The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2397

Vonanda, a crazy monk in Tianzhu, is a once-in-a-century genius of Buddhism. He has become a Buddhist skill of Brahma and me. He has fought all the way from Tianzhu to the Central Plains and is invincible.

However, unfortunately, he was attacked by the imperial masters and caught alive among the thousands of troops. At this time, he was still dissatisfied.

When I saw Liu Hao today, Fu nanduo\'s eyebrows jumped violently, and a strange feeling that he couldn\'t see the depth

Liu Hao only glanced at him faintly, but did not pay attention to him. He received Wang Meng at the Qinglong gate. The monarchs and ministers talked happily.

The Heavenly Emperor\'s car went straight through Qinglong Street. Liu Hao approved Wang Meng\'s several-day holiday and took funanta into the palace.

Vonantuo was called a crazy monk. He was brave enough and was escorted into the heaven and earth hall by the royal guards. His eyes couldn\'t stop turning and his evil thoughts regenerated in his heart: "if you treat me like a fan, I can instantly take away the spiritual control of the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If you succeed, you can make him a puppet of us and control this great country at one stroke. The benefits are endless..."

Suddenly he looked up, but he just saw Liu Hao sitting on the red gold dragon chair, staring at him with a smile. Vonantuo was shocked, forced to be calm and saluted: "little monk, I\'ve seen your Majesty the Great Han Emperor."

Liu Hao sat high on the red gold dragon chair, tapped the Dragon case with his fingers, and asked calmly, "I heard that you created the Brahma I, like a Buddhist secret law, and handed over the cultivation method. I\'ll spare you."

For the monks, Liu Hao had no patience to talk nonsense with them, and simply forcibly took it.

Fu nuntuo\'s character is not good, it is not worth using, but his martial arts essence condensed the wisdom of foreign Buddhism.

"Hehe, the way that the little monk practices is the supreme way of Brahma and beyond life and death. If your majesty wants to learn, he must first know the concept of spirit and God in me."

Funanda said with assurance: "our bodies are constantly changing, from childhood to adulthood and aging, but this\' I \'remains the same, because the spirit and God are above the material, beyond the scope of our material senses, beyond the limits of our mental reasoning, untouchable and unmeasurable..."

"Life and death is a small matter, but a transfer, just like waking up is a transfer of sleep. A frightening death just opens another life, another space, a door to another heaven and earth. That is not the end, but another opportunity. The question is whether we can master the way of Brahman and I, which is also the way of life and death..."

Funanda\'s eyes flashed. Seeing Liu Hao, he seemed to be in deep thought and showed his Buddhist spiritual Dharma without moving his face, he said leisurely: "Your Majesty has wisdom. If you sincerely convert to this seat and turn to this path, you will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. Maybe you can successfully escape life and death and reach the other shore..."

At this moment, like the Buddha on the other side of the river, voynado was haunted with a layer of kindness and Buddha light!

In the heaven and earth hall, the Buddha\'s voice of funanda reverberated, full of exhortation!

court death!

When he met the Buddhist spirit that wanted to break into the body, Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed with gold, purple and blazing light, and his eyes, knives and swords burst out!

Hiss! Hiss!

The invisible nothingness sword Qi and dagger Gang cut off the mysterious spiritual shackles of Buddha in an instant.

This blow was no small matter. Funanda seemed to be penetrated into the sea by the invisible sword gas. His consciousness was severely damaged. His face suddenly changed. His face was solemn and shouted: "Your Majesty, open your mind and accept the baptism of the supreme Brahma Avenue!"

At this time of life and death, vonanto also fought his life.

With the secret Dharma of Buddhism, he instantly burned his spirit and burst out his 12 points of strength. God and mind are integrated, spirit and God are connected, and he is integrated with Brahma!

The air in the heaven and earth hall becomes extremely strange. Cold is not cold and heat is not hot. It seems to be photographed and pushed. There is no gap and no entry, and the Yin is extremely damaged.

However, when he bumped into Liu Hao\'s imperial domain, the unfavourable Vatican I Buer was like a clay ox into the sea, and there was no movement.

Vonantuo heard a cold hum, like the God Emperor standing on the heavenly palace and dying in the sky, with a cold smile.

Laughing and scoffing, he was like a huge hammer with a weight of ten thousand pounds, which was so powerful that it broke his Brahman and I divine consciousness in an instant!


It was as if he had been hit by thunder. He fell back, and the five orifices began to flow black blood.

At that time, Ba Siba, who had the qualification of a great master, integrated 120000 fingerprints and used the supreme divine consciousness attack of killing the God seal against Liu Hao, all of which were killed by Liu Hao.

Although Fu nanduo has extraordinary qualifications, he is obviously a little short of the great master\'s amazing realm.

Faced with Liu Hao, who had no rival under the immortal, he could not resist at all, and was directly scattered by divine consciousness.

"I wanted to save your life and break out more secrets of Brahma\'s cultivation, but now it seems unnecessary..."

Liu Hao flicked his sleeves at will, grabbed Fu nanduo\'s body, clasped the shining skull in the air, and performed the soul searching method of extinction.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has successfully won the Brahma and I as one by killing funanda\'s divine consciousness and soul searching skills!"

Vatican I like one [emperor rating]: it is said that the Tianzhu Buddhist secret and unique skill is spread from the ancient Buddhist secret scriptures. After practicing, you can use the vast power of Vatican to defeat the enemy.

Fu Nan Tuo\'s divine sense was beaten and lax. Liu Hao used the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor to deduce the practice of Brahma and I as one.

After thousands of deduction, Liu Hao\'s eyes slowly opened, which is a kind of enlightenment

"If funanda reaches the realm of Brahman and me being one, then he is a real great master. Why not kill him with that blow just now... But this Buddhist secret is really another way to reach human immortals..."

In Liu Hao\'s realm, we naturally know that all dharmas are different and will eventually be one.

Regardless of the different cultivation methods of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and demons, the final talk is to break the void and achieve the way of human immortality.

Killing funanda was like doing a trivial thing. Liu Hao integrated funanda\'s Brahma and me and placed them in the imperial Arsenal.

There are more than 20 diamond rated treasure boxes, 12 King rated treasure boxes and two emperor rated treasure boxes waiting to be opened.

These are the rewards that burst out during the war against the Sui Dynasty, such as Wang Meng, Li Jing and Yue Fei.

If Liu Hao received so many rewards at once when he just rose, he might be so excited that he fainted.

But now Wang Chaoxiong stands on the heavens, and these rewards can only be regarded as icing on the cake. Liu Hao is calm, opens the super lucky permission and directly enters the crazy box opening mode