The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2450

"If heaven blocks me, I will cut the sky!"

Jin mang appeared in Liu Hao\'s eyes, with a touch of arrogance. His long hair, clothes and robes were windless and automatic. There seemed to be a breath of supreme authority all over his body. Like an ancient black dragon, he circled around Liu Hao and guarded him!

Boom! Boom!!

When he cut the sky against the trend, God seemed to be angry. The sea of purple clouds rolled and purple thunder kept falling.

The vast Arctic land is purple, and endless lightning interweaves into a sea of thunder to devour and kill Liu Hao.

"Unbelievable! It\'s unbelievable. How could there be such a terrible human immortal robbery!?"

"I remember it\'s contained in the ancient books. The ancient atmospheric transporter has gone through heaven\'s calamity, reborn and can become an immortal, but this heaven\'s calamity is more terrible than that contained in the ancient books. It\'s killing everything!"

"Something\'s wrong. The emperor\'s luck is too prosperous and he is jealous by heaven!"

"Yes, it\'s terrible for the holy emperor to have such good fortune... It\'s not impossible to carry the thunder robbery, turn into a dragon and surpass the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times!"

All the three Taoist priests were sweating.

Because they knew that even the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times had not caused such a terrible disaster.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Endless purple thunder light, such as the nine day Milky way, covers heaven and earth.

The thunder roared, and even the master felt the eardrum tingling and trembling.

Ten thousand thunder burst out, and the ice and snow were directly blown into powder. In the void, the thunder flickered. It was the purest killing opportunity in the world, completely covering Liu Hao.

Liu Hao was in the middle of the thunder sea. He looked calm and played the unparalleled dragon fist. His fist strength roared like a real dragon and killed the natural disaster!

The first disaster The second robbery Until the fourth round of thunder robbing the sea of clouds, Liu Hao fought Tianlei with supreme power, but the first imperial treasure Thunder Stone began to collapse.

The treasure is extraordinary, but it is not omnipotent. The lightning stone can absorb lightning power, but the bombardment of infinite lightning power is the purest power in heaven and earth. Even the lightning stone has reached its limit and turned into powder.

In the fifth round of thunder robbery, the lichen containing the spirit of e Tu yuan was also smashed and annihilated inch by inch.

In the sixth round of thunder robbing the sea of clouds, he concentrated on protecting the Buddha light relic and was blown into fly ash.

After shaking the sea of clouds in the seventh round of thunder robbery, Fusang Shenmu completely darkened, fell from the air and was picked up by Liu Hao.

"Nine is the extreme number. There are nine in the way of heaven, and the last two thunder robbers. Come and see how you break my Xuanwu shield!"

On the sky, the thunder shocked the world, and the purple electricity was like a tide. Liu Hao was not afraid, but consumed merit value and opened the basaltic Divine Shield armor.

The brilliance of the supreme artifact is not comparable to that of ordinary treasures. The sky and earth covered Xuanwu virtual shadow is floating in the air, ferocious and powerful, and stands in front of the eight heavy thunder robbery.

Boom! Boom!!

The sky is angry and shocks the eighth heavy thunder robbery in the world. It continues to blow down. Zuo Ci and others are numb. If it were them, they would be killed on the spot, and the form and spirit would be destroyed!

However, the eighth heaven robbed the thunder sea, but it was completely blocked by the basaltic aegis armor.

The Xuanwu virtual shadow roared into the sky, and the virtual shadow gradually dissipated. For a moment, it was calm above the sky.

"Terrible! The power of heaven\'s robbery is beyond the scope of martial arts. It\'s really terrible!"

"Your Majesty... Is this a success!?"

They stared at the sky and were filled with awe.

Heaven and earth thunder robbery, this is the most pure heaven and earth yuan force, and the destructive force is incredible.

If an ordinary person just stands under the sky robbery and a thunder light hits him, he can be turned into fly ash.

Liu Hao, however, has endured the eight heavy sky landmine disasters one after another, standing between heaven and earth, like the Supreme Master, eternal.

"Not good! The sky is killing, and the Ninth Heaven disaster is coming!!"

Suddenly, Nanhua old immortal found the clue, looked up at the sky, and his body began to tremble.

The number of days is extremely, and nine is the ultimate.

Nine is the supreme number. Liu Hao wants to preach immortality with no God, which actually triggered the nine Supreme thunder robbery!


The ninth supreme thunder robbed the world. The terrible thunder filled the world and the void cracked!!

Countless thunder and lightning fell, and the originally cold north pole turned purple under the reflection of thunder.

"The absolute defense of Xuanwu Divine Shield armor can\'t resist the last two thunder robbers!"

Liu Hao stood on the black ice stone and looked up at the sky with his hands down. His eyes were very bright, as deep and vast as the stars and the Milky way!

The picture of the country is floating in the sky, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains emerge in the sky.

Purple sky thunder fell madly, broke through the void and covered the last suspended black ice stone.

Liu Hao, like a lone boat in the ocean, was swallowed up in an instant.

Endless purple thunder, such as the Milky way falling in the ninth day, but Liu Haobao was solemn, motionless, and his flesh and blood were shining. He was immersed in a strange situation.

Regardless, it\'s like being isolated from the world and refining your body with thunder.

"Unexpectedly, he baptized the flesh with the thunder and lightning of human immortals and heaven robbery. He was reborn in the thunder and gained a new life. His Majesty\'s body must be stronger!"

Everyone on the court looked at each other and was shocked on the spot.

The power of Tianlei is no small matter. It can blast a martial arts master into slag, but Liu Hao is too evil. He transports the Dragon God gang and resists the ninth supreme heaven robbery with a good body of King Kong!

Gradually, an amazing scene happened.

Liu Hao\'s scorched old skin rustled and fell, and his new body glittered, containing extremely powerful power.

Flesh and blood melted into a glow in the thunder. Each hole contains limitless light to nourish your body.

At this moment, Liu Hao was reborn!

After experiencing the sky thunder, the body blooms bright rays, contains divinity and breathes the divine brilliance.

Strong to unimaginable Martial Arts Heritage, completely gushing and exploding!

Nine dragons fly together and saints sing.

Every hole of Liu Hao is glowing, like countless gods singing, chanting and glowing, setting off each other with the northern lights.

Liu Hao stepped on a piece of xuanbing stone, stood with a sword, and suddenly stepped on it. Xuanbing petrified into powder.

At the next moment, Liu Hao, like Kunpeng, rose into the sky in the face of thunder