The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2456

"Damn it! Damn it!! it\'s still too hard to use this secret skill with thousands of miles of ice and snow!"

This strange and mysterious illusion of thousands of miles of ice and snow was broken. Bai Feifei retreated for more than 20 feet, but he was still eaten back, his face was pale, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of red blood.

The spotless white clothes were dyed red by their own blood. The White was not very handsome, and the expressionless face became more and more ferocious.

The magic of illusion is actually equivalent to the attack of spiritual Dharma.

Liu Hao\'s spirit is strong enough to be unimaginable. No one can shake his mind at all.

The illusion of ice and snow magic was broken, Bai Yifei\'s spirit was seriously damaged, and he had no power to fight again in a short time.

"Protect the Marquis!"

The white armour soldiers bravely protected Bai Yifei. People were constantly strangled by the sword gas, and then died with a howl and scream.

Liu Hao killed and felled vertically and horizontally. The alarm siren in the snow clothes castle was made. The white armour soldiers came one after another. For a moment, the scene was extremely tragic.

After the killing, a faint sigh came from the snow clothes Castle: "stop the white armour army!"

This woman\'s voice, no one knows from which direction, but it seems as if spring thunder blooms on the tip of the tongue, surging and spreading far away.

All the white armour soldiers of Xueyi Castle heard this sound, immediately stopped all their actions and stood in awe.

Liu Hao looked in a certain direction in the snow clothes castle, but he saw a graceful figure and walked out slowly:

"It\'s really impolite to welcome the distinguished guests here. The castle leader invited the guests to come in for a chat."

The girl coming from afar was wearing a black dress.

She walked slowly, stopped more than ten steps in front of Liu Hao, saluted Yingying, then turned sideways and said, "this guest, your martial arts are unfathomable. You are not an opponent. Today, she rashly used the illusion secret skill that has not been fully controlled. She suffered mental damage. I\'m afraid it will take several years to recover. It\'s a pity."

The spiritual secret is the most treacherous and dangerous.

This is true for both the caster and the target.

Bai didn\'t shake his body and stand on the sword. His white face was full of shame.

Never for a moment did he hate his incompetence so much that he exhausted all his strength, but he didn\'t even touch a corner of Liu Hao\'s clothes.

Liu Hao was condescending, holding his shoulders in his hands and watching with great interest.

From his aesthetic point of view, this girl in black dress has white and tender skin, an upturned nose, willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, and a smile. She is really a rare beauty. Especially, a string of pearl necklace is hung on her jade neck as ornament, which adds color to her.

"What\'s your name?"

"My name is pearl. Please follow me. The castle master is still in the underground palace."

When facing Liu Hao, the beautiful girl named Mingzhu didn\'t have the slightest timidity. Instead, she threw a wink and led the way ahead.

Liu Hao smiled dumbly.

Search the memory in my mind. There will be four big people in Korea in the future.

White blood Hou, jade tiger on stone, blue sea tide banshee, coir raincoat guest under the moon.

These four people, whether in the DPRK or in the opposition, are quite powerful. They dominate each other. Decibel has mastered the fate of many people in South Korea from the four aspects of military, finance, politics and espionage.

At this time, the snow clad Hou has not been dyed red by blood, and the tide banshee is not the favorite imperial concubine of King Han\'s harem above 10000 people. She is just a girl called pearl.

Liu Hao followed the Pearl to the hinterland of Xueyi castle. White armour fierce soldiers retreated to both sides like tide. No one dared to stop them.

The closer he got to the underground palace of Xueyi castle, there was an unspeakable cold in the surrounding air, and Liu Hao\'s surprise became more and more intense:

Liu Hao soon felt that he was searching for heaven and earth with the idea of human immortality.

The underground palace of Xueyi castle is actually a cold world. In the extreme cold, there is an extremely powerful and majestic gas engine!

"Distinguished driver, who is it? Can you feel my Qi?"

The voice of the woman who spoke was good, but she seemed surprised at the unspeakable vibration.

While Liu Hao searches for heaven and earth with the idea of human immortality, she also feels Liu Hao\'s majestic idea.

Pearl opened the door of the underground palace and quickly stepped back and stayed by the door. The next thing is the dialogue between big people. She has no room to intervene.

The underground palace is a spiritual place, full of crystal cold ice.

Liu Hao stepped into the cold underground palace and looked around. Finally, his eyes fell on the ice sculpture in the center of the underground palace. He couldn\'t help but secretly say, "there is a strong man who is close to a half step fairy here."

The so-called human immortals, that is, land immortals, have a thousand years of life, invincible in the world and beyond the world.

It is like a strong man who has broken through the top of the great master of martial arts. His life level has been sublimated. He has hundreds of years of longevity yuan. He is only half a step away from the human immortal. He can also be called a half step human immortal.

The owner of the snow clothes castle has powerful Qi, surpassing the top of the great master of martial arts, and is close to the strong one of the half step human immortals!

When she was called to break her cultivation, the woman in the ice sculpture slowly opened her eyes, and her bright eyes seemed to condense into essence, such as the snow cold of the sword edge.

The ice sculpture in front began to crack and finally broke inch by inch.

A beautiful woman without inches came out of the ice sculpture.

Hou Aqing in snow clothes - force 120, intelligence 82, politics 71, command 69, charm 99!

Stunt 1, armor breaking: ah Qing\'s sword breaks 3000 armor!

Born with a sword genius, when he holds a sword against the enemy, force + 3!

Stunt 2, suppression: surpass the existence of the Supreme Master of martial arts. If the enemy\'s basic force is lower than that of the snow clad Marquis, he will be suppressed by his master\'s aura, with a combat power of - 5%!

It\'s hard to imagine that a woman has the strength to surpass the top of the great master of martial arts!

"Xueyi hou... It\'s ah Qing!?"

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed, and waves began to rise in his heart.

Hearing this familiar name is like thunder!!

Yue Nu\'s sword destroys 3000 Yue armor!

This woman\'s sword technique is already at the legendary level. It is the highest existence in master Jin\'s works!

Unexpectedly, she was the last generation owner of Xueyi castle and the female swordsman of the seven countries!

Ah Qing came out of the ice sculpture. With a move of slender hands, he had put on a green dress.

The perfect curve is perfect, but it is still concave and convex. The Qi machine is ethereal and very pleasing to the eye.

"In the world... How could there be such a powerful person as you?! what are you doing here?"

Ah Qing\'s Qi machine fell on Liu Hao and lost consciousness for a moment.

The pair of beautiful eyes looked at Liu Hao, and the light in their eyes seemed to darken the starry sky