The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2422


Western naval command.

A hot and beautiful woman who is not like the world, with her willow eyebrows turned upside down, is in a rage.

The Western Navy General who came back in distress to report was tied with an iron block and sank into the sea!

The ship\'s generals were silent, and no one dared to vent their anger loudly.

Because she\'s Artemisia!

The righteous sister of Caesar, the Roman emperor, can be said to be the princess of the Roman Empire. Artemisia has another identity, that is, the commander of the Roman Empire Navy!

Under one person, there is supreme dignity.

The power of life and death is in one hand. Who dares to disobey the sea!?

"Waste! What waste!"

Altemicia frowned and sneered: "in the Great Han Dynasty of the East, I heard that the emperor of the Han Kingdom has also come. I want to see what kind of people it is!"

"Come on, I\'m going to send a letter to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. I want to meet him!"


The river and sea are surging.

Huanglong crossed the sea and rolled up a startling wave.

The sea was full of wreckage, and the violent smell of war had not yet dissipated.

Liu Hao\'s eyes moved and suddenly saw a lonely sea ship floating on the sea in the distance.

The brocade sail department was about to set out to intercept and kill the incoming ship, but only heard someone shouting in panic on the ship.

First he shouted in Western aboriginal language, and then shouted in broken Chinese: "don\'t do it. I came to deliver the letter on the order of Marshal Artemisia of the Roman Empire!"

Naval commander Artemisia - force 89, intelligence 82, politics 63, command 92, charm 100!

Stunt 1, Admiral of the Navy: altemicia is the commander-in-chief of the navy of the Roman Empire. He has a good battle!

When he commands the water army to fight, command + 3, and the water army soldiers under his command will awaken the Berserker advance attribute!

Stunt 2, strange Charm: Artemisia Xiuli strange charm, charm value + 2!

"How is this Roman admiral a woman?"

Liu Hao observed altemicia\'s attributes and abilities with the skill of looking at Qi, and was slightly stunned.

Searching the memory in my mind, I found that the Admiral had the same name as a famous female general in the West. It may be due to the disorder of the timeline. In this life, he was the Roman admiral!

This woman not only has excellent military ability, her charm is worth more than 100, but also a beautiful creature!

"Roman navy commander Artemisia invited the emperor to come to the ship for a chat. Does the emperor dare to come?"


Gan Ning suddenly changed his color, raised his knife and shouted, "you Western thief, something inferior to pigs and dogs, dare to make your majesty condescend and seek death!"

Facing the fierce Ganning, Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it casually. "It\'s just a woman. Tell your commander Artemisia that I\'ll come later."

A woman commander invited to meet on the vast green waves. If Liu Hao dared not agree, he would lose face and lose the bearing of the emperor.

Liu Hao, with his hands on his back, looked around the sea area, and a cold arc hung from the corner of his mouth: "the Huanglong Navy is ready to attack at any time. If there is any change in the Western Navy, it will attack immediately and completely destroy it!"

"The last general will take orders!"

Han Shizhong, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai and other Navy generals were inspired and took command.

He got off the boat slowly. With a cry, long Huang stepped on the snow, hissed and sped out. Liu Hao sat on long Huang\'s back and ran across the river and sea.

No entourage, only Dianwei and Xu Chu in Xiaohu Shuangwei.

On the Western warship, a group of people were shocked and speechless!

"This... What kind of monster can run in the sea like walking on the ground!?"

"Terrible! It\'s terrible!"

"A miracle! It\'s a miracle!"

At this time, feudalism prevailed in the west, and religion had a certain position.

Liu Hao rode a dragon horse and ran across the river and sea. It was like a miracle. Naturally, it was frightening.

Among the warships of the Western Navy, I finally saw the imperial rose.

It is worthy of being a woman with charm worth more than 100.

Compared with Cleopatra\'s demon rule, Artemisia has a wild charm.

Like a wild horse, no one can conquer her.

"Han Emperor, if you submit to me and the Roman Empire, you can do whatever you want."

Liu Hao chuckled when he heard altemicia\'s strange tone of Chinese and deliberately lifted his skirt to reveal the snow white.

Since the western expedition of the Han Dynasty, the culture of the Han Dynasty has spread to the West. Caesar, the great Roman emperor, is also the leader of the western Gaidai. He made great efforts to send people to collect information about the Han Dynasty.

Most of the Roman Empire could speak a few words of Chinese.

"If you kneel down and surrender, I can spare your family\'s life after I flatten Rome."

Liu Hao walked up to Artemisia and responded to her in a formal western language.

This condescending view is like a god overlooking the world.

Absolute confidence!

Absolutely overbearing!

Powerful enough to thrill!

Altemicia, who was above ten thousand people, was shocked in his heart. He couldn\'t help feeling small.

"This man... Can speak Roman!?"

When Artemisia\'s mind was shaking, Liu Hao impolitely grabbed the slender waist of the beauty Yingying, and the other hand covered the lonely snow peak that had never been covered by anyone

Western ships began to vibrate rhythmically, and the water waves were shallow

The Roman Marines laughed.

The charm of the eldest princess is really not covered. In such a short time, the emperor of the Han Dynasty became a minister under his skirt.

One man can handle the Eastern Emperor, which is better than a million troops!

Dianwei and Xu Chu also looked at each other and smiled.

His Majesty the holy emperor is supreme. His means of dealing with women are also invincible in the world.

This one took the female commander of the Roman Navy face to face. Do you still have to fight in the next battle?

The two sides had a tacit understanding and chose silence.

The battle is over.

Altemicia blushed and said lazily, "after you surrender, I will not break my promise and let brother Wang make you king of the East."

Liu Hao lifted the Jiulong jade belt and said with a smile, "don\'t worry. When I destroy Rome, I will save your family\'s life."

Beauty trick?

It doesn\'t exist!

Liu Hao swept all over the sky with his sword. It can be said that he had never suffered a loss in women.

When Artemisia heard the speech, she breathed, her beautiful eyes opened wide in disbelief, and even her mouth opened wide