The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2447

The emperor of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of all nations, is so powerful that he can be called the sage Tian Khan!

What\'s ambitious, what\'s rich and noble? After seeing such a domineering man, the son of heaven, everything is empty. As long as you can survive.

"The head of a country has lost his dignity. If he had known today, why did he have to start?"

The officials of the Great Han Dynasty looked at the leaders of the western countries kowtow like garlic, and their eyes were full of ridicule.

If you dare to challenge the strength of the Han Dynasty, this is the end. You will never be spared!

Liu Hao didn\'t bother to see these people show loyalty. He waved his sleeve and said, "get back."

Wait until the royal guards escort the leaders of the western countries, then clean up the blood on the white jade floor, and the court discussion will be carried out again.

"What\'s your announcement, Aiqing?"

"Minister, Pang Tong has something to play!"

Pang Tong, another important Minister of Shangshutai, stood out.

All the officials in the heaven and earth hall looked sideways. Mr. Fengchu was as famous as Wolong Kong Ming and was also a weight level counselor.

"Your Majesty."

Pang Tong arched his hand and said in a respectful voice, "the Duke of the Qing Dynasty broke the city and destroyed the country, broke hundreds of thousands of troops and won millions of people. He has made great contributions to the implementation of the national policy of national integration in the future. Please list his name on the Shangshutai and reward the senior general of the army!"

Pang Tong\'s proposal was not due to a heavy bomb, which was discussed in the hall of heaven and earth.

When Zeng Guofan was nominated to the Shangshu stage, Liu Hao only mentioned it to the ministers of the Shangshu stage. All the other ministers watched Zeng Guofan and were full of envy.

Shangshutai is the center of imperial power.

Those who can enter the Shangshu stage are all wise and unique national scholars. They have made great progress in this regard, which is enough to remain in history for thousands of years!

Zeng Guofan also fought for this qualification with his own strength.

"I seconded!"

"There is no equal among the princes of the Qing Dynasty. They are fully listed on the Shangshu platform!"

"The old minister seconded!"


Those who can be officials in the court are basically human spirits.

Pang Tong took the lead in proposing. Nine times out of ten, it was Liu Hao\'s advice, and all the ministers followed in succession to support Zeng Guofan\'s entry into the Shangshutai.

The voice of opposition was almost empty. Liu Hao raised his hand and, with an empty press, resolutely said, "Zeng Aiqing\'s meritorious service is prominent, and he is fully listed on the Shangshu platform. Zuo Zongtang and Nian gengyao are responsible for the pacification of the western regions in the Qing Dynasty... If the text is intended."

"My Lord, yes!"

Xun Yu bowed down and said with a fist.

After thoroughly finalizing the arrangement of the Qing Dynasty, the old situ Yang Biao stood up and bowed down: "tell your majesty, the old minister has something to play."

Liu Hao asked, "what does Yang Gong want to play?"

Yang Biao said, "Your Majesty, the Holy Text and martial arts have a boundless life. The Great Han Dynasty has good weather, Wenchang and wusheng. According to the past example of the ancestral temple, it is appropriate to worship the heaven..."

This is the ancestral etiquette, which should not be lightly abolished. Liu Hao nodded and accepted it:

"The matter is arranged by the cabinet."


After the meeting, all the officials of the Han Dynasty went out of the heaven and earth hall.

At this time, a group of officials had gathered around Zeng Guofan.

The crowd gathered around him and were all scrambling to congratulate each other. Some invited Zeng Guofan to their house for a few drinks, and some were more direct. Even valuable rare gifts were ready

"It\'s gratifying for Lord Zeng to enter the Shangshutai today. Why don\'t we go to the tea house tonight?"

"Hehe, in the future, I will be a minister in the same hall with Lord Zeng. There is an inkstone, which was used by famous Confucianism in the spring and Autumn period. It can condense literary spirit and give it to Lord Zeng."

In the future, the important officials of Shangshutai will stand at the peak of the power of the whole Han Dynasty. Such a thick thigh should be held.

"Zeng is still young. Thanks to the love of the holy emperor, he is terrified. Thank you for your kindness. I\'m going to enter the imperial school to close the door and impact the realm of literary and Taoist masters..."

On the surface, Zeng Guofan laughed Yan Yan, but in fact, he did not accept gifts in any way. He skillfully declined the kind invitation of many officials on the grounds of being closed to the school palace.

Everyone was awe inspiring. Liu Hao\'s eyes were really powerful.

Zeng Guofan, who is an official and a man, is indeed unique.

I\'m not afraid that others are better than you and work harder than you!

One day, if Zeng Guofan breaks through the master of literature and Taoism, his status will rise again.


Three days later, a grand ceremony of sacrificing heaven was held.

At the same time, Liu Hao smiled when he received the news that Zeng Guofan was closed to the imperial school palace.

When nations perish, dragon Qi gathers.

The aura of the Great Han Dynasty has been so strong that it is almost unimaginable. Compared with the early Three Kingdoms, it is simply a new world.

Liu Hao became more and more determined in his mind and gradually entrusted the government affairs between the DPRK and China.

Liu Bowen felt something faintly. He felt pity and said, "Your Majesty is going to attack the immortal realm?"

"Yes, the peak of martial arts is the realm of land immortals. Breaking this barrier is the real fairy among people!"

Liu Hao Huoran stood up and said, "in the future, I will sit at the death pass. The imperial daughter Liu Jian will supervise the country, and the ministers of the Shangshutai will be the auxiliary ministers. All the heaven and the world will follow."

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

All the important civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty knelt down and took orders.

After arranging the central government affairs, Liu Hao returned to the harem.

Empress Cai Wenji and other concubines have gathered in the East Palace and are waiting for Liu Hao to come back. Several seem to have just cried, with tears on their faces and red eyes

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and said with a bitter smile, "Dear concubines, what are you doing?"

To break the void and promote immortals, Liu Hao has nine levels of confidence.

Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, said, "Your Majesty, just go. I believe your majesty will succeed."

Liu Hao gently grabbed Diao chanxiang\'s shoulder, kissed her gently on the cheek and said, "those who know me love my concubine."

Cai Wenji leaned on Liu Hao\'s shoulder. She suddenly remembered that she was such a young man, dressed in white, famous in Luoyang and covered with Beijing.

With a heroic face and a Heavenly Sword in his hand, he led millions of heroes to fight in the north and south, sweeping the eight wastelands and six harmonies.

In the Han Dynasty, red dragon banners were planted all over the world.

It can be said that such a handsome young emperor, carrying the sun and the moon and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, stood the Han Dynasty on the heavens and reproduced the glory of the ancient heaven.

At this time, the sun was just setting. Liu Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the vast distance. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Cai Wenji raised her head slightly and looked at Liu Hao\'s handsome side face, with infinite tenderness and intoxication in her eyes.

Like a perfect picture.
