The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2402

"Bank! In essence, this is equivalent to a bank opened by the state, but it has more credibility."

"If all the people in the world deposit their money in the dynasty bank and deposit a few money, your majesty can collect unlimited money for his own use without effort..."

He Zhen, who has been dealing with money all year round, understood Liu Hao\'s intention at a glance.

Open a bank and gather the wealth of the world.

What time deposit and interest payment seem to give money to the people in vain. In fact, they have endless benefits!

His eyes brightened with such a wild idea. He was deeply impressed by Liu Hao\'s idea!

Shen Wansan, the God of wealth in the Ming Dynasty, also sincerely lamented: "Your Majesty, it\'s hard for ministers to catch up with the talent of heaven!"

"Let\'s go back and discuss it. There is a buffer period of several months. When you improve the details, you can submit the proposal to the Shangshu desk for adjudication."

Liu Haoxiang smiled.

In fact, this is the simplified routine operation and general rules of later banks.

Fixed term, loan and other banking businesses were also brought to the world by Liu Hao thousands of years in advance.

"If the bank is successful, the future Dynasty will have endless money and immortality... Ministers need to go back and digest it."

The impact of ideas that have spanned thousands of years is that he Yu and Shen Wansan are a little confused when their heads are excited.

Liu Hao casually waved his hand and said, "go, I\'ll wait for Aiqing\'s good news."

While he and Shen Wansan quit, they were still having a heated discussion. Liu Hao smiled and spilled the bait on the lake, attracting Koi in the lake to rush out of the lake.

For a time, the water splashed and churned on the lake, which was spectacular.


Hetao and Shen Wansan didn\'t disappoint Liu Hao.

After going back, they forgot to eat and sleep, stayed up all night, and finally finalized the first draft of Dahan bank.

I have to say that these two people are good at making money. Liu Hao only gave a preliminary prototype. These two people can draw inferences from one instance and supplement it.

"Present this memorial to the petition desk."

Liu Hao wrote the word "read" on the memorial delivered by He Yu, and submitted it to Cao Zhengchun, the old manager.

"I\'ll do it now."

Cao Zhengchun understood and bowed down.

Not long after he left, Liu Hao moved his mind, put down the memorials in his hand, and a faint smile hung from the corners of his mouth.

Over the imperial capital, suddenly came a clear and fierce sound of the Phoenix.

This is the call of Zhu Fengniao. Only Liu Hao has such divine beasts in the world.

"Ah Tan and Zhu Fengniao have gone somewhere to play. Let\'s go and have a look."

Liu Hao\'s heart moved, and Huoran stood up. The palace maids nearby had no time to serve and follow, so he only saw Liu Hao\'s figure disappear in place and suddenly appear 30 feet away.

With one step, Liu Hao stood on the top of the Forbidden City and stood with his hands down.

The breeze in the air came slowly, and his twelve diaries and crowns shook, and his long hair and embroidered Purple Dragon robes hunted and danced.

Standing at the top of the heaven and earth hall and looking down from a commanding position, you can see most of the imperial capital city. You can see the majestic King City and the fierce soldiers of the iron and blood tiger.

The crested Phoenix flew out from the star transmission array. Its red feathers cut through the sky like a red meteor.

The omen of Feng Ming is auspicious in ancient times.

After the popularization of Han printing and paper, education is booming and people\'s wisdom is opened. Most people know these ancient gods and beasts symbolizing auspiciousness.

Seeing the sound of Feng Ming, the Han people put down their things and fell on their knees.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Long live the sound of shouting, like a flash flood, shaking the sky.

Liu Hao\'s eyes turned. The red shadow came very fast, like a meteor. After a few breaths, he flew to the palace.


In the sound of Zhu Fengniao and Feng Ming, Liu Jian\'s clear and beautiful voice came.

The eldest princess Liu Peng smiled, her eyes bent like the moon, swept down directly from the bird\'s back, and the milk swallow threw herself into Liu Hao\'s arms like a forest.

Liu Hao rubbed Liu Tan\'s head and said, "you are now the princess of the king\'s court. Pay attention to your image."

Liu Jian is also in his teens this year. His temperament is cold and noble. He doesn\'t see him these days. It seems that he has grown taller again. It\'s all on Liu Hao\'s shoulders.

Liu Tan leaned against Liu Hao\'s arms, felt the warm breath, and said with a smile, "ah Tan will always be the father\'s daughter!"

"Father, this time I met a very interesting little girl."

Liu Tu held Liu Hao\'s arm in one hand, bent his smiling eyes, waved to Zhu Fengniao and said, "Xiao Hong, bring ah Tu here."

On zhufengniao\'s back, there is a five or six-year-old little Lori with big blinking eyes, bright and bright as stars.

Zhu Fengniao also heard Liu\'s call through human nature. He answered with a low cry. Carrying the little girl on his back, he fell next to Liu Hao. His sharp feet made little Lori with short legs come down smoothly.

Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed, but his face became very strange.

Looking at the little Lori with Qi watching skill, I found that there was a strong purple Qi rushing out of her heaven to the sky.

Wu - force 43, intelligence 88, politics 83, command 46, charm 96!

Stunt 1, Phoenix posture: Wu Yu was born with his mother\'s dream of a goddess in her arms. Zhu Feng and Ming are distinguished.

Martial charm + 3, first impression + 10!

Stunt 2, pearl: for each ten-year-old increase in Wu\'s age, his intellectual or political attributes will be increased by 2 points at random!

Maximum two item attribute + 10 points!

Stunt 3, strange Fu: Wu Yu has extraordinary talent. When he gets points to learn, his attributes and abilities will get additional progress.

"With such strong luck, this Laurie is a little demon!"

Liu Hao rubbed little Lori\'s hair and asked, "ah Tan, where did you turn this little Lori?"

The little Lori in front of her eyes looked big and bright.

In fact, she is the famous female emperor of Wu and Zhou dynasties, the only one in China