The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2400

"The southern Duke of the Song Dynasty of Xunshan town was absent from the imperial worship hall. He did not follow the trend when entering the dynasty. He took his sword and shoes to the hall and gave a residence in Qinglong Street, the capital of the emperor, eight thousand jin of gold and three Wulin stones!"

"Promote Li Jing as the Duke of Pingkou, and reward a mansion in Xuanwu Street, with 5000 gold, 8000 kilograms of silver and two Wulin stones. Go to the imperial palace for further study..."


All the Great Han generals who participated in the war of the Sui and Tang Dynasties received their due rewards.

For a moment, the hall was filled with joy and the sound of long live shouting everywhere.

"The minister leads the order."

Li Jing came forward to receive the order, and she felt a little lost.

Wang Meng and others, with this war, sealed the Duke of the king\'s court and entered the Shangshutai, but he had only one ping Kou Hou, which was a lot worse.

After the award was finalized, Lu Su stood out and said, "the imperial imperial examination was a great success. Please open the martial arts examination again..."

"You can send generals above the third grade of the imperial court to supervise the town. The military aircraft department records the roster and presents it to the holy emperor. In this way, you can include all the heroes in the world and gather in the imperial capital of the Dynasty..."

Lu Su obviously had done his homework before and pointed out some details and key points of the martial arts examination one by one.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who triggered the martial arts task and determined the king\'s No. 1 martial arts champion, will achieve the title of the strongest No. 1 martial arts champion, and automatically stimulate rich achievement rewards!"

"Actually triggered the task?"

Liu Hao glanced at the system panel and immediately made a decision: "this is a big matter, which is good for the dynasty. As for specific matters, Zijing went back and finalized the articles of association with the Shangshutai, which can be implemented. After the martial arts, engineering, astronomy and agriculture..."

"Your Majesty is deep in foresight, and your minister is stupid. It\'s better to do it!"

Lu Su respectfully retreated.

After the Great Han Dynasty, Wenchang, wusheng and Jiulong took off, with the continuous promotion of the world aura, the Great Han Dynasty is more expected to impact the glory of the ancient Tianting.

There have been several masters of literature and Taoism in the imperial examination. Just as the martial arts examination can have a few more fierce people, the inside information is enhanced, which has no advantages or disadvantages!

On the court hall, the civil and military officials began to discuss.

With the experience of the imperial examination, the officials in the hall are familiar with the military examination.

In fact, the opening of the imperial examination is to avoid the monopoly of the Han officialdom by the children of the haovalve, and leave room for the promotion of the poor children of the Han Dynasty.

Only in this way can we provide fresh blood for the Dynasty and achieve real brilliance and immortality.

After a long discussion, the heaven and earth hall finally calmed down. Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, sensed Liu Hao\'s eyes, shook the dust and shouted, "retreat from the dynasty, Ping Kou Hou will stay. Your majesty has something to say."

The new Duke of Pingkou is naturally Li Jing. Seeing that everyone rushes out of the heaven and earth hall, Li Jing follows Cao Zhengchun to the side hall. She is vaguely frightened for fear that she has done something bad or failed to do the etiquette.

"Come and give me a seat. Do you know why I asked Aiqing to stay?"

Liu Hao changed into a soft dress and said to Li Jing with a pleasant face.

"I\'m stupid. I don\'t know what your majesty means."

Li Jing sat at the table with a straight back, like a long gun, and a soldier\'s iron blood temperament.

Liu Hao said calmly, "the pharmacist killed hundreds of thousands of troops in East Turks in World War I and took the head of Li Er. It\'s a great achievement. I should have rewarded you very much, but I let you enter the Imperial Academy for further study, but I\'m dissatisfied?"

When Li Jing heard the sound, there was a cold sweat in front of her forehead, and she didn\'t dare to sit again. She hurriedly got up, knelt down, and hit the tunnel with her head: "minister... Dare not!"

"Get up and talk."

Liu Hao waved his sleeve and raised Li Jing. He looked at Li Jing with bright eyes, pointed his finger and said, "Marshal imperial Shenwu has ten seats. Zhou Yu, Chen Qingzhi and Yue Fei have also entered the Imperial Academy to study ancient military policies. I\'m optimistic about you and hope you won\'t let me down."

Concise, but enlightening.

Liu Hao\'s voice was like nine thunders in the sky. It blew in Li Jing\'s ear. Li Jing knelt down, trembled all over, and the blood was boiling!

Emperor yushenwu, famous and handsome!

This noun itself means supreme glory!

Those who are included in the list are the peerless commanders who have made great contributions for thousands of years and will last forever!

"Minister, I understand your Majesty\'s good intentions, and I will live up to the high expectations of the emperor in the future!"

Li Jing solemnly made three obeisances and nine kowtows and made great gifts to monarchs and ministers.

Liu Hao took a long sword from the Dragon case and handed it to Li Jing.

"This sword is called Seven Star Dragon yuan. It is an ancient divine sword. I give it to the pharmacist today. In the future, the pharmacist will use this sword to kill the enemy, break the country and conquer the heavens for me."

"Li Jing is willing to die for his majesty!"

Li Jing took several steps on her knees and took the Seven Star Longyuan sword respectfully with both hands.

The Seven Star Dragon yuan sword has seven stars in a row. It emits stars faintly, accompanied by the sound of shallow dragon singing.

Among the top ten divine swords, the Chixiao sword of emperor Dao is integrated with the Geng gold, which has become the holy sword of the son of heaven matched by Liu Hao. Today, the Seven Star Dragon yuan finally found its own master.

It is also a great harvest to communicate with monarchs and officials.

First of all, Li Jing\'s loyalty is not unexpectedly full, and has been promoted to the over limit state.

In this state, it has exceeded the scope of loyalty. Even if Liu Hao asked Li Jing to die, he would never frown, and there are other benefits.

Li Jing\'s whole mental state will be a super incentive state, and his four-dimensional attributes will be additionally improved.

"Your Majesty is really wise. Li Jing doesn\'t repay his death... The old slave really admires him."

Cao Zhengchun came out, bowed and said respectfully.

He witnessed Liu Hao\'s growth along the way, and he was so pleased.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "pharmacist Li\'s talent is not below Chen Qingzhi and others. When he understands the military books of the Imperial Academy, it will be the day of his birth. At that time, it will be the time when Li Jing will be listed as the emperor\'s famous military commander."

In the Imperial Academy, there are a series of top secret military books, such as the Xuanwu soldier chapter, which gather the wisdom of famous generals through the ages, which is very helpful to improve the command value.

Li Jing became famous after the annihilation of Turks, and Liu Hao did not immediately mention him to a high level.

Because Li Jing is not yet the peak attribute, sending him to study in the imperial palace is the best choice in the long-term future.

When he finishes his studies, he will be given a martial arts and handsome suit, which will be the time for Li Jing to soar into the sky