The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2430

So fierce and fierce, even Liu Hao\'s mind surged.

He even had a kind of intuition in his heart. This time he conquered the West and fought bloody battles with the Roman Empire. Lv Bu, the first general of the three countries, may be about to break through his bottleneck.

At this time, the system prompt sounds:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. General LV bushuang of Kowloon has successfully broken through to the top of the great master of martial arts. The additional reward worship value is 30000. Please let the host know!"

"At present, Lv Bu is in the state of dominating the body. Every time he kills one person, he will accumulate murderous Qi value, which will cause a deterrent effect on the enemy!"

Lv Bu roared like a dragon, and his red essence ran like a column through the hole and rushed straight to the bullfight.

The red rabbit and horse also hissed, like the wind and electricity, towards the chiseling and killing of the skylark army.

Where you pass, people turn upside down!

Jinge iron horse, gas swallows thousands of miles!

Liu Hao looked at the excited and couldn\'t help laughing: "the world\'s tiger general, who can be the right to be the first?"

At this point, the soldiers of the skylark Corps finally began to panic.

Although they were the iron and blood elite who swept the West with Caesar, they were first killed by Lv Bu, and then attacked by the snow wolf, and the iron bucket like solid formation began to collapse.

I don\'t know who it was. He lost his shield and spear and shouted in horror in the crowd:

"Devil! Devil of the East!"

"Terrible Oriental!"

"Withdraw quickly and inform the emperor that the easterners have come to attack our army behind!"


Panic and fear seemed to infect the whole Skylark army.

Lv Bu broke through the peak of the great master of martial arts, maneuvered and killed thousands of miles!

Liu Hao\'s mind overlooks the whole battlefield and listens to the powerful and stirring military music, which is more exciting than watching the most spectacular film.

Suddenly, the system panel flashes red.

Liu Hao\'s mind moved, but the Huanglong Navy began to cross the sea and began to fight with the Roman Navy.

Ten thousand thunder, covering the whole sky, showed boundless killing.

This spectacular scene is really shocking.

Han Shizhong pulled out his long sword, pointed to the West and shouted, "Huanglong Navy, unparalleled in the world!"

"Huanglong Navy, unparalleled in the world!"

"Huanglong Navy, unparalleled in the world!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers of Huanglong Navy roared wildly and shouted out the glory of their hearts.

"After today\'s war, who can be an enemy?"

Liu Hao took charge of the battlefield. After only one look, he switched the battlefield.

After a heavy blow, the princess commander of the Luohan navy has become a prisoner of Liu Hao.

Today\'s fight with Huanglong Navy is the same end.



Roman Emperor Caesar rode in a golden chariot driven by four horses and rushed to the front battlefield under the eyes of all the people.

One hundred thousand paladins, like a torrent of steel, swept the vast land and were impassioned.

This Paladin legion, each of them is the elite of the elite of Roman soldiers, one against ten!

Every Paladin\'s cavalry is equipped with spears, heavy swords, heavy armor and strong shields. The men and horses stand tall and towering, and take neat and killing steps to protect their king.

Caesar pushed the western countries horizontally. At this time, his reputation can be said to be at the height of the sun.

He ran towards the battlefield with the posture of crushing everything and passed through a valley. Suddenly, he heard the sound of thunder.

On the mountain walls on both sides, there were countless rolling stones and logs rolling down the mountain walls, blocking the valley in an instant.

After blocking, the Roman paladins were not in disorder.

Xue Rengui, the white robed warrior on the cliff, looked through the long floating clouds and landed on the noble carriage among the paladins.

The general of the cavalry regiment immediately came and reported it to Caesar, who was angry.

He built a huge Roman Empire and dominated the West. One look can make people scared.

But recently he has been more angry than in previous years combined.

The Roman emperor drove himself to the battlefield. In the past, the enemy might fall at the sight of the wind and dare not resist.

Today, when I left the house, I was blocked and killed. It\'s a great shame!

Caesar\'s eyes under Xiongwu\'s gold helmet were somewhat gloomy and said, "here, where is it?"

"Return, your majesty! This is the holy mountain. It\'s 120 miles away from the battlefield!"

Caesar pressed the sword and said, "send paladins to find out the enemies and kill them all, leaving none!"

The mighty emperor, so domineering!

Caesar stood on the shaft of the golden carriage and pressed his sword with one hand. His eyes penetrated the long white clouds and just landed on the top of the mountain.

At this time, Xue Rengui also made a decisive gesture. The silver arc flashed, and the gray wolf began to roar, and the voice surged between the valleys.

College wolf, climbing into the forest, walking on the ground.

The cavalry on the wolf\'s back pulled out the rosefinch crossbow and began to shoot.

For a moment, the sound of the arrows breaking through the air was heard all the time.

The paladin general looked up and showed a disdainful smile: "the paladin can\'t even shoot through the long bow even if he wears the armor blessed by the gods of the Pantheon. What\'s the drizzle of the easterners?"

The paladins at the foot of the mountain were indifferent, and they didn\'t even bother to lift the shield in their hands.

Under heavy armour, weapons are invulnerable and arrows are hard to hurt.

Unfortunately, the development of things was unexpected.

Caesar frowned, vaguely smelling the pungent smell of fire oil and charcoal. The first round of firing of the rosefinch crossbow was a rocket!

bear bear

The rocket fell to the ground, and the fire oil poured on the valley. Unexpectedly, it began to soar.

The paladins were silly. They found that the ground in the valley was covered with a layer of charcoal.


The paladins who dominate the West are all ignorant!

They have fought head-on with the most ferocious and powerful enemy, but they have never experienced such a battle.

"Before the expedition, Wenhe military division gave a brocade bag. It\'s really nothing to do!"

Xue Rengui looked at a red dragon sweeping across the valley, and his blood was boiling up