The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2432

Liu Hao withdrew from the sea of consciousness and hung a cool arc at the corner of his mouth, saying, "Wen he, did you give Xue Rengui a brocade bag before sending out the army?"

Jia Xu stood in the crowd with his hands folded in his sleeves. He was used to diving. When Liu Hao called his name, he slowly stood up and arched his hands and said, "I\'m just talking."

Liu Hao slapped his hand and said with a smile, "I read it with God. Xue Rengui was on the top of the holy mountain and shot the Roman emperor with an arrow. At this time, the front battlefield has not been divided, but there has been chaos behind the enemy. Only when the news of the fall of the Roman emperor comes, the big event will be decided!"

There was an uproar.

Liu Hao has unpredictable means, and the Han people naturally believe what Liu Hao said.

"It\'s said that the Roman Emperor Caesar, who dominates the west, pushes several countries and is also a world leader, died at the hands of Xue Rengui!"

"Xue Rengui has such means. I underestimated him."

"Your Majesty still knows talents with insight and appoints Xue Rengui as the No. 1 scholar in martial arts. Indeed, he has made great achievements!"


The officials of the Han Dynasty looked excited and gathered together to discuss excitedly.

Hundreds of thousands of Han troops crossed thousands of miles through luoshengmen, came to the west, fought bloody battles and killed hundreds of thousands of enemies.

After today, Xue Rengui will set the world with one arrow, and the situation will completely fall to the big man\'s side.

Liu Hao was so proud that he waved his sleeve and said, "follow me to the Huanglong warship. I want to see Rome destroy the country with my own eyes!"

"My Lord, yes!"

The ministers agreed.


The west coast.

Dozens of legions of the Roman Empire camped here.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see the flag of the Roman army flying in the wind and the barracks stretching for tens of miles.

It\'s like a steel barrier, which is also the last defense line of the Roman Empire.

At this time, the Roman general Augustus was sitting in the camp with a golden sword, talking and presiding over the military conference.

The generals of dozens of legions were all wearing heavy and powerful armor, but they looked cold and solemn.

The national war between the two countries has been fought until now, and no one dare to despise the big man any more.

"The Navy\'s successive defeats are really not good. We can only use the water ghost\'s suicide attack to die with the hateful Oriental!"

"Oriental people are too cunning to act rashly. It\'s better to wait until your majesty arrives at the front line to fight."

The Roman generals talked seriously about the war and came to a conclusion.

When Caesar the great took the paladins and skylarks to the war, he could immediately reverse the situation.

The great Roman Emperor will crush everything and explode everything!

However, they did not wait for the news of Caesar\'s personal visit to the battlefield, but for the sad news of the fall of the holy mountain!

Caesar the great... The great fell!

When the bloody Paladin told all the generals before and after the event, the whole venue was as heavy as a backwater!

Everyone sat on the ground!

No one dares to speak!

No one even dared to take it out loud!

In their hearts, Caesar the great, who was comparable to the gods, would fall out of the battlefield in this way.

Fear is like a tide, swallowing them. This feeling of sudden collapse of faith is suffocating!



"Huanglong Navy, unparalleled in the world!"

"Huanglong Navy, unparalleled in the world!"

The sea was rough, but the Huanglong warship crossed the sea like walking on the ground.

Han Shizhong\'s iron rope crossed the river and connected all the warships together. Thousands of Yellow Dragon warships were like an iron fortress floating on the sea and crashed towards the west coast.

"The thunder car is ready to attack, and ten thousand thunder will go at once!"

Facing the Roman Navy, Huanglong Navy launched a fierce and domineering offensive.

Even outside the range of the enemy\'s long bow, the mine car began to be powerful. The jar full of fire oil fell on the Roman navy warship and burst, and the flame soared like a red dragon!

The Roman Navy, which had planned to launch the water ghost suicide attack, was self defeating and suffered.

bear bear bear

Red flames burned again on the sea, and countless Roman navy soldiers burned into firemen. They jumped into the sea and sank to the bottom of the sea without any sound.

Liu Hao stood by his sword without expression.

The whole battlefield is doomed to be ruthless. The road to the brilliant throne can only be paved with blood and bones.

Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and other Navy generals madly attacked the whole Roman Navy.

The sound of killing shook the sky, and the Roman naval defense completely collapsed



The bleak and solemn cry of the wolf suddenly sounded at night.

The garrison of the Roman King\'s city woke up from a dream, looked down the city, took a breath, softened his legs and fell to the ground!

In the dark night, there are countless Bi you fierce eyes under the city.

The bloodthirsty and violent wolf stared at the city head with a cold and cruel killing opportunity.

"Wolf God! It\'s wolf God!"

"How can there be so many Sirius? It\'s terrible!"


Rome is a strange country that believes in gods, and the wolf God is one of them.

Gray wolf is an ancient heterogeneous blood, also known as Sirius.

When tens of thousands of wolves gather together, how shocking!?

Xue Rengui breathed.

His white robe has been stained with the blood of paladins. It looks more bloodthirsty and violent.

Looking at the flying Roman flag at the head of the King City, Xue Rengui suddenly pulled out the sun shooting bow behind him.

Eight hundred steps away.

Take the arrow and lead the string, narrow your eyes slightly, suddenly loosen your fingers, and lead the string and open the arrow!


The golden arrow turned into a bright meteor, pierced the void and hit the Roman flag!

This pole symbolizes the banner of absolute power and collapsed!


"Han Shizhong led the Huanglong navy to defeat the Western Navy. At the same time, soldiers who knew the Roman language preached the fall of Caesar on the battlefield. The morale of the Roman Legion collapsed and lost thirty miles. The navy general gave the head..."

Yu Wenyue, who reported the details of the war with Liu Hao, was unconsciously excited in his voice.

The war with the most powerful empire in the West has finally come to an end today!

As soon as Caesar died, the whole Roman Empire fell into a headless situation. In the midst of chaos, it was the time for the great men to advance wildly