization has gradually taken shape.

The jade tiger on the stone is a chubby middle-aged man. He is wearing a rich brocade robe and gold and jade on his waist. When he walks, the gold and jade ring makes a crisp impact sound.

"Hehe, with such an appetite and vigorous spirit, the general is worthy of being the strongest general in South Korea. It\'s annoying!"

The round faced fat man held his round belly and laughed as he walked. Before the person arrived, the laughter like a spring breeze came in first.

Ji Wuye shook her glass and said with a funny smile, "tiger, why did you come to me? Is there any trouble in the business?"

The jadeite tiger is rich, very good at business, and is Ji Wuye\'s money bag. They have no friendship.

The emerald tiger sat down on Ji Wuye\'s front seat. His mung bean sized eyes swept the hall. He leaned forward, lowered his voice, and said with a smile: "general, I\'m here today. I have a great wealth to give to the general!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

In Ji Wuye\'s tiger eyes, Jing mang flashed, waved his hand and motioned the maid to step down.

Soon, the maids in the hall all withdrew. In such a big hall, there were only emerald tiger and Ji Wuye.

The jade tiger said, "can the general see the heaven and earth vision a few days ago?"

Ji Wuye suddenly became interested and asked, "what news have you got?"

A few days ago, on the eastern sky, there were nine dragons pulling out of the ancient bronze coffin and falling in the air.

This shocking scene is so powerful that everyone knows it.

Not to mention him, all the people in Korea were shocked by it. The old Prime Minister Zhang Er looked at the sky at night and said frankly that it was a sign of great evil.

After seeing Jiulong pulling the coffin, Han Wang\'an was distracted. He didn\'t sleep well for several days. He was worried all day. He called Ji Wuye to ask for advice. Ji Wuye was having a headache.

The jade tiger squinted, lowered his voice and said, "this time, the humble position cost a lot of money. I got the news from the coir raincoat guest. This Jiulong was born and finally landed in the hinterland of the Central Plains. It may not be far from the snow clothes castle..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Ji Wuyi was a little interested.

After a pause, the emerald tiger lowered his voice and continued, "Hey, hey, general, the seven nights of the green dragon is related to the world\'s luck. If the general can control this secret, why worry about the failure of major events in the future?"

In the eyes of the night tiger, the fine awn blooms violently.

Although he has been a great minister and a great general, he has never had a title and can not really surpass all sentient beings.

This has become Ji Wuyi\'s heart disease.

If you can control the highest secret of the seven nights of Canglong, you may be able to sit on one side of the country in the future. Ji Wuyi naturally moved.

"Tiger, what do you think? Tell me?"

"Hey, hey! I heard that Xue Yi Hou has passed the death pass and impacted the realm of supreme martial arts. He hasn\'t asked about world affairs for several years. Now Bai Yifei is the actual controller of the white armour army of Xue Yi castle. He is young and brave and has ruthless means. If the general can use him for his own use, 100000 white armour troops will be in control, and the general\'s strength will be greatly increased..."

"Xueyi Hou has a niece named Mingzhu, who is born with the color of the country. The general can take advantage of this to collect all the clues of Bai Jia army, control the seven nights of Canglong, and then offer this daughter to Han Wang\'an and get the favor of the palace. Isn\'t it happy to kill two birds with one stone?"

Hearing the plan of the emerald tiger, Ji Wuyi smiled and said, "tiger, I didn\'t expect that there are your ears and eyes in the snow castle!"

"It\'s my honor to work for the general."

The jade tiger and Ji Wuyi looked at each other, and they showed a conspiracy smile.



Ji Wuyi tidied up her clothes and drove her horse straight into the palace.

As a South Korean general, he can be said to cover the sky with one hand. He has the honor of riding into the palace and wearing a sword in the palace!

At this time, Han Wang\'an, the leader of South Korea, was also the owner of flowers and pleasure. When Ji Wuye said that Xueyi castle was unique and enchanting, he immediately felt like a cat scratching:

"If you have such a beauty to accompany you in front of your bed, it\'s really a great pleasure in life. You can strengthen your control over the snow castle and kill two birds with one stone. The general is really the pillar of the country!"

Han Wangan was so moved that he immediately ordered the plenipotentiary to send Ji to do it all night.

"I will not let the king down!"

Ji Wuye Qiang ran hugged her fist and took her orders.



Snow castle.

In the past few days, Xueyi castle has been calm and no big action.

At present, there are too few people available in Liu Hao\'s hands. There is only one white pearl.

Bai is not decisive. She can take charge of the army. Mingzhu is proficient in internal government affairs. Together, they can take care of the whole Xueyi castle in order.

Liu Hao then sank down and consolidated his sword God realm.

This is a wonderful realm. Liu Hao has become the emperor of the sword, and can even feel the surrender of thousands of swords around him.

When the mind moves, the imperial envoy will use ten thousand swords, just like an arm envoy.

This feeling can\'t be described in words, but there is a kind of hegemony that one can resist the sword in the world.

Dressed in purple, Liu Hao stood in the martial arts practice field of Xueyi castle. His mind suddenly shook and the sword inserted on the wooden frame rang all the time.

This is the sword collected by the owner of Xueyi castle in the past dynasties. It is a little inferior to the sword in Liu Hao\'s magic weapon building.


With a soft drink, the sword on the wooden frame sang loudly and came out of its sheath.

The sound of the sword in the air is like the sound of a dragon, and the vibration is continuous. The mighty flying sword is like the Milky Way sweeping the sky. The scene is magnificent to the extreme