The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2440


"Finally go home..."

When Liu Hao stepped out of the transmission array, he felt the familiar breath and felt some emotion in his heart.

The Roman Empire seemed to be towering. In less than half a year, it had penetrated the whole west.

This is also because of the extreme command of the white robed God of war Chen Qingzhi. The combat power of the Han Dynasty army under the aura of the white robed army has reached an incredible level.

Of course, the greatest hero is Xue Rengui, the new No. 1 scholar in martial arts appointed by Liu Haoqin.

Xue Rengui led the wolf to ride alone and attack thousands of miles, directly on the top of the holy mountain, and killed Caesar the great emperor of Rome with a sun bow!

Liu Hao regretted that he could not face off with this peerless hero in western history on the battlefield.

The dragon head of the Empire was beheaded, and the hearts of the whole Roman Empire were floating. Even though there were famous generals and Marshals in western history books on the front battlefield, the situation could not be reversed.

Dozens of legions collapsed together, which can be said to be a mountain of defeat.

"Welcome your majesty back to Korea!"

Beside the imperial capital transmission array, Xun feizhan, the commander of the royal guards, pushed the golden mountain and fell down on his knees on the jade pillar, clung to his fist with great respect in his heart.

Xun feizhan and Yu Wenyue joined the royal guards at the same time. Now they are both commanders of the royal guards and are highly valued by Liu Haoqi.

"Get up and talk."

Liu Hao casually waved his hand and said, "has anything big happened in the court recently?"

Xun feizhan arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty commanded the imperial army to level Rome and wipe out millions of people. The war in the Qing Dynasty started again. Zeng Guofan, the Duke of the Qing Dynasty, led his troops to the Western barbarian countries and won a complete victory. All the countries in the western region surrendered one after another. The military aircraft office has received the surrender letters from various countries..."

Liu Hao stepped down and asked, "what else? How did the eldest princess give instructions?"

Xun feizhan said, "I don\'t know. This matter has not been decided yet!"

Liu Hao nodded and motioned him to continue.

As he walked along the road, he listened to Xun feizhan\'s report. When he arrived in the palace, Liu Hao knew what had happened in the imperial capital at these times.

The Han Dynasty was as strong as the sun. Where the iron cavalry passed, the city was destroyed and the country was destroyed. These barbarian small countries finally knew they were afraid.

"Long live your majesty, long live the emperor, and the emperor and empress will live forever!"

When the imperial drive came to the Qinglong gate, the forbidden guards on both sides of the gate suddenly knelt down on one knee in a neat and uniform way, holding a dagger in one hand and lying on their chest in the other hand, shouting from the heart.

Empress Cai Wenji Fengjia stopped outside the green dragon gate. She saw the familiar figure, and a gentle smile hung from the corners of her mouth.

The empress of Muyi\'s world, under one person in the harem and above ten thousand people, has a graceful and elegant demeanor, which is admirable.

Liu Hao didn\'t use the military aircraft office to send news before he came this time. The imperial concubines of the harem still waited at the Qinglong gate, as if they were waiting for her husband\'s wife to return from the war.

Liu Hao only felt that the flowers were blooming and fragrant, and there was a relaxed and happy feeling of tenderness and comfort in his heart.

After a little intimacy with CAI Wenji and concubines, Liu Hao began to walk towards the Qianqing palace.

In the Qianqing palace.

Liu Jian, with his shoulders shaved and his back straight, sat on the red gold dragon chair to review the memorials. His eyebrows were full of heroism.

Xiaoguizi, the deputy manager of the big house, stood by the side with a duster in his hand.

On the red sandalwood Carving Dragon case, the memorials presented below are stacked like a hill.

Compared with Liu Hao\'s shopkeeper who gave up his hand and handed over everything to the Shangshu stage for decision, Liu Peng can be said to be more responsible. Liu Hao couldn\'t help but be ashamed when he looked at it

However, he was quite curious about his daughter\'s performance, restrained his Qi machine, quietly looked at it from a distance outside the hall, and made no sound.

Little Guizi looked at his words and expressions and asked carefully, "long princess, these messengers come from all walks of life. Now they are waiting for summon in the post house. How should we arrange?"

"Let them hang for half a month."

Liu Tan\'s Danfeng eyes contained a faint evil spirit. Looking at the gift list, he sneered and said, "hum, why did you go early? It\'s too late to send someone to drop the book now!"

He casually threw the memorial aside. Liu continued to command: "order the East Hall royal guards to take care of these people. If these people don\'t know what\'s right or wrong, let them know the majesty of the upper kingdom of the Chinese dynasty. Soon the imperial army will go out to destroy their country and Yi their people!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly and was very satisfied with Liu Jian\'s performance.

In a woman\'s body, but with this overbearing mind, it is enough to sit on this big man for tens of thousands of miles.


Little Guizi was shocked, bowed down and retreated, but there was a lingering fear in his heart: "the long princess is worthy of being the heir of her majesty. Her Majesty is not in the dynasty, and the imperial daughter is the town of the country, which is more and more dignified..."

When he faced Liu Hao, he almost dared not lift his head.

Today, when facing Liu, I even have similar ideas. I have a faint desire to bend my knees and surrender.

Liu Hao smiled and didn\'t bother him. He turned and went to another quiet room. After swallowing the dragon spirit of the Western Roman Empire, there seemed to be a change in the atlas of the God of war.

In the God\'s court, the mysterious scene of the God of war atlas floats in my mind, containing the infinite mystery of the ancient way of killing and cutting weapons.

With thousands of years of experience in martial arts, even with Liu Hao\'s profound inside information, we should abandon all miscellaneous thoughts, hold our breath and concentrate, and quietly understand it.


Liu Hao\'s observation of the God of war relief is like looking up at the boundless starry sky. He suddenly has a wonderful feeling in his heart

I don\'t know how long I sat cross legged. The two orifices of Tianyuan and the earth jumped sharply. Liu Hao opened his eyes slowly, and the golden purple light flashed. He was very happy:

"The atlas of the God of war really deserves to be the root of the four wonderful books! Unexpectedly, it launched the Daoxin seed devil from the middle!"

The cultivation of demons in the heart of Tao is the core volume of Tianmo strategy, one of the four wonderful books!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors created such mysterious skills, broke the void and passed them on to this day in the holy gate, and finally disappeared in the hands of the evil emperor Xiang Yutian.

Liu Hao sent people to search the whole world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, but they couldn\'t find the trace of Xiang Yutian. That day, the magic strategy was the last step, and it was really perfect.

Today, I watch the relief of the God of war. On the ninth relief of the God of war, Liu Hao is blessed to understand the Tao and grow demons