The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2448

What is the realm above the top of the great master?

This is the lingering doubt in the hearts of great masters such as Yuwen Chengdu, ran min, Xiao Qiushui, Li Chenzhou, song Que and Guan Qi.

They come from all heaven and all worlds, but they have one thing in common. They are all talented people. Step by step, they have reached the top of the great master of martial arts. It can be said that they are the most precious foundation and inside information of the Han Dynasty.

The great master of martial arts is invincible in the world. If you want to move forward, the road ahead will be cut off.

It is the most important thing for Liu Hao to sit at the death pass and attack the realm of immortals. The great master of the dynasty woven a sky net to protect Liu Hao\'s Dharma.

All those who dare to approach Liu Hao for no reason will be cleared and killed.

"Here we go..."

Liu Hao put on a soft purple Golden Dragon Robe, looked up slightly and looked into the sky.

The plan of the day is in the morning.

When the sunrise just rises, it contains infinite vitality, and the aura between heaven and earth is full-bodied.

Above the sky, there was the sound of a Phoenix.

The divine beast Zhu Feng\'s wings spread out, like the wings of the cloud, and soared between the clouds.

At this time, a sudden crane cry came from the distance.

Immortal Zuo CI came by crane with his beard and Taoist robe flying. Guru Zixu and immortal Nanhua also came by crane.

The three Taoist immortals had a good relationship with Liu Hao. They flew closer and ordered the crane to land slowly. The three laughed together: "I\'m here to congratulate your Majesty on breaking the fairyland."

Cao Jie, a little Taoist who looks up in the Imperial Palace, has opened her mouth into an "O" shape.

These three Taoist immortals are all legendary immortal figures in the world population, leaving many extraordinary immortal deeds. Today, they even came together for Liu Hao.

Liu Hao nodded, said hello and said strangely, "how do the three real people know I\'m going to break today?"

Zuo CI stroked his white beard and said with a smile, "God\'s spirit. The number of days is the general trend, and the spirit should be."

"The holy emperor is an atmospheric transporter. Last night, he watched the sky at night. The purple air came 30000 miles from the East and gathered in the imperial capital of the dynasty. His Majesty must have a great opportunity!"

"I don\'t know how sure your majesty is. I know from ancient books that it\'s extremely dangerous to survive the natural disaster in order to achieve the immortal state."

Master Zixu and immortal Nanhua looked dignified, but they were also excited. They were no longer calm in the past.

Land gods.

These four words represent officially stepping on the avenue of longevity and an unattainable glory.

Although they have profound Taoism and are good at keeping their faces and staying in Yuan Dynasty, they are called immortals by the world. In fact, they do not exceed two or three hundred years of longevity at most. There is still a long way to go from people to immortals.

"Break the void, promote people to immortals, and meet the fate of heaven?"

Liu Hao was slightly stunned. It was the first time he heard this statement.

"Exactly. The more powerful people are, the more powerful disasters they may encounter. There is a vague mention in ancient books that the cultivation of the three emperors made a great success of the disaster, which once led to the disaster of destroying the sky and the earth. Your majesty, now nature is not inferior to the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times. You should be careful!"

Nanhua old immortal lived for hundreds of years. It can be said that he is a figure like a living fossil.

Now Liu Hao\'s impact on the fairyland world is imminent. He is even more eager than Liu Hao, gritting his teeth and sending out a strange wood.

"This is a Fusang wood handed down from ancient times. It is the habitat of Jinwu. It is immortal for thousands of years and can eliminate certain disasters. Your majesty takes it with you... Can I watch your majesty break the robbery?"

"Thank you, immortal. You can watch."

Liu Hao is not hypocritical. He takes over the Fusang wood from the old immortal of Nanhua and runs the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor. When he can find that the Fusang wood is a rare treasure rated by a hypocrite, he can\'t help but be happy.

This level of natural materials and earth treasures can definitely be met but not sought.

Liu Hao naturally reciprocated and agreed to Nanhua\'s request to watch.

Zuo CI slapped his hand and said with a smile: "the cultivation of old man Nanhua is stuck at the threshold before the realm of human immortality. The opportunity is not available. It has been wasted for a hundred years. Now it is not easy to see hope, but also enough blood..."

"I have a lichen. It absorbs the power of the earth guarding spirit and has unparalleled defense. Maybe it can help your majesty resist the disaster of human immortals and heaven."

"The power of heaven robbing the thunder sea is infinite. I also have a lightning stone, which can turn all the thunder power of heaven robbing."

Zuo Ci and master Zixu also took out their treasures one after another.

The lichen is simple and thick, like the armor of ancient times, but the material of Hualei stone is similar to that of the stone wall of Hualei pool, which has the effect of absorbing lightning.

These two treasures are also rare imperial treasures. If you take them with you, you will be prepared.

Liu Hao was really moved when he even got the treasure. He said firmly, "I will repay you in the future for your generous gift."

Zuo CI shook his head and said with a smile, "the road to immortality has been faulted since ancient times. The road ahead is bumpy. Please cherish it, your majesty."

For the Taoist immortal who is detached from the world, any treasure is outside his body. Only preaching immortality is the eternal pursuit.

They also offered treasures in order to get a brilliant moment to observe and observe Liu Hao\'s robbery and immortality.

If you can gain experience from it, it is a creation that can\'t be exchanged for any treasure.

After the great master of the dynasty cleared the field, Liu Hao put on his lichen and took all the treasures in one, with no distractions and vigorous atmosphere.

The emperor\'s real strength flowed around the sky, and in an instant he broke through the last threshold of the great master\'s top. A magnificent will of martial arts seemed to condense and form in Liu Hao\'s body.

Just this hand, let Xiao Qiushui and others see the mind swaying.

"My martial arts is the emperor\'s road, which contains all things in the world and all dharmas in the world. I will break the barrier of heaven and enter the fairyland with the emperor\'s road today."

Liu Hao\'s long hair danced without wind, the purple dragon robe made a sound of hunting, and the 95 emperor\'s son of heaven\'s holy sword on his waist made bursts of dragon chants, as if he would fly away from the air the next moment.

Xiao Qiushui, Li Chenzhou, song que, Shi Zhixuan and others all looked solemn and raised the Qi machine to feel everything.

It is of great significance to observe and break through people\'s fairyland and guide them to the future.

Suddenly, Shi Zhixuan and others were awed. They only felt that Liu Hao\'s Qi machine was vigorous and stirring. After reaching the peak, there were nine real dragons flying directly into the sky above his head. The boundless will of the emperor swept the world