The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2442

The cultivation of magic in the heart of the Tao requires very high qualification.

Like xiangyutian, pangban, Han Bai, etc., they are unique Tianjiao.

Liu Hao\'s qualification is unparalleled through the ages. Naturally, it is not a problem. He just wants to achieve the Tao fetal magic seed. The requirements for the furnace tripod are also heinous.

If it weren\'t for the virgin with extraordinary talent, he couldn\'t be a demon seed.

Liu Hao thought it over and over again and decided that one of the candidates was Wan Wan of Yin Kui sect.

Wan Wan\'s face turned red after hearing Liu Hao\'s proposal.

The supreme Taoist heart of the magic door and the magic Dharma finally surfaced, but the process of cultivation is really too fragrant and too shameful

Wan Wan is known as a witch. She is obsequious and seduces all sentient beings. In fact, she is a typical woman with rich theoretical experience and no real combat experience.

Facing the old driver Liu Hao, Wan Wan was confused, bowed to her head and sounded like a mosquito: "there are thousands of women who admire her majesty all over the world. Wan Wan\'s qualification is mediocre. Why bother your majesty to provoke Wan Wan?"

Liu Hao pretended to be unhappy and said, "since miss wanwan doesn\'t want to explore the secret of the devil with me, I have to find Bai qinger."

Only in this way, an extraordinary woman among thousands of people can have a spiritual resonance with Liu Hao and let Liu Hao deduce the Tianmo policy to an unprecedented level.


Wan Wan couldn\'t help blurting out. After saying that, she found that Liu Hao was looking at her with a smile. She suddenly woke up. She fell into Liu Hao\'s routine.

Women like to say irony most. If she says no, that means it\'s OK.

Liu Hao smiled, fluttered, grabbed Wan Wan\'s slender waist, and floated straight into the palace

Wan Wan also wanted to struggle, but in the arms held by Liu Hao\'s strong arms, the two bodies were considerate together, but there was a strange throbbing, flowing quietly in her heart.

Wan Wan was calm about what was going to happen next.

Dizzy to the bedroom, Wan Wan opened her beautiful eyes again.

On the Dragon couch, I saw a beautiful woman lying, delicate and perfect jade body, full of the smell of holiness and dust, just like a fairy in the sky!



... [the cultivation process should not be described too much. Book friends can make up their brains by themselves]

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, Wan Wan awakens the demon species, and the heavenly demon Dharma has broken through to a perfect state!"

"Congratulations to the host. Shifeixuan has achieved the Tao embryo and successfully broke through the highest level of Cihang sword code!"

"Congratulations to the host, who successfully participated in the enlightenment, planted demons in his heart, and deduced the heavenly demon strategy to a great and complete state!"


After several system prompts, Liu Hao slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he was solemn and sat on the couch in a strange posture. Shifei Xuan and wanwan leaned on his side from left to right.

At this time, the dawn in the East was gradually exposed, and it was already dawn at the end of the night. Liu Haoyun turned his way and planted the magic method in his heart, which was also at a critical juncture.

The mysterious Qi machine flows. Liu Hao\'s flesh and blood seems to be emitting a bright light. He can\'t even cover the dawn!

The devil in the heart of Tao is the most strange of the four wonderful books. Liu Hao is immersed in a strange situation, regardless of it. He seems to be isolated from the outside world, refining his divine brilliance and refining the breath of the supreme devil.


The divine light converged on the Tianyuan divine orifices, and the breath of the supreme devil sank into the earth\'s extreme divine orifices. Liu Hao\'s breath became more and more powerful, even sending out limitless light to nourish his body.

At this moment, his pores dilated, and every drop of blood contained supreme aura, as if he had become a god!

Shifei Xuan and wanwan have awakened.

This pair of fatalistic opponents were shocked on the spot and looked at everything in front of them.

Liu Hao\'s whole body is full of thin divine light. The light spots are dense and visible one after another, but it seems that countless gods are singing, chanting and glowing. Unexpectedly, they cover up the light of the morning light!

That kind of ethereal and holy immortal Qi gradually integrated with the extremely dangerous devil Qi machine, which absorbed all rivers, and finally converged into the absolute hegemonic emperor\'s true strength.

"This kind of martial arts is no longer what the world should have."

Last night was crazy. Shifei Xuan\'s holy jade face also showed a red aftertaste, which contained unspeakable shock and complexity.

Although Liu Hao never shot directly, Cihang Jingzhai was destroyed in Liu Hao\'s hands.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Shi Feixuan has no hatred in her heart.

But as she knew Liu Hao better, she had a strange emotion, such as admiration, awe, hatred and entanglement

Various complex emotions linger in her heart. When Shi Feixuan is alone, she often thinks of Liu Hao, and she can\'t tell why.

Wan Wan stroked the green silk like a waterfall and said with a smile, "hee hee, I can\'t imagine that you, a fairy who doesn\'t eat human fireworks, also have a day to accompany the waiter to sing gently. I don\'t know what your master knows under the nine springs. What do you think?"

As the opponent of shifeixuan\'s fate, wanwan will never miss any chance to attack her.

Shifei Xuan benefited from the cultivation of demons in the Taoist heart. The Taoist heart was not moved by the upper demons, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, the holy emperor, is the God among people. This is the number of days."

Dragon in man, God in man!

After successfully comprehending the Tao and planting demons, the dark light around Liu Hao broke through the palace and went straight through the sky.

The great masters of the whole dynasty, who were the capital of the emperor, clearly sensed the incredible momentum.

"What a powerful breath! Now, your majesty, it\'s easy to break the immortal realm!"

Xiao Qiushui and Li Chenzhou closed their minds about the top of the mountain and looked at the direction of the imperial palace. They knew that this was the heaven and earth vision caused by Liu Hao\'s great progress again. They couldn\'t help but sigh together.

Before meeting Liu Hao, they can be said to be the pride of an era, but after meeting Liu Hao, their peerless light will also be covered, and they are willing to submit to Liu Hao\'s imperial way.

"I really want to see with my own eyes the magnificent scene of your majesty breaking through the land gods. How brilliant it is!"

At this moment, I don\'t know how many imperial masters were looking forward to the earth shaking day