The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2419


West, Parthia.

This is the territory of the annihilated history of the Sabbath Empire and an important town in the West.

The Parthians born in nomadism are good at riding. Originally, there were 100000 nomads who roamed the West. They can be called a powerful force.

However, Ma Chao in Xiliang commanded the fierce soldiers of the Great Han Huben, drove straight into the city, and broke through more than 30 cities in a row!

The iron and blood front of the Han Dynasty is approaching Egypt. The Parthian cavalry also collapsed under Ma Chao\'s white lion gun, which has become the dust of history

On this day, there was no half cloud above the clear sky.

The people of Parthia have become slaves of the Han Dynasty. They are all shackled and escorted to the East.

On the vast grassland, this slave team is as beautiful as a long dragon.


At this time, the calm sky suddenly sounded the sound of thunder without warning. The thunder rolled and the whole void darkened, as if a crack appeared in the void!

Thunder and lightning are pouring down from this crack.

"Thor! It\'s Thor who came to save us!"

"Ah! Great Zeus, kill these savage Orientals!"

"The glory of Caesar the great, the great miracle has appeared, and we Parthia are saved!"


Although the living habits of the West in this era are different from those of the Han Dynasty in the East, they also have their own myths and legends.

People in the West also believe in this illusory myth.

Amid the violent thunder, some people knelt down directly on the ground, buried their heads in the ground and revered the miracles.

On the verge of such a desperate situation, they have no possibility to resist. They can only hope that God will come down to earth and destroy the powerful and terrible Han army.

However, the fact is to let them down.

When thousands of thunder rolled down, the void crack became larger and larger, and gradually formed a light column, running through the earth from the sky, like a gateway to the sky.

"Then... What\'s that?"

A blonde Parthian, with wide eyes, looked at this gateway to heaven strangely.

All the Parthian prisoners of war looked frightened and frightened.

Among the gates, there are powerful cavalry, riding silver white war horses with thunder and lightning, and cavalry with ferocious ghost faces, riding bloodthirsty and violent like snow wolves.

Jinge iron horse, gas swallows thousands of miles!

This magnificent scene shocked everyone\'s mind.


The dragon horse hissed and galloped out of the gate of heaven, carrying the noble and incomparable emperor\'s car. On it stood a mighty and handsome young emperor, with one hand on his back and one hand on his sword. Zijin gun\'s Dragon Robe made a sound of hunting.

Hundreds of thousands of fierce soldiers of the tiger cardia behind them stepped out of the gateway to heaven, with great momentum and majestic.

Seeing the iron and blood red dragon flag of the Han Dynasty held by Zhou Cang Qingtian like an iron and steel giant, the prisoners of war in Pattaya were finally desperate

"So... It\'s not the gods to save us, it\'s the devil!"

"The terrible easterners defeated 100000 Parthian cavalry with only 10000 people. Now they have hundreds of thousands of people, and the whole west will fall!"

"It\'s over! Even God can\'t save us!"

This group of Parthian survivors began to moan and wail. There was despair all over the grassland.

"What are these guys yelling about?"

Liu Hao frowned.

At any time, the language systems of the East and the West are very different. It sounds really confused.

"System, can I exchange Roman language?"

"Excuse me, does the host consume 100000 merit points for the exchange of Roman language?"

"It\'s a little too dark for 100000, but it cost two million for luoshengmen transmission, and it\'s not bad for 100000!"

Liu Hao waved his big hand and chose to exchange without hesitation.

He has attacked several worlds and accumulated meritorious values. He is strong enough to spend recklessly.

A golden light wrapped with infinite mystery penetrated into Liu Hao\'s mind. Liu Hao suddenly appeared a clear understanding in his heart, as if he had mastered the language naturally.

These Western prisoners of war are wailing and screaming.

"The last general, Ma tie, paid a visit to his Majesty the holy emperor!"

The army of the dynasty came to luoshengmen, and the movement was earth shaking. Han Jiang, who escorted the prisoners of war, had long been aware of it. He quickly rolled his saddle and fell off his horse, kneeling in front of Liu Hao on one knee.

Ma tie is the son of Ma Teng and the brother of Xiliang Jinma Chao.

Many years have passed since the attack on Xiliang. Ma Chao marched across the West and became known as the mighty general. Through the tempering of blood and fire, Ma tie has also grown into a brave general with a height of eight feet, full of a strong breath.

"Mahalanobis, all heroes, flat!"

Liu Hao smiled and waved his sleeves. A gentle emperor like clouds suddenly escaped. It seemed that there was an invisible hand in the air, holding Ma tie to stand up.

Ma Tiexin was surprised by Liu Hao\'s means, but he became more and more respectful in his heart. He bowed and hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, these are Parthian aborigines. There are a total of millions of prisoners of war. At the end, he will be ordered by Chen Shuai to empty the battlefield and transfer prisoners of war to the East."

Will be outside, your life will not be affected.

Liu Hao had absolute trust in Chen Qingzhi, so he handed over the command of the whole Western Front War to Chen Qingzhi.

"Where\'s your big brother Meng Qi?"

Liu Hao patted Ma tie on the shoulder, which flattered him. He hugged his fist and said, "brother, listen to Chen Shuai\'s order, send troops north and prepare to attack from the north."

Ma Chao is the first valiant general of the white robed army. He is invincible. The north is where the main force of the Roman Empire is located. Naturally, he wants to sit on the battlefield.

"Take all these Xiyi slaves back and give them to all the officials in the court as slaves."

Liu Hao looked around the grassland and said in a deep voice, "what\'s the situation with the millions of troops of the Roman Empire and the Huanglong Navy?"

The territory of the Roman Empire encircles the whole Mediterranean, thousands of miles away.

Only launching both water and land attacks at the same time is the most effective way of attack.

Ma Tiedao: "the Huanglong navy has been in place, and the construction of the water stronghold has been completed, just waiting for your Majesty\'s order."


Liu Haoxi said: "you escort the prisoners of war, I\'ll find Chen Qingzhi."