The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2444

"Hehe! Someone is very drunk. He seems to be drunk. What nonsense did he say just now?"

Niangengyao\'s seemingly unintentional drunk words are like thunder in silence!

Everyone in the audience looked at each other and was shocked on the spot!

Bang bang!

Zuo Zongtang, Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and others trembled. The wine cup in their hand fell on the table, and the wine splashed everywhere.

After the silence on the field, cheers sounded like spring thunder.

Zuo Zongtang\'s eyes showed the color of longing. He brushed the wine on his sleeve and sighed: "if he can be listed on the Shangshu platform, what regret will he have in this life?"

Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and others were also sincerely happy for Zeng Guofan. They raised their glasses and said, "congratulations to Zeng Shuai. Since then, they have been shaking on Qingyun!"

Book stand!

These three words symbolize the power center of the Han Dynasty.

Those who enter the Shangshutai are qualified to make a biography and will remain famous in history for thousands of years. It can be said that it is the glory of all dynasties as officials.

Zuo Zongtang, Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and others all came from the Qing Dynasty. They can be regarded as Zeng Guofan\'s old disciples.

In officialdom, what we pay attention to is that someone in the court is good to be an official.

If Zeng Guofan joined the Shangshutai, it would naturally be a good thing for them.

Zeng Guofan took a few breaths and finally calmed the waves in his heart.

He first raised his glasses with both hands, gave a distant salute to Nian gengyao and said, "thank you for telling me."

They smiled at each other and drank the wine in the cup.

Zeng Guofan poured more wine, brushed his sleeves, pushed Jinshan and Yuzhu, knelt down, faced the south, bowed down and muttered:

"Minister, thank Lord longen!"



In the heart nourishing hall.

Liu Hao is closing his eyes to communicate with the system panel.

Liu has become increasingly sophisticated and can take charge of his own affairs. Basically, all the state memorials of the Han Dynasty have been handed over to Liu.

In this way, Liu Hao was idle and had more time to make final arrangements.

Eyes fell on the West.

At this time, Chen Qingzhi\'s command attribute of breaking the city was superimposed to an exaggerated point. The white robed army had an unparalleled front and had killed Great Britain.

No Western army can resist it wherever it passes, with red dragon flags everywhere.

On the other hand, Li Hongzhang also rolled up his sleeves and pulled hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war in Rome to establish a transmission array, which was hot.

According to this progress, it will not be long before the transmission array can run through the East and West, and drive the development of the West with the brilliance and prosperity of the East.

"Everything is over. It\'s time to start preparing to break through the fairyland world..."

Liu Hao had a whim. The emperor was as strong as the Milky way. He kept rushing. The smell of holiness and Demons lingered, containing strange rhythms.

Liu Hao\'s Martial Arts Heritage has reached an unparalleled level since he took wanwan and Shifei Xuan as the furnace tripod and achieved the cultivation of Taoist heart demons.

If you don\'t deliberately suppress the realm and burst out all your strength, you\'re afraid of the power of cutting the sky and splitting the earth.

Now it is imperative to prepare for perfection and the way of immortality.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun suddenly came in from outside the hall and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Lord Zeng Guofan, Duke of the Qing Dynasty, escorted the kings of the western regions to Beijing to report on their work."



North of the imperial capital, ten miles away.

The majestic transmission array sends out bursts of bright dark light.

Wearing a jade crown and solemn Han Dynasty clothes, Zeng Guofan strode out of the transmission array.

Behind him, Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and other brave new army generals, together with the recruits of Huben camp, escorted the leaders of western countries out of the transmission array.

These leaders of the western regions, who have been privileged in their daily life, have been paralyzed by fear.

They once dominated a country, had tens of thousands of troops and had many rare treasures, but when they came to this world, they found that their knowledge was simple, such as a frog in a well.

Looking up, you can see the imperial capital city wall as high as twenty or thirty feet, the magnificent Tiandu Imperial Palace, and the towering bell ringing for a long time. Unexpectedly, you can vaguely hear the sages chanting scriptures, washing people\'s mind and spirit.

Outside the transmission array, tiger Ben, a big man with a clanking iron armor and a long gun and a halberd, stood in awe.

Even the people who were watching from a distance were full of energy and looked at these foreign barbarians curiously.

The leaders of the countries in the western regions are like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Her heart is full of awe, because the world of the Great Han Lord is too broad

The guard of the transmission array was Wang Fuchen, a young general in the army. When he saw Zeng Guofan, he stepped forward with a tiger step, saluted with a fist and said, "Lord Zeng, the car is ready. His Majesty the holy emperor arranged a dinner in the palace."

Zeng Guofan did not put on airs at all. He returned it with courtesy and said with a fist: "it is gratifying to hear that General Wang has made great achievements in killing thousands of enemies in Rome."

Wang Fu Chen laughed and said, "I\'m just the courage of every man. Your majesty will fight wherever he asks. This little credit is nothing compared with Lord Zeng\'s great work in calming Xiyi."

Wang Fuchen was the second in the list of dynasties and a disciple of Zeng Guofan. At this time, he was particularly eager to meet Zeng Guofan.

The two exchanged greetings, and Zeng Guofan straightened out his clothes again. Then he boarded the car and went to the imperial palace.



Tonight\'s imperial capital is destined to be a happy and lively night.

After Zeng Guofan entered the palace, he was directly received by Liu Hao.

The two kings and officials, whom I had not seen for a long time, had a long talk in the heart nourishing hall and reached a consensus on many matters.

"When the red dragon banner of the Han Dynasty arrives, the Khan kingdom of Junggar, Shanshan, Jingjue and kuci... Dozens of countries in the western region dare not follow!"

Liu Haolong and Yan Dayue patted Zeng Guofan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Qing Zhen is also a national scholar."

Zeng Guofan was flattered. He quickly knelt down on his knees, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty has made great efforts to go to the country, benefit the people, build an eternal industry, and make great contributions to gold and stone. How dare you be called a national scholar?"

"I say you deserve it, then you deserve it. At the court meeting tomorrow, I will mention Qing into the Shangshu platform."

Liu Hao threw out a heavy bomb with a smile and waved his sleeves. A gentle emperor like clouds suddenly escaped in the air. It was like an invisible hand holding Zeng Guofan to stand up.

The name of a national scholar is by no means a whim of Liu Hao, who opened his mouth and came