The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2443



After the fall of Rome, the Han Dynasty was invincible and its national strength was unprecedented.

The benefits are also super rich.

First of all, the fragments of the lost basaltic aegis armor were collected from the Colosseum of ancient Rome, making the supreme artifact basaltic aegis armor reappear.

In addition, it is the treasure chest exploded by killing the strong men of the Roman Empire. There are dozens of glittering treasure chests!

Julius Caesar, the great Roman emperor, also made a generous contribution. Two purple light pseudo God treasure boxes burst out!

Liu Hao opened the super lucky mode and opened the treasure chest until he was soft.

In addition to the magic weapon, the fragments of the power game world are finally collected and can be combined into a complete world authority.

However, Liu Hao is not in a hurry to the power game world.

Because the world is not very helpful for the promotion of the level of force, and there are strange and terrible monsters such as ghosts, which can get very limited benefits.

"Go again when you have time in the future and catch two dragons as mounts. At present, you have achieved the great method of planting demons in the heart of the Tao. The top priority is to break the void and promote the realm of human immortality..."

The closer to the realm of human immortals, Liu Hao felt that the barrier was loose. After the realm of human immortals, there seemed to be a great opportunity waiting for him.


"Your Majesty, Lord Zeng Guofan has a memorial to the military aircraft office."

While Liu Hao was watching the lake in the imperial garden to nourish his heart, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, rushed to him from a distance and presented a letter with both hands.

After receiving the memorial, Liu Hao had a faint smile on his mouth.

It was Zeng Guofan\'s plea to apologize for his rash attack on the western regions of the Qing Dynasty.

"This Zeng Guofan is indeed a famous minister through the ages. He is very good at being a man. No wonder later generations say that it is necessary to learn from Zeng Guofan as an official..."

The Han Dynasty attacked the Roman Empire, but it was not calm in the Qing Dynasty.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were hidden changes in the western countries.

With Pang Qingyun as the vanguard general, Zeng Guofan, the envoy of the town, marched westward and crossed the western border. He even destroyed the countries in the western regions and beat several countries out of fear. Even the kings of the countries in the western regions personally sent down the table.

This memorial had already passed the Shangshu stage, and Liu Jian had also reviewed it. Military and state affairs were finally delivered to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao thought for a moment and gave instructions behind the memorial: "the life of the king outside will not be accepted. Zeng Aiqing has made great contributions and granted the right to live and kill. Now he has destroyed the West Yi and quickly recalled the dynasty. There is another reward."

With this brief instruction, Liu Hao threw the memorial to Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun will naturally submit the memorial to the Shangshutai, and then the Shangshutai will issue the imperial edict and convey it to the Qing Dynasty.


Clear the boundary.

Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang, the Duke of the Qing Dynasty, were holding a wine banquet in the army. The atmosphere was very warm.

Zeng Guofan sat high on the throne, raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "this expedition has destroyed dozens of countries in the western regions. All the generals of the left have made good arrangements, and all the officers and men have made great efforts to move forward. I have asked the Shangshu platform to ask for merit for you, and I expect there will be a will in the near future..."

"Where, where, the overall planning and supervision of the army is not as good as Zeng Shuai!"

Zuo Zongtang held up his glass and drank it all at once. His face was black and red. Obviously, he was quite excited.

Since he defected to the Han Dynasty, he did not get enough stage. This time, he unified his troops to attack the western regions and successively destroyed dozens of cities and countries. He was really proud and proved his value to Liu Hao.

Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and other powerful generals in the army also cheered and excited.

To some extent, the system of the Han Dynasty is similar to the previous Pre-Qin ancient system. As long as we are willing to fight the enemy, the military aircraft Department truthfully records the meritorious deeds and rewards them in the future, we will always have a bright future.

The army was full of laughter, but Zuo Zongtang was worried.

He lowered his voice, turned sideways and asked, "Zeng Shuai, this time, the dispatch of troops happened suddenly. Your majesty is still on the western expedition. It can be regarded as you and I secretly indulge in troops. If your majesty punishes and asks for guilt, I will bear it myself..."

Zeng Guofan raised his hand, pressed it falsely and said in righteous words: "Zongtang, you don\'t have to say more. I\'m the envoy of the town, the Duke of the Qing Dynasty. I\'m ordered to control the three armies. How can I let my subordinates carry the pot? The edict of apology has been submitted to heaven. There\'s a vast road ahead, and the Qing Dynasty will see you in the future..."

The military law of the Wang Dynasty was strict. Zeng Guofan violated the military law this time, even though he won a great victory in the western regions.

Zuo Zongtang was worried and wanted to say something. He went to the forehead and heard a lifelong cry in the distance:

"The edict has arrived!"

This voice seemed to have magic. The fierce soldier of Huben in the army immediately restrained his description, put down the wine bowl and stood at attention.

"Zeng Guofan, the Duke of the Qing Dynasty, took over the decree."

"Minister, command."

Zeng Guofan flicked his sleeves and bowed down.

Zuo Zongtang, Pang Qingyun, Jiang Wuyang and other military generals also knelt down together.

"On the day of the emperor\'s edict, the Duke of the Qing Dynasty won a great victory in the western expedition. The government and the people were excited. A cup of thin wine was specially presented to strengthen his line, report his work to the government, and then describe his contributions..."

Nian gengyao read out the edict in a loud voice. Seeing Zeng Guofan, Nian gengyao seemed a little stunned. Nian gengyao smiled, poured a glass of wine in the gold bottle, and said with a smile, "hasn\'t lord Zeng answered the edict?"

To tell the truth, Nian gengyao was really jealous.

He and Zeng Guofan also came out of the Qing Dynasty, and his position was not under Zeng Guofan at the beginning.

However, he is still only a second-class official in the Han Dynasty. Most of them are promoted for the sake of his sister\'s young beauty.

But Zeng Guofan was upright and upright, standing in the court hall with his outstanding achievements.

"I have a chance to ask Zeng Guofan for advice on how to be an official."

Nian gengyao thought in his heart.

Zeng Guofan finally dropped a stone in his heart, bowed down, hit the ground with his forehead, and said respectfully, "thank you for your kindness!"

"Good wine! Have fun!"

He took a deep breath, stood up, bowed over the glass and drank it. He only felt that it was particularly elegant and delicate, mellow and full-bodied, with a long aftertaste and lasting fragrance between his lips and teeth

Niangengyao said, "this cup is the prince\'s wine poured by the holy Emperor himself. The Duke of the Qing Dynasty made great achievements this time. He drank all the prince\'s wine. The road of Qingyun is right in front of him."

Several people went out of the Qing Dynasty, but they were also somewhat similar. Niangengyao was retained by Zuo Zongtang and drank a few more drinks.

After three rounds of drinking, Nian gengyao revealed another news: "Lord Zeng should escort the leaders of various countries back to the imperial capital as soon as possible. Someone in received the wind. The holy emperor mentioned Lord Zeng into the imperial desk this time..."

Zeng Guofan\'s heart beat uncontrollably