The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2421

In the account of the Great Han Emperor.

Burning dark and pleasant smelling sandalwood, it can vaguely touch people\'s hearts.

Cleopatra sat on the soft Persian blanket, her shoulders were cut, her waist was straight, her legs were long and round, and she tilted slightly to the left.

His chest is full and plump, his body is slim and graceful, his face is beautiful and exotic, and his eyes are very provocative. He is really a rare beauty.

It seemed to hear the fanatical cry of hooray from the mountain outside the tent. Cleopatra\'s perfect dimple was a little frightened and uneasy, like a frightened cat.

Then a handsome and majestic man, like a God, opened the door and came in.

That deep and dignified look, like a god overlooking the world, gave people great pressure, and Cleopatra breathed.

Smart as she is, she already knows that this is the emperor of the Eastern Han people.

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up. His mind keenly sensed the panic and uneasiness of the beauty. First, he lost his Qi skill directly.

Cleopatra - force 53, intelligence 82, politics 84, command 72, charm 101!

Stunt 1, scheming: Cleopatra is good at scheming. If she is in her position, she can stir up the political situation!

Intelligence + 2, politics + 2!

Stunt 2, special object: unique special object, no better than this!

Cleopatra charm + 3, common people see it, initial liking + 20!


Liu Hao glanced at the woman who was forced to be calm, and all kinds of information about her emerged in his heart.

Historically, this is a controversial woman.

Some people say that her ugly face and heart like snakes and scorpions have disturbed the Roman Empire.

Liu Hao scoffed.

This is obviously nonsense.

It\'s natural for men to chase beautiful women. If Cleopatra is really ugly, Caesar and Anthony are blind and compete to fall under her skirt!?

However, after the maid checked, Cleopatra was still perfect. Liu Hao raised Cleopatra\'s chin and looked at her pitiful eyes, but she moved the sky fire in her heart.

Without much to say, Liu Hao pressed down the beautiful Zhen head, and the light was hot between his eyes.

I don\'t mention it much.

... [omit 10000 words and imagine for yourself]


"The snow wolf rode around ATOS mountain and rushed to the hot spring pass."

"After crossing the sea and defeating the Western Navy, Huanglong Navy attacked the whole Sparta first..."

Pointing to the map, Chen Qingzhi decisively gave the strategic deployment of the last war.

In the account, five tigers, nine dragons, seven great military divisions and imperial masters gathered together.

Everyone pondered for a while and finally nodded together to agree with Chen Qingzhi\'s arrangement.

Liu Hao stared at the map and nodded slightly.

"As long as you take the hot spring pass and marathon plain, you can ride the snow wolf for a few days, you can kill under the Roman King City and tread the Roman King known as the eternal city to the ground..."

At this time, the development of the historical track has shifted, and the Roman Empire is the largest empire in the history of the West.

Sparta and Sweden are the two sharpest pawns of the Roman Empire.

"Lv Bu and Ma Chao led the snow wolf to ride around ATOS mountain and attack the hot spring pass!"

"Han Shizhong led the Huanglong navy to cross the sea and fight with the Swedish Navy!"

"Last general, yes!"

All the generals in the army also recognized Chen Qingzhi\'s strategic arrangement for the use of troops.

Military speed is important. After the military order was issued, the Han Dynasty operated like a sophisticated war machine.

Facing the fresh sea breeze, Liu Hao boarded the Huanglong warship.

At a glance, there was a blue sea, with thousands of Yellow Dragon warships behind them, closely arranged according to the formation, all over the whole sea area.

The ship was full of big men, tiger Ben and fierce soldiers, clanking in iron armor, holding long guns and halberds, looking ahead. They wanted to kill like tigers and wolves when Liu Hao gave an order.

"Jinfan department is ready!"

General Gan Ning bluntly resumed his life.

Jinfan department is the most elite attacking force in Huanglong Navy, which is comparable to the trapped camp on land.

"The battle was supervised by General Han."

Liu Hao raised his hand slightly and motioned Han Shizhong to give an order.

Liu Hao was not the director of naval warfare. Han Shizhong led the Han Huanglong Navy for more than ten years and commanded the Navy as an arm envoy.

"I take orders!"

Han Shizhong took command with a fist and waved his sword; "Jinfan forerunner! Blow the horn and prepare for attack!"

Sobbing sobbing~~~~

The bleak and solemn horn sounded suddenly on the sea!

Thousands of warships crossed the sea, like thousands of huge yellow dragons, overturned rivers and seas and began to become powerful.

Huanglong Navy is advancing forward without hesitation.

Suddenly, a sharp cry suddenly sounded: "the enemy warship is found! The brocade sail department is ready to attack!"

Liu Hao stood high and looked into the distance. He saw dozens of warships leaning towards the front of Huanglong Navy at the sea level.


Gan Ning\'s treasure blade was cold in his palm, looked at the distance and roared.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The fierce soldiers of the brocade sail Department roar like crazy tigers.

Western warships came quickly, but they couldn\'t get close to the Han Huanglong Navy at all, so they were smashed through the formation.

Flying thunder car!!

With the rapid development of science and technology in the dynasty, the flying mine vehicle has made several technological innovations, and it is no longer the flying mine vehicle of that year.

The fierce offensive spread out on the sea and roared all over the sea!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Western ships have been bombarded, sunk and submerged in the sea.

The soldiers on the Western fleet began to scream. Although they didn\'t know what they were calling, they could hear the despair

"It\'s really not beaten!"

Gan Ning embraced his shoulders with his arms, and a cold arc hung from the corners of his mouth.

This is a one-sided massacre.

Even the most elite Jinfan Department of Huanglong Navy didn\'t go out. Only by the shelling of flying thunder vehicles, the forward western warship was annihilated in the sea.

Liu Hao stood high and witnessed the sea battle with his own eyes, but his heart was speechless and full of laughter:

"I have Huanglong Navy, and the sea is invincible. Who are the seven sea tyrants!?"