The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2399

Chen Qingzhi broke the city one after another. The system feedback instantly recorded a large amount of worship value, and the merit value was double. Liu Hao was naturally happy. These hundreds of thousands of Western prisoners of war were the best coolie.

However, thousands of miles apart, it is a lot of trouble to escort the prisoners of war back to the imperial capital of the dynasty.

At this time, the system prompt sounds suddenly:

"As a reward for conquering the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, the host can spend a certain worship value or merit value to exchange small transmission array drawings for thousands of miles a day in the merit panel!"

"A thousand miles a day?"

Liu Hao felt a little moved and opened the merit panel.

"I\'ll wipe it! Just one word, this small transmission array, the exchange price is 1000000!"

The five color star altar is a cross-border transmission array. This small transmission array can be set up in the current world. The transmission distance is permanently fixed at 1000 miles, which is called thousands of miles a day.

You are a little expensive, but Liu Hao keenly found the wonderful use and chose to exchange without hesitation.

After winning the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, the merit value reached millions, and it would not hurt the muscles and bones if it cost one million.

On the contrary, it is the transmission array that seizes heaven and earth, and its value is immeasurable.

The merit value was suddenly reduced by a small section, and Liu Hao\'s storage space was filled with a sheepskin scroll, which described strange ancient characters and portrayed various mysterious array patterns.

"Your Majesty is busy with state affairs. My concubine asked the imperial dining room to prepare snacks for your majesty."

While Liu Hao was studying the drawings, a clear and gentle voice came from outside the door.

Huang Yueying, dressed in some goose yellow palace clothes, holding the exquisite dishes of the imperial dining room in her hand, moved gently and came in from the door.

"Concubine AI came just in time. We\'ll have dinner together after watching it."

Seeing Liu Hao looking at an ancient scroll very attentively, Huang Yueying put down the dishes and curiously came forward to watch.

At this look, Huang Yueying\'s beautiful eyes stared round and was immediately attracted. On her pretty face, she was full of incredible looks.

"Your Majesty, what is this...?"

The transmission array is handed down from ancient times. It can be said that it is mysterious. Huang Yueying is a genius. Of course, we can see the extraordinary.

Liu Hao couldn\'t see any clue. He asked, "it seems that Aifei has some opinions?"

Huang Yueying\'s beautiful eyes glittered and said, "if my concubine is not mistaken, this should be a Taoist magic contained in ancient books, which can travel thousands of miles a day. My concubine thought it was absurd, but she thought it really existed in the world..."

There are countless ancient books and records collected in the imperial school palace. There are also a few words about some secrets.

Looking at Huang Yueying holding the drawing like a treasure, Liu Hao was sweating while eating snacks.

As a daughter-in-law, she has a strong curiosity about new things. If she puts it in future generations, she must be the most powerful female scientist. She may win a Nobel Prize.

"However, this teleportation array needs strange dolomite as the base. I haven\'t seen this kind of ore in Middle Earth. On the contrary, it is mentioned in the miscellaneous records of the western regions that this kind of ore is produced in the Far West..."

Huang Yueying carefully studied the complicated drawings several times. Finally, Dai Mei wrinkled slightly and said.

"The west?"

Liu Hao pondered for a moment and made a decision: "I must have heard of Chen Qingzhi\'s invasion of the West. The Work Department of Aifei will be responsible for this matter for thousands of years. I will announce it in court tomorrow morning."


Dynasty bells ring through the imperial capital.

The Eastern Morning Light bloomed a glimmer of light.

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty, dressed in solemn and solemn court clothes, began to fish into the heaven and earth hall to participate in the Han Dynasty meeting.

Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head, a robe embroidered with purple dragon, and embroidered with sun, moon and stars on his shoulders. He sat high on the red gold dragon chair, looking forward to XIONG Shi and awe inspiring.

Above the court hall, the atmosphere was solemn. The officials of the Han Dynasty stood in two columns, civil and military.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, shook the dust and shouted at the top of his voice, "if you play this morning, you can leave the dynasty without anything!"

Among the officials of the Han Dynasty, Minister Xun Yu of Shangshutai took the lead in standing up. He brushed his wide sleeves on both sides, bowed down, held the wat board and said, "minister Xun Yu has a book to play."

"What did Aiqing play?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes moved slightly above the Dragon seat.

Xun Jianlang said in a voice: "when the first World War in the Sui Dynasty was calmed down, your majesty appointed Wang JINGLUE, the number one scholar, who maneuvered and broke millions of troops. He made great contributions and swept many countries... His talent is as vast as the sun and the moon. Please list his name on the Shangshu platform as an alternate!"

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu, Jia Xu and other officials also stood out together, arched their hands, and said in a respectful voice, "I\'d like to ask the king to be more fierce than the Shangshutai!"

Then, the recording officer of the Shangshu station read out Wang Meng\'s achievements one by one.

There was nothing wrong with the military achievements recorded by the military aircraft office, and the officials in the hall nodded repeatedly.

Merit is real and cannot be modified.

Wang Meng wears a green shirt. Once he proves his position as a master of literature and Taoism, breaking the city and destroying the country is like eating and drinking water. These are real political achievements

When the reading was finished, Liu Hao came out and made a final decision: "Wang JINGLUE is an unparalleled national scholar. He sealed the Duke of the Sui Dynasty and gave him a black fox crown, a sable imperial dress and two wensoul beads. He can enter the dynasty without trend. He can go to the palace with sword shoes and be promoted to the Shangshu platform!"

All the officials in the hall were in an uproar.

Wang Meng really rose up and fell into the clouds.

From an introduction to the number one scholar appointed by the imperial court, and then straight to the Shangshutai.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to achieve one of these achievements in a lifetime, but Wang Meng swayed into the clouds in a short year.

"Uncle Bao, I knew for a long time that Wang Meng was not in the pool!"

Cheng Yaojin\'s mouth was about to crack to his ear, and he winked at Qin Qiong from time to time.

This time, he followed Wang to attack the West Turks, intercepted the Koryo army led by gaisuwen, and destroyed the country in one fell swoop, which was also a great achievement. He was a little elated.

Qin Qiong pulled at the corner of her mouth, moved a few inches to the side quietly, and opened the distance from Cheng Yaojin.

The court meeting continued. Wang Meng was called by Liu Hao, stepped out of the line, and knelt down with a red face to receive the order;

"Thank you for the grace of the holy emperor. Your majesty is wise and powerful. He will live forever! I will repay you with death!"

Wang Meng has never said much. He is a person who is used to expressing himself with action.

Since Liu Hao treated him as a national scholar, he should repay him as a national scholar