The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2441

"Tao seed, devil embryo, the combination of yin and Yang, the body from the beginning of the yuan, I see..."

Liu Hao wildly deduced the highest and unique knowledge of the holy gate with the Heavenly Emperor Long Tong, and finally came to a conclusion:

To become a kind of devil in the heart of Tao, we must first achieve Tao seed and devil embryo!

In other words, you need a furnace tripod. When the time is ripe, you can use the secret technique of the intersection of yin and yang to instantly stimulate the Tao to plant a demon embryo, achieve your own body and reach the immortal!

"Martial arts, ten thousand methods, the same goal by different paths!"

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed, and waves sprang up in the calm heart lake. He had thought of the most perfect candidate for daozhong and devil fetus


Qingyan palace.

The imperial palace is vast and magnificent, and Qingyan palace is only one of the quieter palaces.

Now the master of this palace is wanwan.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, empress Yin Zhu Yuyan joined the Han Dynasty with the Yin Kui sect. As the most proud disciple of empress Yin, wanwan naturally returned to Liu Hao\'s command. Later, she also contributed a lot in the process of sweeping the south of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Liu Hao\'s class returned to the dynasty, and Wan Wan followed her master Yin hou to the imperial capital of the dynasty.

Cao Zhengchun, the general manager of the Imperial Palace, is an old and refined man. He specially chose a palace Que in the imperial palace for Wan Wan as a temporary residence.

At present, Wan Wan didn\'t serve the emperor, but who knows what will happen in the future?

Empress Yin Zhu Yuyan deeply hated the evil king Shi Zhixuan. After everything was over, she entered the imperial Arsenal and sat in the death pass.

Wan Wan left the Jianghu to kill. Instead, he could settle down in the deep palace of the king\'s court and impact the highest state of the magic Dharma.

"The Great Han dominates the world, with deep aura, especially in the imperial capital. According to this progress, I\'m afraid it won\'t take three years to successfully break through the handsome side face of the heavenly devil Dharma, which is like the most perfect carved jade, full of masculine charm.

So far, Wanxin Lake vibrated.

She finally knew why the magic Dharma stopped in his absence. During this period, the eldest princess Liu Jian supervised the country to deal with government affairs, which was also a test for Liu Hao.

The documents in hand were exactly what the ministers of the Shangshutai assessed Liu.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bowen, Xun Yu, Xu Shu and others all commented on Liu Liu almost perfectly, which made Liu Hao quite complacent.

In the end, it\'s his daughter who inherited his father\'s wisdom and martial arts and took charge of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

"Your Majesty came back from the West. It seems that he has made great progress in his skills..."

Among the beautiful eyes of Wan Wan, the brilliance flows, and finally falls on Liu Hao, full of admiration and admiration.

Liu Hao put down his memorials and looked up. His eyes unconsciously fell on Wan Wan\'s bare feet, full of amazement.

Wan Wan was dressed in a black palace dress. She was very beautiful. Her snow like bare feet stepped on the soft moonlight, giving people a feeling of amazing to the depths of her soul.

This is undoubtedly a beautiful woman. All the words describing beauty in the world are not enough to tell the beautiful woman.

"Miss wanwan, I have a great opportunity to give it to you..."

Liu Hao\'s burning eyes fell on Wan Wan and made no secret of his interest