The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2420


"Chen Qingzhi, welcome your Majesty the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Chen Qingzhi, dressed in a white robe, pushed Jinshan and poured Yuzhu to kneel down in front of the handsome tent of the Han army. With one hand on his chest and one hand on his sword, he made the most sincere military salute.

This is the first time that Chen Qingzhi has given Liu Hao a royal and courteous gift since he led the troops abroad for several years.

Although he had the special treatment of entering the Dynasty and walking on swords, Chen Qingzhi was still excited when he saw Liu Hao. He just wanted to kneel down and salute respectfully.

Liu Hao helped Chen Qingzhi up with emotion: "Aiqing has conquered hundreds of cities and lands. It\'s a true God of war!"

Chen Qingzhi was not born, but now he is the top and eternal handsome.

His fighting achievements step by step, from the annihilation of 200000 Jiaozhou in the south to the current western expedition to Rome, hundreds of cities and countless countries!

The arrogant Western barbarians trembled when they heard the name of the white robed army!

The State Councillors treat them, and the State Councillors report them.

The friendship between Chen Qingzhi and Liu Hao does not need too many words.

The king and his officials, who had not seen each other for years, put their arms together and walked into the tent. The Han officials also sat at separate seats.

"The minister sent for a detailed map of Rome. Your majesty, please look at it."

Chen Qingzhi stood up and pointed to the wide map hanging in the handsome tent.

From the map, we can clearly see the distribution pattern of the current Dynasty army. Most of the land in the East has been inserted with red iron blood red dragon flag.

There are even simple sailboat models on the sea, representing the warship fleet.

"I think that if we want to open the gap, we should first work together by land and water to break the important western town of Sparta. As long as we can break through these two places and March West to Rome, we will make great progress."

After a pause, Chen Qingzhi said: "the Roman Empire dominates the western border, and its strength can not be underestimated. According to the front-line intelligence, Sparta has brave men, and hundreds of people can defeat 10000 people."

"The Roman army is lined up closely with dozens of people. The soldiers in the front row stand with strong shields and stab the enemy with spears. In addition, there are elephant soldiers..."

Chen Qingzhi led his troops to the Mediterranean and came to Rome. Naturally, he knew the advantages of Roman troops.

I was explaining the operation mode of the Roman army in detail, when a notice came from outside the account:

"Report! General Ma Chao has returned to the camp!"

"Call General Ma Chao quickly!"

Before long, Ma Chao, one of the five tiger generals, had come to the account.

Looking at Ma Chao with a strong body and white lion armor, Liu Hao slapped and said with a smile: "what a mighty general!"

Ma Chao also hasn\'t seen Liu Hao for several years. He pushed Jinshan and fell down on his knees. Qiang ran hugged his fist and said, "at the end, Ma Chao will meet his Majesty the holy emperor. His Majesty\'s divine power is far better than that in those years!"

"Hehe, where are Madai and pound?"

Liu Haosheng was flattered and glanced, but he didn\'t find Ma Chao\'s two strong generals.

"Pang Lingming is supervising the army in the north. Ma Dai escorts the Egyptian prisoners of war. It won\'t be long before they arrive. This time, the minister specially prepared a gift for his majesty. This gift is really a rare beauty in the world. Your Majesty must like it."

Ma Chaoqiang hugged his fist, and a smile that men know appeared at the corners of his mouth.


Liu Hao was slightly stunned. He showed some interest in his heart and said, "I\'ll see what Meng Qi\'s gift is."

The woman who can make Ma Chao so amazing must not be a simple thing. Just look at the amazing method of exotic beauty.

The monarch and his officials separated from each other, discussed military aircraft for a while, and settled down respectively.

Crossing thousands of miles through the Luosheng gate seems to be between the fingers. In fact, it is thousands of miles away, which has a great spiritual impact.

Liu Hao and martial arts master are OK, and their spiritual foundation is strong. However, the Huben fierce soldiers of the Han Dynasty are not strong in body and spirit. Naturally, they need to keep their energy and energy for the war of national destruction that will come soon.


Outside the account.

Ma Dai put his hand on the waist knife and stood upright in front of the account.

The fierce pawn of the Great Han Huben was surrounded by the emperor\'s tent with the spread of the stars.

But there were still soldiers who couldn\'t help looking back at the beautiful shadow in the tent. It was the last female Pharaoh of the Ptolemy Dynasty in ancient Egypt.

She has a strange name, Cleopatra.

Although her name is strange, she is undoubtedly the most beautiful woman in Egypt.

With a high nose and deep eyes, Cleopatra\'s eyes are deep. Although she is only in her twenties, she is not as beautiful as anything in the world. It seems that she doesn\'t need to move. That perfect body can arouse the most violent desire at the bottom of people\'s heart

Huben fierce soldiers are also men. In the face of such peerless creatures, of course, they look more.

However, Ma Dai at the door said coldly, "this is his Majesty\'s woman. Who dares to take another look, don\'t blame a long knife for being ruthless!"

The fierce soldiers of Huben looked forward as if they had been watered with cold water. They woke up from a dream and dared not look more.

Your majesty, supreme.

The fierce soldiers of the dynasty Huben respect it as God!

Even if they were given bear heart and leopard courage, they would not dare to have unreasonable thoughts about his Majesty\'s women.



"The last general, Ma Dai, paid a visit to his Majesty the holy emperor. His majesty will live forever!"

As soon as I got to the emperor\'s tent arranged in advance, I saw a young general kneeling in front of the door on one knee and saluting on his chest with one hand.

Ma Dai is much more mature than a few years ago.

In addition to the growth of the dual attributes of force and command, Ma Dai also grew a beard, with several scars after the war on his face, and the heroic appearance of some stable generals.

"Get up."

Liu Haolong stepped forward, picked up Ma Dai and said with a smile, "the bloody battle in Rome is a hard battle. Are you ready?"

Ma Dai\'s spirit perked up and Qiang ran said, "the last general, I\'d like to raise my head and die for your majesty!"

Ma Dai and Wei Yan were the top generals who could hold hands in the late Shu Han period of the Three Kingdoms. Wei Yan died in Ma Dai\'s hands

"Good, good, good!"

Liu Hao laughed, patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Mahalanobis is a door. All heroes are also heroes. I\'m very relieved!"

[PS: the timeline is disordered, so you don\'t have to study it deeply. The expedition of Western Rome is not only to fill the hole in front, but also to pave the way for the development of the later plot.]