The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2433

Liu Hao nodded slightly and said, "pass on my personal order. The general of five tigers and nine dragons is ready to go out. In any case, we should seize the control of the west coast, settle in the West and fight this war."

"My Lord, yes!"

Yu Wenyue admires Liu Hao\'s keen strategic vision in his heart. Qiang ran hugs his fist and leads him away.

Now dozens of legions of the Roman Empire are gathered on the west coast. As long as the west coast is successfully laid down, the barrier of the Roman royal city will completely collapse.

Before the eternal King City, there is a smooth road.

The cruel war continues, and the west coast has become a meat grinder worthy of the name.

The bodies of Roman soldiers floating on the sea from time to time are no longer blue, like a sea of blood and dazzling scarlet.

Artemisia was lost.

She led the Roman Imperial Navy to dominate the western waters. She has always been a conqueror, but now she has been conquered.

Artemisia couldn\'t help asking, "Caesar... Did Caesar really fall?"

Liu Hao glanced at the thorny rose and struck mercilessly: "do you still expect Caesar to appear on the battlefield and reverse the situation? As long as he appears, I will kill him among millions of troops!"


Absolutely powerful, absolutely overbearing, leaving Artemisia speechless.

After all, she saw Liu Hao come down to earth like a God, cut the river and split the sea, and kneel with a sword.

Unfortunately, the heroic scene of picking the head of the great emperor among millions of troops is doomed to be invisible again.

Liu Hao stood in the bow of the boat and stood with his sword in the wind.

It seems that Julius Caesar, the supreme god of heaven and earth, is arrogant and overbearing. When he falls into the altar, he is just a white bone under Liu Hao\'s supreme throne.

At this moment, Artemisia had a small and strange feeling in his heart.

Altemicia was dazzled and almost ashamed to think of the shameless and impetuous on the sea that day.

The pleasure of being conquered made her feel suffocated, trembling and longing in her heart, and there was an impulse to bend her knees and worship Liu Hao!


The Roman war lasted twenty days.

The war raged from the west coast to the city of Rome.

The famous generals of the Roman Empire were slaughtered by the generals of the five tigers and nine dragons. I don\'t know how many fell.

Dozens of Roman legions were defeated, beheaded more than 500000, and the rest scattered everywhere.

The whole Roman Empire was in panic. The Roman capital, known as the eternal King City, has now completely fallen into fear.

The terrible cavalry from the East killed the great Emperor Caesar in their hearts, and broke through dozens of Roman legions.

The sky was snowing like a goose feather, and the whole Roman king was silent and cold.

Chen Qingzhi was dressed in a white robe. His cold eyes crossed the majestic city wall and said in a deep voice, "are they all arranged properly?"

Xue Rengui hugged his fist and said, "tell Chen Shuai that several armies have been arranged. As soon as the time comes, break the city immediately!"

After shooting down the Roman King\'s flag with an arrow, Xue Rengui did not rush to attack the city. Instead, he led the wolf to camp outside the Roman King\'s city, waiting for Chen Qingzhi\'s arrival.

Chen Qingzhi also praised Xue Rengui. After arriving at the scene, he immediately took over the attack of the King City.

The imperial army is short of one in three, leaving only the west gate of the King City.

The suffocating ferocious soldiers put pressure on the Roman garrison in the city, as thick as a mountain.

Augustus, the last famous general of Rome, chose to abandon the city and flee.

He took the remnant army out of the west gate and ran for his life.

"Damn Eastern devil! Just let me escape to Germania and gather the people, and I will have a chance to make a comeback in the future!"

Augustus looked back from time to time and found that the Han Army did not chase up. He was both frightened and excited.

The fear was that the Han Army had broken through the whole Roman Empire and his courage!

What excites me is that I am about to escape from heaven. There is a kind of ease for birds to get out of their cage.

However, when he ran out of the city for more than ten miles, a white robed general was suddenly killed in the dense forest beside the road.

"The Great Han Zhao Yun is here and keeps your head!"



Step! Step! Step!!

Step! Step! Step!!

The Great Han Huben\'s fierce pawn walked forward with neat steps, and the iron boots made a heavy sound of killing on the bluestone floor.

Liu Hao rode on a dragon horse and looked down at the King City of Rome.

Chen Qingzhi, dressed in a white robe, was still outstanding. He bowed at the gate of the city and said, "minister, welcome your majesty into the city!"

Liu Hao turned over and dismounted, picked up Chen Qingzhi, patted him on the shoulder and said with a long smile, "Qing really lives up to the name of the God of war in white robes."

Chen Qingzhi commanded the fierce soldiers of the Great Han Huben, and finally stepped on the arrogant Roman Empire.

After several years of layout, the first World War in the West has finally come to an end.

Chen Qingzhi\'s chin had already accumulated a tiny beard, and said positively: "the minister just made a little effort. It all depends on his Majesty\'s great power and the concerted efforts of the officers and men of the three armed forces, so as to wipe out the Western barbarians and make the world subject!"

In this eternal King City, the king and his officials looked at each other and smiled. Everything was silent.


When Liu Hao waved his sleeves and sat on the throne of Rome, all the ministers in the magnificent hall knelt down and shouted long live the mountain.

The sound was vigorous and stirring in the hall, but this feeling was very different from usual.

Liu Hao waved his hand casually, indicating that the ministers were flat.

Caesar the great conquered the whole west, and the Han Dynasty conquered Rome. Now Liu Hao has stood at the peak of the world, lonely and invincible.

The fall of Rome means that the reshuffle of power needs a vacuum period.

The primary task at present is to exterminate all the Roman Empire without leaving any hope.

Liu Hao is ready to hand over the matter to Jia Xu. Jia Xu really doesn\'t want to be the second person because of his careful mind and calculation of people\'s hearts.

While the officials were discussing, the royal guards came in quickly from outside the hall.

"Tell your majesty! General Zhao Yun killed Augustus and killed his head. Now wait outside the palace!"

"Zilong, come in."

Liu Hao was overjoyed.

Zhao Yun is really a timely rain. Augustus is the No. 2 figure of the Roman Empire, known as the right hand of God.

If you let him escape, you will have to cause more trouble in the future. If you kill him now, there will be no future trouble.

Before long, Zhao Yun stepped into the hall, knelt down on one knee and abandoned the blood dripping head in his hand. Qiang ran said, "I\'m lucky I didn\'t lose my life and take the enemy\'s head here!"

"Zi Long is really admiral!"

All the people in the court were surprised and praised. Liu Hao was hearty and couldn\'t help sighing