The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2446

"The charm value is as high as 101, which is indeed the famous fragrant imperial concubine in history..."

Liu Hao stops to enjoy the beauty dance, and relevant contents emerge randomly in his mind.

Xiangfei, a name that amazed the whole Qing Dynasty.

This woman is really not a mortal figure who can talk about the beauty of the seven meat and eight vegetables fascinated by Emperor Qianlong.

Liu Hao quietly watched the performance without an audience. When the song ended, he clapped his hands from his heart.

This song and dance is full of exotic customs and beautiful. It can be said that it is not inferior to the heaven Devil Dance.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The crisp applause spread in Yunrong garden. The young beauty soon came back to her senses, put down her piano, moved her lotus steps gently, walked to Liu Hao and saluted in a soft voice: "I don\'t know your Majesty\'s arrival. I\'m far from welcome. Please bring down your sin."

Xiangfei twisted her slender waist and saluted with Yingying. Her heart was really full of curiosity. She looked at Liu Hao from time to time. It seemed to shock the legendary young man, the son of heaven, why he was so young.

Liu Hao picked up Nian Mei and Xiang Fei, but said with a smile: "Nian Mei has excellent piano skills. She is only under the queen. This beauty is also a dancer."

There are not three thousand beautiful women in the harem, but there are not a few. When the young beauty heard the sound, her pretty face was slightly red. The fragrant imperial concubine was also throbbing in her heart. She felt proud and a little throbbing.

Although she is sensible, she is only sixteen or seven years old at this time. The cardamom girl is in the spring. It is difficult to tease herself a little.

Liu Hao dined in Yunrong garden. That night, nianmei and Xiangfei went to bed together. After a lot of clouds and rain, they also enjoyed the happiness of the whole people.

The next day.

The court meeting of the Han Dynasty.

The king\'s clock sounded majestically.

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty all dressed up and walked into the hall of heaven and earth.

In the hall of heaven and earth, Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head, a robe embroidered with purple dragon and gun, embroidered with sun, moon and stars on his shoulders, sat on a red gold dragon chair and looked at the male eyes, which was frightening.

After the roar of the tsunami, Liu Hao asked, "Hu Xueyan, how is the Dahan bank?"

Hu Xueyan boarded the power center of the dynasty for the first time and quickly bowed down and said, "after the order of the Shangshutai, several worlds opened together, and the Han people actively saved money. At present, according to the overall calculation, he has obtained 43 billion taels of money..."

Liu Hao couldn\'t help whispering.

No wonder later Taizu said that more people means more power.

The accumulated wealth of several worlds is indeed unimaginable. In this way, the transmission array is no longer a problem.

"Accelerate the mining of dolomite and put the construction of transmission array on the agenda..."

Liu Hao decisively ordered: "the western war is over, the transmission array is properly arranged, the subsequent appeasement is properly arranged, and the Shangshu stage is properly arranged."

In the supreme position of Liu Hao, as long as the overall situation is coordinated, Shangshutai will naturally deal with the government affairs of the central government and maintain the stable development of the dynasty.

Xun Yu, Minister of Shangshutai, stood out, holding a wat board in his hand, arched his hand and said, "I take your orders."

At this time, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, quickly walked into the hall, came to Liu Hao\'s side, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the heads of the western countries are waiting outside the hall."

"Bring them in."

Liu Hao looked calm and waved at will.

"Proclaim to the leaders of the countries in the western regions to meet ~ ~"

"Proclaim to the leaders of the countries in the western regions to meet ~ ~"

When the royal guards got the order, they escorted the leaders of all countries to the heaven and earth hall.

The leaders of small countries such as the Junggar Khanate and Jingjue followed behind the royal guards step by step, stepping on the white jade steps, like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, full of awe.

Entering the hall, hundreds of sharp eyes fell on the leaders of various countries, just like carrying mountains and full of pressure.

"Bold, dare not kneel when you see the holy emperor driving!"

The royal guards will not be polite to these surrendered prisoners of war. Xiuchun knocked the handle of the sword at the bend of the leg of the Lord of Junggar and asked him to kneel down.


The heads of the countries in the western regions were frightened and fell on their knees. The scene was spectacular.

Liu Hao sat high in the red gold dragon chair and said calmly, "the countries of the western regions have acted recklessly, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be displaced. Now you really ask, can you be convinced?"

The deep and dignified voice seemed to vibrate and spread from the jiuzhong tianque. The countries in the western regions fell on their knees and clubbed the ground with their heads. They didn\'t even dare to get out of the atmosphere.

They heard the boundless majesty and the vast murderous spirit.

As long as they dare to say no, Liu Hao will order them to be beheaded without hesitation.

The emperor was so angry that he lay dead everywhere and bled thousands of miles.

They were humble and small in front of Liu Hao, like mole ants.

"Sinners... Sinners are barbarians, disobedient to the king and ignorant of the power of heaven. Please forgive your Majesty the holy emperor. We wish to respect your Majesty the holy emperor as the supreme Saint Tian Khan and submit to the dynasty forever..."

The leader of the Junggar Khanate was more clever and took the lead in becoming a minister.

Look at his kowtow, the white jade floor banging!

The leaders of small countries such as Jingjue and Kucha also knelt down and kowtowed one after another for fear that they would be killed by Liu Hao if they were slow

Liu Hao\'s face was calm. He turned sideways and asked, "what do you think of Aiqing?"

There was much discussion in the heaven and earth hall.

Finally, Xun Wei, the important Minister of the Shangshu platform, brushed his broad sleeves on both sides, bowed down, held the wat board and said, "Your Majesty cleared the six harmonies, and the people fell in love one after another. It is the destiny of heaven to worship and surrender everywhere. Now the countries are respected and respected, so they can avoid the sword and implement the national policy of national integration without any obstacles."


Liu Hao nodded and spit out a word.

The purpose of the war is not to kill, but to let the Han Dynasty control, kill undeserving officials, annihilate the eight wastelands and make the Han Dynasty supreme.

Now the goal has been achieved without bloodshed. Launching a war again is just wasting people and money. Xun Yu will calculate this account, and Liu Hao knows it.

The heads of states in the western regions heard this word of kindness, such as the stone hanging in their throat by amnesty, and finally fell to the ground.

"Thank you, your highness. The sinners are willing to go up the knife mountain, go down the oil pot, and die!"

"The holy emperor is kind and kind. That\'s the holy day Khan!"

The heads of the countries in the western regions had their foreheads bruised and their blood flowed all over the ground