The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2431

Strategizing, winning thousands of miles away.

At this time, Jia Xu may still follow the emperor\'s side, but his brocade bag, which only wrote the word "fire attack", indirectly determined the victory of the war!

Look at the valley, the flames are blazing, miserable as purgatory.

Paladins are brave and good at fighting. They are invulnerable to knives and guns, but after all, they are not made of steel. How can they stop the red flame?

In a moment, the red fire dragon has burned countless paladins.

The scream of the war horse, the shrill howl of the knight, and the disgusting smell of charred meat made Kesa\'s hair stand up!

"Hateful Oriental... Treacherous Oriental!"

"At all costs, open the channel and kill the holy mountain!"

At the command of Caesar the great, the whole Paladin army seemed crazy and launched an impact on the road ahead of the valley.

At this time, Xue Rengui on the top of the mountain spit out a long breath.

He untied the sun bow on his back and drew out the God of war arrow in the arrow pot.

This is the divine bow given by the holy emperor. After being tempered in the thunder pool, it is strong enough with seven stones and is the most powerful of the dynasty!

Danfeng\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were like eagles and falcons.

The moment Xue Rengui took the arrow to lead the string, the whole person fell into a strange calm, as if separated from the world.

He seems to have become the ancient god Hou Yi who shot at the sun with an arrow on his back in ancient times. He lifted the sky and opened his bow. His fingers suddenly loosened and collapsed to lead the string to open the arrow!

Grab! Grab!! Grab!!!

Three bows were heard, and the three ares arrows turned into three golden meteors, tearing the sky and shooting out.

What a brilliant light!?

Caesar the great stood on the golden chariot and commanded the paladin Corps. Suddenly, he was alarmed. He suddenly looked up and saw a golden flash coming through the hanging moon.

The golden arrow burst into the air and was about to penetrate Caesar\'s forehead. As a result, a light golden mask appeared around Caesar to resist the golden arrow!


There was a sharp sound of gold and iron, and the golden arrow was broken into powder and scattered in the air.

The second golden arrow came faster and hit the magical golden air cover. It was also annihilated and broken inch by inch and turned into powder.

Caesar laughed and said, "I am blessed by the ancient gods. I am invincible and invincible. You can\'t hurt me!"

The paladin was excited. He was attacked by fire and nearly fell to the bottom of the valley. His Qi increased a lot and began to roar.

However, at this moment, the air seemed to solidify at this moment.

The golden arrow was like a meteor outside the sky, tearing the air. The God of war\'s iron and blood will came, and suddenly shot in front of Caesar\'s forehead with his hegemony and determination to destroy everything.

Like the previous two arrows, in the same position, but this time the golden hood was shot through a gap.

Caesar\'s pupils contracted suddenly and his hair was creepy. He raised the gold shield in his hand to block his forehead.

As a result, the arrow still pierced the shield and fell into Caesar\'s forehead.


In the valley where the killing sound was boiling, there was a moment of silence!

In this miraculous moment, everyone was silent and stunned!

The paladins were in the fire hell, suffering from the burning pain, but they were unconscious. They just opened their mouths and looked at their Caesar.

Julius Caesar, handsome and majestic as a statue of God, still wears strong armor.

But there was a golden arrow in front of his forehead.

The blood is flowing out of that blood hole, and the vitality is also passing away.

Caesar\'s eyes gradually relaxed. He could no longer hold the golden sword in his hand, and his ambition higher than heaven collapsed.


When the golden sword in Caesar\'s hand, which symbolized supreme power, fell to the ground, the paladins of the whole valley began to cry together.

The pain of the collapse of faith is more unbearable than the burning of the body.

The top of the holy mountain.

The big Han wolf cavalry all looked at Xue Rengui with reverent eyes and roared excitedly and violently:

"It is worthy of being the number one scholar in martial arts granted by his Majesty the holy emperor!"

"General Xue\'s arrow killed the emperor of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was headless!"

"Xue Rengui fixed Rome with an arrow!"

"General Xue is mighty!"


It\'s no exaggeration to say that with this arrow alone.

Xue Rengui shot and killed the overlord of the whole west and the actual power controller of the Roman Empire.

This is a real feat of destroying the country and covering the land. The military aircraft Department truthfully records the feats. Xue Rengui can be promoted to three levels after returning to the DPRK!

The head of Caesar the great is enough to make him go up in the world!

"One will be successful and ten thousand bones will wither!"

Xue Rengui shot Caesar and looked at the wailing Roman soldiers in the valley. There was no pity in his eyes, only the cold killing.

"Snow Wolf riding, ready to clear the field, Roman enemy, no one left!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The snow wolf rides the chopping Sabre held high in his hand. The blade is cold and has unlimited killing power.

Under the holy mountain, there was another slaughter.


"Worthy of the dream, the virtuous minister Xue Rengui!"

Liu Hao witnessed the occurrence of the whole holy mountain battle.

In history, Xue Rengui said that one arrow determined the Tianshan Mountain. Today, Xue Rengui opened the sun god bow and sniped Caesar with one arrow, which is even more impressive. It will go down in history and be famous for thousands of years!

The prompt tone of the system also rang one after another:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Xue Rengui broke through the limit, killed Caesar with an arrow, randomly increased the force attribute by 3 points, and rewarded the worship value by 50000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Jia Xu planned a strategy to win thousands of miles. Fire attack lethality + 100%. The Roman paladins suffered heavy losses!!"

"Congratulations to the host. The Roman paladins are in a state of collapse. In this state, the force of all Roman paladins is - 5 and the morale is reduced by 100%!"


The battle of holy mountain can be said to be the most perfect stage for Xue Rengui, and it is also the peak battle for him to officially ascend Ling in the world!

Unfortunately, Caesar, the Roman emperor, was also a great talent and strategy. As a result, he died before he left the army. He had not led his army to the front battlefield and died on the way.

The paladin Legion is known as the strongest army in the west, and its status can almost be compared with that of the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry, but it is inevitable that it will be defeated in the end.

Caesar died on the holy mountain, and both the lark Legion and the paladin Legion could not escape destruction.

So far, this huge empire across the West has finally collapsed