The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2458

The residual ice in the underground palace is broken, and the world is covered with snow.

Bai Yifei stayed outside the door and witnessed the whole Kendo battle in the realm of human immortals. A chill appeared on his back.

It has almost become a clay carved wood sculpture.

At this time, Bai didn\'t know what was the real top of kendo.

Land gods are invincible.

Xue Yi Hou\'s martial arts have been the best of the seven countries. Today, he was defeated by the man in purple.

If Liu Hao wanted to kill him and saw him first, he would fight the rabbit with a lion and kill him. Bai Yifei didn\'t even have any hope of survival.

Thinking of this, Bai Yifei shed a cold sweat on his forehead.

Ah Qing\'s bright eyes are enough to darken the starry sky. When staring at Liu Hao closely, he seems to be looking at demons. He is full of disbelief: "can anyone really practice martial arts to this level?"

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "can we talk now?"

Xue Yi Hou took back the double swords and said in a deep voice, "the 100000 white armour army of Xue Yi castle can submit to you as much as possible, but I have only one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Help me break through the last level."

Hou youyou in snow clothes sighed: "it has been ten years since I stayed at this level. If I can\'t enter inch by inch, I have to seal myself in the ice and snow forever with the ancient Yue secret method."

Liu Hao was silent.

The path of martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don\'t advance, you will retreat.

Ah Qing broke 3000 Yue armor with one sword and became a legendary figure like a Sword Fairy. However, after the extinction of the state of Yue, she hid her name in Xueyi castle.

After practicing martial arts to her level, she has nothing to ask for. Finally, she has to embark on that arduous road and pursue the avenue of longevity.

It\'s just the realm of human immortals. Where is it so easy to break?

Liu haoxiong has made great achievements and accumulated several world details. Only then can he make great strides and cross this level.

Ah Qing is also a talent of heaven, but she is much worse than Liu Hao. This time, she failed to impact human immortals. She may have to use some secret method to permanently seal her vitality and continue in another form of life.

In fact, this is equivalent to going astray, but we have to.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, triggered the request of the hidden branch task, Xueyi Hou!"

Request of Xueyi Hou: Xueyi Hou is only one step away from stepping into the immortal Avenue.

1. Plant magic with the heart of the Tao to help the snow coat Hou break through!

1. Sit idly by, kill and control the snow castle with ruthlessness!

Tip: [different choices will lead to changes in the direction of the ultimate task!]

Liu Hao pondered for a while and finally made a decision: "in that case, let go of your mind and let me help you."

He never trades at a loss.

If this transaction is successful, he can take ah Qing, a strong quasi land immortal, and get 100000 White army of Xueyi castle. Why not?

However, if you want to display the Tao heart and plant demons, you can only let the other party completely open his mind. Otherwise, he can\'t resist instinctively in spirit and can\'t reach the realm of blending spirit and God.

"If he wants to kill me, he can kill me just now..."

Ah Qing Dai frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment. She still sat down on her knees and held yuan for a while.

Liu Hao waved his sleeves, and the broken snow and ice in the underground palace gathered again and became an frozen world.

Bai didn\'t suddenly feel that the Qi machine inside disappeared. He was slightly shocked. He kept the sword outside, but he didn\'t dare to break in without authorization.

Hitting the death pass is the most important moment for a person to cultivate. If he is not good, he is in danger of becoming possessed.

He couldn\'t help, so he had to guard outside the door to protect the law for the snow coat Hou.


The Pearl lotus moved gently to the door of the underground palace and asked softly, "haven\'t you heard yet?"

Bai Yifei leaned on a sword, closed his eyes and muttered, "three days."

It has been three days since Liu Hao and Xue Yi Hou sat dead in the cold underground palace.

In these three days, the snowy Castle calmed down.

Bai didn\'t stay at the gate of the underground palace, but he didn\'t feel any air movement in the cold underground palace.

Pearl was silent and suddenly thought of the handsome man in noble purple robe.

Sometimes love at first sight is not believable, but it is an indisputable fact that women naturally worship and admire the strong.

Hundreds of thousands of white soldiers, clanking with iron armor, holding a long Ge, were silent, and the whole snow castle was silent.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, countless spider like cracks opened on the ice in the cold ice underground palace.

Bai was not surprised. When he looked up, the cold ice cracked and the whole underground palace collapsed!

"Xue Yi Hou is already a half step human immortal. As long as the cultivation achievements come next, it will be natural and truly achieve the human immortal Avenue..."

Show the Taoist heart and plant demons. God and mind are in harmony. The human immortal mind enters ah Qing\'s sea of knowledge without hindrance to help her break the barrier.

The intersection of consciousness between Liu Hao and ah Qing is equal to a spiritual intersection. You can feel the changes in her.

Xueyi Hou, dressed in a green shirt, came out of the cold underground palace. Bai didn\'t look shocked. He knelt down on one knee and hugged his fist. He said respectfully, "Congratulations, mother, martial arts breakthrough!"

It seems like a step away from the breakthrough of martial arts master to human immortality. In fact, it\'s half or 90 miles. It\'s more difficult to take this last step than going to heaven!

The white soldiers of Mingzhu and Xueyi Castle knelt down together and shouted, "congratulations to the castle master, the martial arts are advancing!"

The expression on Xueyi Hou\'s face was cold, like the ice that can\'t be melted for thousands of years. He looked around and said, "after today, he will be the owner of Xueyi castle."


Bai was not slightly stunned. He didn\'t expect such a result.

The crowd was in a riot. Some of the generals of the Bai Jia army jumped out to protest: "Hou Ye! The Bai Jia army is the army of Korea. Acting with the tiger Amulet of the king of Korea is not a private episode!"

The marquis in snow clothes glanced at him coldly, and the dialogue on his side was not a way: "I\'m going to sit at the dead pass and impact the realm. Success or failure is in one fell swoop. From today on, the Marquis of snow clothes castle will be handed over to you to inherit."

After a pause, Xueyi Hou said calmly: "remember, the 100000 white armor soldiers of Xueyi Castle respect the Lord. If anyone dares not to obey, you can kill them with this sword!"

The cold red and white double swords were handed to Bai Yifei by Hou Aqing in snow.


Bai also took the swords respectfully. The dangerous red awn flashed in his long and narrow eyes, and the sword light suddenly ran through the sky!


Only a terrible cry was heard. The general of the White army covered his throat with his hands, his eyes protruded and fell to the ground.

Bai was not cold, and a bloodthirsty sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth: "who dares to resist?"