The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2439

"As long as we do enough public opinion publicity and release gimmicks, the west is full of gold, and then lure it with profits, we can attract a steady stream of Han rich people. Moreover, those businessmen feel very keen. If your majesty intends to support the western development plan a little, it will be beneficial, and thousands of businessmen will gather here immediately..."

Liu Hao was also a little stunned after listening to He Yu\'s ideas.

After a long pause, Liu Hao clapped the table and cheered categorically. Instead, he Yu was startled.

"Your Majesty, I said the wrong thing?"

He Yu felt a little too excited and said carefully.

"Aiqing, this plan is wonderful. I think it is feasible..."

Liu Hao smiled with his palms. Looking at ho ho\'s round fat face, he felt a little cute.

Sure enough, smart people can stand out wherever they put them. He Yu is very good at making money.

If this concept is put in future generations, it will be the basic national policy of attracting investment and vigorously developing tourism.

The king and ministers talked for a while, and Liu Hao made the final decision: "at this time, it is urgent to build a transmission array with a thousand miles a day. Li Hongzhang is responsible for supervising the construction of the Western transmission array, allocating bank funds with you, and writing a western development report without error."

"Yes, sir!"

He Chen and Li Hongzhang knelt down on their knees, bowed and bowed, and took orders.

After Liu Hao arranged things, he traveled around Sardinia for a few days. He rode a dragon horse with Artemisia and ran across the river and sea to Sicily.

Now it is also controlled by the great men. After the capture of the Roman city, Chen Qingzhi\'s command attribute has been exaggerated. The white robed sergeant is as angry as a rainbow and marches towards Germania.

Caesar has been defeated, the Roman Empire has existed in name only, and the remaining resistance is extremely limited. It is not the opponent of Chen Qingzhi\'s white robed army at all.

In the past few days when Liu Hao was on vacation, the red light of war flashed on the system panel, and the news of Chen Qingzhi\'s destruction of the city and defeat of the enemy came one after another. The worship value and merit value were rising crazily

Liu Hao is leisurely, heading for the West.

I have always had a wish in my previous life, that is, to travel around European countries, but the conditions do not allow it. Now I have repaid this wish.

This time, Liu Hao\'s mood was completely relaxed without any purpose.

Half a month later, Liu Hao received the news of Li Hongzhang on Sicily.

Hundreds of thousands of Roman prisoners of war worked hard day and night. Cloud crystal ore, a prosperous Dynasty, needed countless talents of various types.

There are wise people like Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang, as well as political talents like Liu Bowen and Xun Yu. There are famous commanders of the emperor\'s divine force who attack the heavens, with unparalleled military front. There are also generals of the five tigers and nine dragons who seize the flag. They are invincible in iron and blood.

Of course, we also need capable and practical talents like Li Hongzhang.

Liu Hao\'s praise has already caused Li Hongzhang to have an excited idea of "carrying the jade dragon to die for you and reporting your intention on the golden stage".

"With your Majesty\'s immortal family array, the minister is nothing but a minor achievement. It\'s not worth mentioning, but he is sent to go through fire and water and die!"

Li Hongzhang\'s loyalty also broke through the full value. Liu Hao said with a smile: "there are still many array plans to be built next. Aiqing, those who can do more work... Let\'s go and see the immortal family array with me first. How magical it is."


Li Hongzhang is full of energy. Now the second and third transmission arrays are also being built.

With the Great Han bank as the foundation, there are countless days and countless gold and silver. It is conceivable that more and more transmission arrays will be completed in the near future.

Such directional transmission has become a hub bridge connecting the East and the west, and the cultural intersection between the East and the West has also taken place to a certain extent.

When everything was on the right track, Liu Hao continued to advance westward with Chen Qingzhi\'s white robed army, leaving Guo Jia and jiaxudu town in the West. He took altemicia back to the East through the transmission array.

After experiencing the pantheon in Rome, the picture of the country in Liu Hao\'s mind is blooming day by day, and the 49 Mini inscriptions of the God of war are infinite.

Liu Hao clearly felt that the film breaking through the realm of human immortality was becoming more and more loose.

As long as he doesn\'t restrain his powerful imperial Qi machine, he may cause heaven and earth visions at any time, reaching the last level of human fairyland.

Now that the west is calm and the situation is stable, Liu Hao\'s last worry is finally settled.

The next thing to do is to make final preparations for breaking through the realm of human immortality