The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2398

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the diamond rating treasure box and obtained the Pingkou military book. Reading it has a chance to increase the command attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the diamond rating treasure box and obtained Millennium black iron. You will have a chance to cast magic soldiers with diamond rating above!"

"Congratulations to the host. You have opened the king\'s rating treasure box and obtained the golden helmet of Shenwu Mingshuai. You can trigger the king\'s suit attribute by collecting Shenwu Mingshuai suits!"



"Congratulations to the host. He opened the treasure chest of the king\'s rating, obtained the Shenwu Mingshuai cloak, and successfully collected the Shenwu Mingshuai suit. The suit is rated as Emperor!"

"Congratulations to the host, opened the imperial rating chest and obtained the charm fruit (small). After taking it, the charm will be increased by 0-2 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the imperial rating treasure box and obtained the Seven Star Dragon yuan, one of the seven divine swords in ancient times!"

Shenwu Mingshuai (emperor · upgradeable · unique):

Great Han generals, Dynasty pillars!

Shenwu is famous and handsome. It is powerful for thousands of years!

The suit is divided into Shenwu Mingshuai gold helmet, Shenwu Mingshuai gold armor, Shenwu Mingshuai gold boots and Shenwu Mingshuai gold wisp cloak.

The command attribute must be above 95 to wear the divine martial commander suit. The wearer\'s force + 3, command + 3 and intelligence + 3!

Command an additional + 1 when commanding 100000 troops!

Command an additional + 2 when commanding 200000 troops!


Command an additional + 4 when commanding 500000 troops!

[the maximum command of the current suit is + 4, which can be improved through special ways. Please let the host know!]

Liu Hao looked rather shocked.

Good luck, the best!

This magical and handsome suit is definitely the best of the best.

The king rating suit has automatically upgraded to an emperor suit. The increased command attribute can be said to be invincible!

The key is that this Shenwu Mingshuai suit also has the only special attribute that can be upgraded, which means that there are unlimited possibilities in the future, that is, it has the potential of the attribute of the supreme god suit!

Liu Hao is satisfied to put away the Shenwu Mingshuai suit and other rewards. Then look at the Seven Star Longyuan, one of the seven divine swords, which is also a rare divine sword.

Seven Star Dragon abyss - after the sword is completed, it will lead the celestial phenomena and the Big Dipper will shine!

Looking down at the sword, it\'s like climbing a mountain and looking down at the abyss. It\'s ethereal and deep, like a giant dragon lying on its back!

Holder force + 3!

The holder obtains Longyuan special attribute and great incentive!

Great encouragement: inspire morale and the three armed forces to work together!

When commanding the troops under his command, the combat effectiveness of all his soldiers will be increased by 5%!

Although there is a big gap between the Seven Star Longyuan and the emperor\'s sword Chixiao, the additional attributes are also considerable.

There are Shenwu Mingshuai suit and seven star Longyuan sword. This wave of treasure chest is not at a loss.

After sorting out the reward items, Liu Hao returned to the East Palace and found that empress Cai Wenji was teaching Princess Mingyue to learn the piano.

Cai Wenji\'s zither skills are close to Tao. Even with Liu Hao\'s extreme talent for music and Taoism, she is intoxicated.

Xiao Mingyue is only a few years old now, but she inherits her mother Diao Chan\'s appearance and Liu Hao\'s temperament. She is also exquisite, like a perfect porcelain doll. She follows empress Cai Wenji to learn the piano.

Liu Hao stepped forward slowly, waved back the maid of honor, grabbed the Queen\'s shoulder and held her in his arms. The old husband and wife also had an unspeakable warmth and tenderness.


The small bright moon covered her eyes, and her bright big eyes peeped curiously through her fingers.

Liu Hao held xiaomingyue in his arms with his left hand and pricked xiaomingyue\'s snow tender cheek with his light cyan stubble under his chin, which made xiaomingyue giggle.

Little Mingyue mumbled her mouth and asked, "father, where\'s my sister? Why don\'t you find Mingyue to play."


Liu Hao was speechless. His stocking policy of being a father was still a failure.

Liu Jian was so happy in the Sui and Tang Dynasties that he rode around in zhufengniao. Liu Hao didn\'t know where she had gone

Cai Wenji obviously felt Liu Hao\'s embarrassed mind. Zhen leaned on Liu Hao\'s shoulder and said, "Your Majesty doesn\'t have to worry when your daughter grows up. Ah Tan is absolutely impossible to suffer."

Liu Hao nodded.

With the strength of his daughter and the divine beast Zhu Fengniao, the world is so big that you can get it. Maybe even the great master can\'t do anything. After all, the great master can\'t fly in the air.

Moreover, the martial arts masters in the Sui and Tang dynasties all fell and died. The whole force has undergone a major reshuffle, and it is impossible for another master to come out in a short time.

"What about the little dragon girl and the little princess? They can play with you?"

Liu Hao pinched Xiao Mingyue\'s Qiong nose and spoiled her.

The bright moon stared at her big and bright eyes and turned her head and said, "sister Longnv practices martial arts every day and can\'t see one side in ten days. Sister little princess recently entered the dynasty school palace and listened to the great Confucianism in the great sage villa. She doesn\'t have time."

"Then play with sister xiaofenger."

Liu Hao rubbed Mingyue\'s hair and waved casually. Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, understood it and went out to pass orders.

Dugu Feng lived in the Imperial Palace, got the order, and soon arrived at the east palace. She was about to worship Yingying, but Liu Hao raised her hand to stop her.

"Xiaofeng\'er, take xiaomingyue and play around these days."

You Chuhong has officially quit the Jianghu and passed the position of Dugu valve master to Dugu Feng.

Dugu Feng\'s strength has not weakened, but because Dugu Feng has become Liu Hao\'s apprentice, the water rises and the boat rises, and he has become the strongest Hao valve.

"I take your orders."

In front of Liu Hao, Dugu Feng didn\'t have a high cold goddess, but was obedient. With a soft promise, she took Mingyue\'s little hand and played.

Cai Wenji came here. She only looked at Dugu Feng\'s face. Why don\'t she understand?

She gave Liu Hao a helpless look and was coquettish and angry: my husband is going to harm a good girl again!


The Han Dynasty conquered the heavens and settled in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. There was another aura rain in the main world.

The whole world has a lot of aura, which is also of great benefit to practitioners.

After returning to Korea, Liu Hao always paid attention to the trend of the system panel.

The West symbolizes the red light of war.

Chen Qingzhi, the God of war in white robes, was ordered to march to the West. With Ma Chao, the general of shenweitian, as the vanguard general, he broke dozens of cities and took hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war.

At present, we are marching towards the Roman Empire shrouded in the shadow of war