The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2401

Outside the palace.

Li Jing pressed the sword with one hand and looked back at the majestic Han Palace with a long sigh of relief.

It is said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, but Li Jing feels that accompanying a king is like accompanying a dragon!

In the face of a dignified emperor like Liu Hao, the pressure on people is unimaginable, and people can\'t help but feel worshipped.

"His Majesty the holy emperor treated Li Jing as a national scholar, and Li Jing reported it as a national scholar. That\'s all."

Li Jing took a deep breath and clenched the hilt of the Seven Star Dragon yuan. Her eyes crossed the towering palace, firm as iron.


In the twinkling of an eye, spring is coming. Everything is revived and full of aura.

The ministers of the imperial court of the Han Dynasty held a secret meeting overnight. The proposal on the martial arts examination was passed and is now in full swing.

The imperial examination of the dynasty was also known as "crossing the dragon\'s gate", because it was an opportunity to change fate.

Once successful, it is like a fish leaping over the dragon\'s gate and soaring beyond the sky.

Wang Meng is a good example. After studying hard for 30 years, he won the first place in the dynasty, was reused by his Majesty the holy emperor, and became a new upstart in the imperial court.

The expedition to pacify the Sui and Tang Dynasties has been spread through various news channels, which makes the poor people all over the world envy. They vowed to study hard and regard Wang Meng as an idol.

So after the martial arts began, it caused an uproar.

Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, goods and imperial family.

I don\'t know how many martial arts people are ready to fight a world with their own martial courage.


Liu Hao sat near the lake in the imperial garden, looking at a volume of silk books with an excited look.

For nothing else, it was precisely because Chen Qing, the God of war in white, pushed westward and was about to kill the territory of the ancient Roman Empire.

In this letter, which has traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, there is also a thumb cap size ore. It is said that the dolomite was found on a noble of the ancient Roman Empire. It is repeatedly pressed that there is a mineral source on Sardinia of the ancient Roman Empire.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Dolomite: contains the aura of heaven and earth, and can be used to build a transmission array that can travel thousands of miles a day.

Liu Hao felt a little happy

This is really sleepy. I met a pillow. I want to build a thousand mile transmission array. In addition to unlimited gold and silver, I also need a lot of dolomite.

We can do something about gold and silver.

This cloud spar is hard to find in the world. Now it also has eyebrows. I believe that it will not be long before the transmission array with thousands of miles a day is no longer a dream.

"Order the military aircraft department and send a message to Chen Qingzhi. When the time is ripe, forge ahead with the Roman Empire... At a critical time, I can open the Luosheng gate and lead the master to rush across thousands of miles!"

Liu Hao pondered for a while and continued: "send someone to pass on the Minister of the Ministry of officials, he Yu."


Royal Guards clung to their fists and took orders.

The ancient Roman Empire was also very strong, dominating the west, much stronger than the kusana empire.

Liu Hao did not dare to neglect this war. He was ready to spend a lot of money at any time, open the luoshengmen, and carry out the final decisive battle with the Roman Empire with absolute hegemony.

"Is the Roman army really invincible to the world?"

Liu Hao overlooks the lake and looks beyond the calm lake. He seems to see the scene of the Imperial Army burning and the iron and steel phalanx of the Roman Empire in the near future

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

"Minister, Ho Ho, meet your Majesty the holy emperor!"

"Minister, Shen Wansan, meet your Majesty the holy emperor!"


Since he became an official, he has expanded more and more.

This expansion means that his whole body is like blowing a balloon. He becomes more and more fat. When he walks, his flesh trembles

"Ho Ho, you\'ve been doing well lately."

Liu Hao looked at He Yu and was speechless. How much money did this guy embezzle and how much can he eat like this?

When he was swept by Liu Hao\'s eyes, he broke out in a cold sweat behind his back, and his heart was even colder. He hurried to say, "minister, minister, I think hard about serving the country day and night. I forget to eat and sleep. As long as his Majesty the holy Emperor has a word, I will die for the great man without a word of complaint!"

"Get up and talk."

Liu Hao was angry and funny and said, "I have an important task for you. After completion, it\'s nothing to be promoted."

Royal guards are all staring at it. There are some small greedy people in Hetao, but they are also greedy for the money of local tyrants. He doesn\'t dare to make an idea to the imperial treasury.

When the water is clear, there is no fish, and Liu Hao is too lazy to investigate.

He Zhen\'s spirit perked up, patted pangpangpang\'s chest and shouted, "Your Majesty\'s order is to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire. I will work hard for your majesty."

"Well, I\'m going to use at least 10 billion gold and silver for the next thousand mile transmission array. You can prepare the gold and silver within three months..."


He Yu was still happy and wanted to be entrusted with an important task by his Majesty the holy emperor. From then on, he was promoted to the rank of nobility and embarked on the peak of his life.

As a result, he Pangpang\'s body shook and almost fainted when he heard 10 billion gold and silver.

Although the Han Dynasty developed rapidly and the people\'s living standards improved a lot, it was only tens of liang of silver all year round.

This is ten billion yuan, which can be said to be the revenue of the Treasury of the Han Dynasty for several years.

"This... This..."

With a sad face, he said: "Your Majesty, although the dynasty is expanding rapidly, it has been conquering for years, fighting incessantly, consuming countless money and grain, and there are less than hundreds of millions of gold and silver in the Treasury..."

Since the Han Dynasty set foot on the road of conquering the heavens, it really spent money like water.

Every time we build a world, we need to build a two-way star transmission array to connect the main world. The gold and silver needed is also calculated in billions.

"If you have enough money, what do I want you to do?"

Liu Hao snorted coldly, threw out a paper scroll of princes and said, "I\'ll show you a way to open a Han bank to collect the wealth of hundreds of millions of people in the dynasty. If you can\'t do it, don\'t appear in front of me again in the future. Go home and farm."

On the prince\'s paper is Liu Hao\'s idea about the bank written by hand.


He Tao took Liu Hao\'s calligraphy and looked at it. His small eyes lit up slightly. Shen Wansan came together to see the same. They both showed surprised faces and fell into meditation at the same time.

In fact, Liu Hao took out the concept of future bank in advance, which shocked the two gods of wealth.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

After pondering for a while, he Yu suddenly brightened his eyes, danced and shouted, "Your Majesty is really a genius. He can think of such a way to collect money