The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2457

Sword meaning!

This is the sword meaning of Yue women\'s sword. It condenses all the time, like an iron horse glacier. It is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Liu Hao clearly felt that the underground ice and snow underground palace was trembling because of ah Qing\'s yuenv sword!

As long as she thought of shaking, ice and snow as a sword, she could destroy everything.

Before Liu Hao spoke, the system prompt suddenly sounded in his ear: "congratulations to the host, triggered the Canglong seven nights continuous hiding task. The current task is: take over the snow clothes castle!"

Take over snow clothes Castle: snow clothes castle has 100000 white armour troops and is a powerful force among the seven countries. Please take it for your own use.

If you want to take over Xueyi castle, you must take ah Qing first.

Liu Hao picked his sword eyebrow and said word by word: "Yue\'s daughter\'s sword breaks armour 3000. I\'m about to learn!"

When these words were spoken, the atmosphere was suddenly different.

Ah Qing Dai frowned slightly and seemed to wonder why Liu Hao knew the secret of her identity. However, when the slender hand moved again, two Qingli swords suddenly sounded in the cold world.

Two long swords came through the ice and fell into her hands.

The left blade is red and the right blade is white, one red and one white. It\'s strange that these two swords have no shadow.

Ah Qing is not a talkative person. Liu Hao\'s bold words to learn Yue Nu sword are tantamount to a challenge. In her heart, she regards Liu Hao as an enemy and acts immediately.

As soon as he made a move, it was Shi Tianjing\'s yuenu sword intention.

In the old days, Yue women used a sword to break three thousand armours.

The sword Gang stabbed the void, swept through the snow storm with the determination to destroy everything, and rushed to Liu Hao.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Liu Hao\'s expression moved slightly and slowly poked out his right hand. He pressed his index finger and ring finger out of thin air and showed his soul touch finger, which just pressed on the yuenu sword edge.


A roar of gold and iron.

The meaning of the Yue female sword is magnificent and powerful. It can be resisted by nothing. The sword power is so powerful that it is like an ice river rolling down and sweeping everything.

However, when the blade hit a finger, the blade that destroyed everything was pressed in the air, and it was difficult to enter.

"Yue Nu\'s sword can break three thousand armours, but can the enemy immortal point?"

Liu Hao\'s finger bounced on the back of the red sword. The sword Qi converged, as if he had hit the snake seven inches. The sword edge vibrated and knocked away with ah Qing\'s body towards the rear.

People are immortal and martial arts. They start later and arrive first. There are endless mysteries.

Ah Qing\'s sword was useless and she backed back, but she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart.

The broken snow and residual ice falling in the air are suspended in the air and do not fall.

This feeling, like the surrounding space, stagnates at this moment.

Liu Hao\'s figure was as ethereal as an immortal. In a moment, he came behind ah Qing and said with a calm smile: "you also take my sword."

From Tianyuan God\'s orifices to the earth\'s extreme God\'s orifices, the orifices of the heavenly acupoints vibrate like stars.

Liu Hao cut through the void and cut out the immortal sword.

At first glance, the sword was ordinary, just a simple straight stab. However, ah Qing\'s mind fluctuated.

This sword contains countless wonderful sword styles, terrible and majestic sword meaning, rolling like a real dragon and killing.

The sword meaning of yuenu sword was pulled, and the long sword trembled and roared.

Ah Qing had never seen such a sword technique before. He was attracted by it. He stared at the sword and the people who used it. Liu Hao\'s perfect side face showed a light smile.

Stepping on the peak of human immortality, I have been lonely and invincible since then. It\'s too difficult to find a decent opponent.

The two men kept the state of passing by in the air. Their eyes met for a moment, and the two sword ideas also clashed in the air at the same time.

The violent sword idea surged in all directions and crushed the ice in the underground palace into powder.

Countless pieces of ice flying in the air, reflecting the bright light of the sword, become dazzling, but it is really a magnificent scene like a dream.

This is also Liu Hao\'s first performance of Emperor Wu\'s Dao sword after he was promoted to the realm of human immortality.

In the past, it was to absorb the power of heaven and earth, suppress the enemy, kill and rob against the sky, reach the fairyland world, and completely transform itself, that is, man will conquer heaven.

The endless power of heaven and earth ran through Liu Hao\'s two divine orifices of heaven, yuan and earth, which were naturally controlled by him, and finally turned into an endless stream of sword meaning.

Liu Hao swallowed the Dragon Qi and condensed the emperor\'s sword. The sword means to hide everything, control the heavens and be extremely overbearing!

The sound of emperor Dao\'s sword like a dragon and the sound of Yue Nu\'s sword can be heard all the time.

"Worthy of being the female sword God who broke 3000 Yue armor! Come again!"

Liu Hao was more and more appreciative, but he didn\'t have the slightest pity for jade. As soon as the sword edge turned in his hand, he used the flying immortal sword again.

This is Ye Gucheng\'s unique skill. Before breaking through the realm of human immortality, Liu Hao once sat down with him on kendo. The Heavenly Emperor Long Tong deduced everything and learned the flying immortal sword skill of the leader of Baiyun city.

Between the fingers, the sword light flew like a rainbow, and the forest was cold and cold.

This flying immortal sword is simple and sharp, but it is light and flowing. It seems that there is no change at all, and it seems that it is prone to countless changes.

Ah Qing looked slightly stunned. She saw an incredible scene.

Liu Hao\'s sword speed has reached the extreme. It\'s like the end of the world. The sword meaning can shock the world.

Through this sword, ah Qing seems to see the melting of ice and snow, the boundless blue sea, the white clouds on the blue sea and the breeze outside the white clouds.

In the bright light of the sword, Liu Hao is extraordinary and dust-free, just like the God Emperor in the sky, waving his sword in the air.

Aware of the danger, ah Qing\'s long sword was pulled, and his instinctive reaction was in the air.

Flying fairy sword vs Yue NV sword!

In the long white clouds, the relegated immortal danced his sword. The sword Qi turned into a huge dragon in the clouds, which drove away the thunder and lightning. It destroyed everything in front of him and also destroyed the meaning of ah Qing\'s yuenv sword.

Ah Qing originally had an unparalleled sword intention and was not afraid of any strong enemy. When the yuenu sword trend came to an end, he was a little sorry.

Breaking armour 3000, in the final analysis, is only the limit of Kendo in the world. After all, it is still inferior to human immortals.

The invisible sword Qi smashed the body, twisted a wisp of ah Qing\'s green silk, and fell from the air.

Liu Hao\'s control over sword Qi, like an arm envoy, did not hurt ah Qing\'s life, but there was no doubt that he won the duel at the peak of human kendo.

When the ninth five year old emperor\'s holy sword was taken back, Liu Hao stepped back. His body method was natural and smart. Without any smoke and fire, he fell gently to the ground.

When people fell to the ground, the emperor\'s sword immediately retracted into his sleeve, as if it had never appeared.

Liu Hao straightened his cuffs and said with a smile, "I promise you."