The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2449

Kowloon flies together, supreme emperor road!

This will of the emperor, like the presence of the emperor, threatens heaven and earth and must not be disobedient!

Zuo Ci, master Zixu and Nanhua old immortal all looked up at each other, and the divine light burst in their eyes.

Even song Ke, Shi Zhixuan and other great masters of the National People\'s Congress could not move.

The Lucky Dragon tossed in the clouds and gave out nine long chants. The purple gas was vast and came 30000 miles from the East!

The whole sky is filled with purple air, which is countless times brighter than the morning glow.

This is Liu Hao\'s supreme imperial way, bright and overbearing.

"Your Majesty is only one step away. If you cross the last layer of film, you will break through the human fairyland world!"

"Make people immortal and go against the heaven! Your majesty is only one step away from fighting the heaven with the supreme emperor\'s way!"

"No one has ever been able to cultivate martial arts to a level like your majesty, and no one has come since!"

The great masters of the dynasty, who are extremely talented, tremble and sigh unspeakably in their hearts.

"Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, changes in reality and emptiness. I use the emperor\'s way to break the other heaven\'s way!"

All the sounds around him receded. Liu Hao\'s mind and spirit were one and entered an extremely mysterious realm.

The Martial Arts Heritage accumulated over the years, longevity formula, Tianmo strategy, Cihang sword code, God of war atlas

The infinite secret killing moves are slowly condensing and evolving, completely improving

There is only one person in heaven and earth.

The great master of Dharma protection on the side was completely caught in it. Watching Liu Hao deduce martial arts alone, golden mans appeared in his eyes, with a touch of arrogance. His long hair, clothes and robes were windless and automatic, and there seemed to be a breath of supreme authority all over his body. The purple gas lingered around him, like an ancient Canglong, circling around Liu Hao and guarding him!


Perfect to the extreme!

There is a wonderful feeling of immortal martial arts.

"The holy emperor is really a talent of heaven that has never been seen before. He even wants to integrate all kinds of laws into one and forcibly break the barrier of heaven with the vastness of humanity. Such wonders have never been seen before."

Shi Zhixuan felt the purple rush and sighed with emotion.

"This is the immortal among people. If I practice forgetting love to the last level, I can also observe the operation of heaven and achieve immortality..."

Xiao Qiushui\'s eyes also gradually emerged a kind of enlightenment.

Everyone has a different Tao. He observed his own Tao from Liu Hao\'s martial arts performance.


Above the sky, the thunder suddenly vibrated and roared, and then the purple thunder rolled down.

Liu Hao was in a critical place at this time. His mind felt the spiritual rebellion of heaven and earth and frowned slightly.

Zuo Ci and other living fossils are experienced and experienced. Indeed, there was a natural disaster that came into being. A Tianlei riot of this scale will inevitably destroy the imperial capital. It\'s better to use the Luosheng gate to move it.

"System, use luoshengmen to move randomly."

The horizontal movement of luoshengmen needs to be driven by worship value, and there are also two ways.

The first is to directly consume high worship value for directional transmission. As long as the worship value is enough, it is not difficult to travel thousands of miles to kusana battlefield and Roman battlefield.

The second is to use random movement, unlimited distance and random transmission, which consumes less worship value.

Liu Hao just wanted to find a sparsely populated place and opened the Luosheng door with a quick decision.

In the void, the infinite bright light flows. Luo Shengmen drops the light column by air and covers Liu Hao and others.

The next moment, the surrounding environment changed.

Snow and ice, a vast, this is a cold world.

There are still bright Aurora flowing above.

Liu Hao\'s mind moved. He opened the system map panel and said MMP.

It was sent to the north pole by magic!

But fortunately, everything is quiet. Finally, you can let go and continue to deduce renxianwu road.

Shi Zhixuan, Xiao Qiushui and others were also rolled over by Luo Shengmen. The great master of martial arts should also use his internal power to resist the cold under such extremely cold conditions.

At this time, Liu Hao finally showed all his martial arts details to the world without reservation.

This is a world shaking scene. One lucky real dragon runs through the sky and the earth. It is brilliant and prosperous, shining the whole ice and snow world and becoming the eternal light in the world.

Liu Hao was wearing a lichen and meditating on the black ice stone. His black hair was flying and his body was crystal.

The Buddha bone relic flew out and suspended around Liu Hao to help him concentrate.

At this time, Liu Hao was performing martial arts in the sky, but he himself sat on a black ice stone, like a God, peaceful and calm, quenching his body with the aura of heaven and earth.

The acupoints and orifices of the heavens radiate bright sword Qi. The blood Qi is like a real dragon, rushing out of his body one after another, surging like the tide!

From the first orifices of the earth pole to the divine orifices of Tianyuan, at Liu Hao\'s celestial cover, the coarsest dragon shaped blood gas hooks the heaven and earth and rushes up into the sky.

Many masters on the field looked up at the sky and almost thought they were in a dream and couldn\'t believe it.

How powerful is he? Is this the supreme power of human immortals?

This is definitely the release of life potential, like a powerful real dragon without a couple. If it is brought into play, it can destroy thousands of troops.

Nine dragons fly together, and the imperial road is magnificent and vast.

The Arctic Aurora turned into a rainbow and ran through the sky. This scene can be called a world-shaking one, which makes people absorb cold air in bursts.

With the power of one person, it affects the operation of celestial phenomena. What a magnificent and magnificent power!?


Purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky and cleaved towards Liu Hao.

"Human Immortal heaven robbery... Heaven robbery has finally come!"

Master Zixu pinched general sweat for Liu Hao.

Zuo Ci and Nanhua old immortal were also solemn and absorbed, unwilling to let go of any detail.


The first purple thunder fell, and Liu Hao did not dodge. In his eyes, the golden purple light flashed!

He even threw an overbearing punch into the sky. The emperor really condensed into a dragon and scattered the purple thunder from the sky!!

"Tianjie... Tianjie was broken up!?"

"This... How is this possible?"

Several real people were stunned. They wanted to learn from it. Unexpectedly, Liu Hao was so overbearing and dared to fight to break up the disaster!

"If heaven blocks me, I will cut heaven!"