The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2445

Zeng Guofan also obtained the unparalleled achievement judgment of the system of state officials after unifying the recruits in the Qing Dynasty, sweeping all the countries in the western regions and breaking millions of troops.

Such an important official, who has made great contributions for thousands of years, is naturally enough to be included in the Shangshu Taichung.

Liu Hao asked, "Aiqing has been in charge of the overall situation for me for several years. Do you know who can be of great use?"

Zeng Guofan pondered for a while and said, "Pang Qingyun is brave in the three armies. With his army, he can rush into the array and kill generals. He is invincible. Jiang Wuyang, Zhao erhu, his younger brother Zeng Guoquan and others are rare brave and valiant generals. Only Zuo Zongtang is a handsome talent. His ability to run the army array is far above his ministers."

Zeng Guofan was used to being a man. He mentioned Zuo Zongtang, but Liu Hao listened to him with heart:

"I\'m about to break through the fairyland world. I don\'t know how it will change in the future. I may not be in Chaozhong for some time..."

"Zuo Zongtang is loyal and reliable. He is also a legendary general famous in history. Needless to say, he can take over Zeng Guofan\'s position. If he is incompetent, make plans..."

In the heart nourishing hall, the monarchs and officials talked happily.

Unconsciously, after a long time, the night gradually came. Zeng Guofan went to change his clothes. The banquet set up in the palace tonight is more private. It\'s also inappropriate to wear solemn imperial clothes.

Liu Hao took off his crown and put on a comfortable uniform. Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, walked into the hall with a duster in his hand and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Lord Zeng brought a female imperial chef today. She is 16 or 17 years old, but her cooking skills are already very good. Concubine Lian Yun and concubine Pei are full of praise for her skills."

"Is there such a thing?"

Liu Hao was a little curious.

So far, the owner of the beauty fair, Shang Xiuyu, is the only one who can make the beautiful cook Zhan Yun surprised and agree.

Now it\'s even more amazing that Zhan Yun and Shang Xiuyu are both amazed and approved of it.

"What\'s the name of the female imperial chef?"

"Listen to me, it seems that my name is Chen Bangling. The Qing cuisine industry calls it master Abbe. It is recognized as the supreme dragon chef in the first row."

"Supreme dragon chef? Master Abbe? How does it sound familiar?"

When Liu Hao heard the name "Abbe master", he opened the system panel and checked the attribute value of Abbe master. His face gradually became strange

Abbe - force 53, intelligence 72, politics 33, command 12, charm 96, cooking 108!

Stunt 1, God of food: Abbey is the first genius in the food industry and a master chef.

If you eat your meals for a long time, you may get an increase in random attribute points!

Stunt 2, famous teacher: Abbe teaches his disciples, which can rapidly improve the cooking attributes of his disciples\' descendants!

This is also drunk

Master Abbe, isn\'t it the Chinese little head of the family!?

Liu Hao looked at master Abbe\'s voice and appearance in the sea of consciousness, which overlapped with the impression and was speechless

Sure enough, there is no impossibility but unexpected.

However, there are no small masters at present. To be exact, Abbe is just a talented girl of 16 or 17 years old, full of a heart that loves cooking.

"Go, I want to see if master Abbe\'s dishes will shine..."

Liu Hao waved his long sleeve and walked outside.


The Palace Banquet began soon.

The chef tonight is Abbe, who has just entered the imperial dining room. She is young and has old qualifications in the palace. Naturally, the old imperial chefs are not satisfied.

Some veteran imperial chefs are even waiting for Abbe to make a fool of himself.

"Little girl, I don\'t know what\'s good or bad!"

"What does she know about your Majesty\'s taste?"

"She\'s lost this person tonight. Let\'s see how she ends!"


Master Abbe was alone and independent. He swept the green silk beside his ears, but he still looked cheerful and lively.

The old imperial chefs waited for a while, but they didn\'t wait for the people sent by Liu Hao to punish Abbe. They gradually felt a little uneasy

At this time, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, came with Liu Hao\'s oral instructions. Lang said, "the holy emperor has orders. Master Abbe is a master of kitchen skills, and he was promoted to be the manager of the imperial dining room... Qin here."

"Hee hee! Abbe leads the order. Please give me some advice in the future!"

Abbe\'s big eyes smiled for two months, and he smiled very well.

The old imperial chefs were stunned, as if they had been bombarded by thunder. They were stunned one by one and couldn\'t say a word


Today\'s banquet is full of wine and preparation. All kings and officials are very happy.

All the officials of the Han Dynasty at the banquet knew that Liu Hao actually set up the banquet for Zeng Guofan tonight.

Zeng Guofan\'s nomination to the Shangshu stage is a certainty.

Zeng Guofan was also excited. He drank more and his face turned red.

Liu Hao did not expect that someone\'s cooking could reach such a state.

Compared with Zhan Yun and Shang Xiuyu, master Abbe\'s cooking is close to Tao and reaches another level.

Of course, such talents should stay in the palace and eat her dishes for a long time. Maybe they can improve their attributes!

After the banquet, the crowd dispersed one after another and went to the favorite link of turning over the brand.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, Lord niangengyao presented a strange woman to the palace after she came back from the Qing Dynasty. She has an excellent appearance and a strange fragrance. Now she temporarily lives in the nianmei palace..."

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing Cao Zhengchun\'s words, Liu Hao felt a little interested and chose the wooden card of Nian beauty.


Nianmei is niangengyao\'s sister. She is a famous nianfei in history.

However, in the palace, she is not as gracious as the queen of the east palace or the imperial concubine of several palaces. She is quite low-key and has less contact with people.

When Liu Hao came to Yunrong garden, his footsteps gave him a slight meal.

In Yunrong garden, the young beauty is playing the piano. The beautiful piano sound is like flowing water.

Liu Hao saw that in the elegant and quiet garden, there was a woman wearing alien clothes, tiptoeing and dancing among the flowers.

Her figure is graceful, her legs are slender, her hands are like catkins, her skin is like coagulated fat, her collar is like a printer, her teeth are like a bottle rhinoceros, her head is like a moth\'s eyebrow, her smile is beautiful and her eyes are looking forward to it.

No matter from which perspective, she is a rare beauty.

What\'s more strange is that there seems to be a mysterious and elegant fragrance on this woman. When she dances, even the butterflies in the flowers dance with her

That fragrance goes directly to the depths of the soul and makes people intoxicated