The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2396

Liu Hao smiled, rolled up his sleeves, picked up Jin Shan and said with a smile, "since Princess Ai said, I don\'t have any reason to refuse. Take them up and have a look."

In fact, even if Jin Shan doesn\'t plead, Liu Hao won\'t do anything to the sisters.

After all, Koryo\'s master Cailin has been enshrined in the palace of the dynasty, and his loyalty is also on the level. That\'s his own person. Where is the reason to liquidate his own people?

Soon after, two Ping Tingting figures passed through the palace, walked more than ten steps in front of Liu Hao, and then bowed down respectfully.

Fu Junyu - force 87, intelligence 70, politics 42, command 26, charm 97!

Stunt, ice beauty: Fu Junyu is Gao libing beauty, with beautiful appearance, outstanding temperament and additional charm + 2!

Fu Junyi - force 86, intelligence 69, politics 34, command 28, charm 99!

Stunt, innocent: Fu Junyi is pure, beautiful and vulgar. He has the appearance of coming out of the dust. His charm is extra + 3!

visually attractive!

Beauty is eye pleasing!

Fu Junyu is a beautiful ice beauty, but Fu Junyu\'s appearance is even better than her elder martial sister.

The two beauties, big and small, bowed their heads when they were in the hall. When they faced Liu Hao, they were vaguely afraid, but in Liu Hao\'s view, they had a different style.

There are some characteristics of beautiful women in Korea.

However, even if the vase is placed in the harem, it will look relaxed and happy.

"In the future, you will serve the golden lady in Lijing palace."

Holding the slender hand of Jin Gui, Liu Hao said casually, "the moon is just right tonight. Love the imperial concubine and go with me to enjoy the flowers in the garden."

This is the late autumn season. Under the moonlight, thousands of autumn chrysanthemums are in full bloom in Lijing garden.

Jin Shan was surprised and moved.

After she entered the palace, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, taught the rules and gradually became sensible.

In terms of status, she can\'t compare with the eastern and Western palaces and imperial concubines. Liu Hao hasn\'t come to Xingli Jingyuan many times in recent years.

At this time, I snuggled quietly on Liu Hao\'s broad and warm shoulder. Jin Shan\'s heart was warm and satisfied. There was a feeling of hope that time would stay at this moment.

Liu Hao looked sideways and happened to see the bright light in Jin Shanmei\'s eyes, which was more gentle than the moonlight.

With the snow-white Fox and mink fur, against the bright moonlight, it looks more and more golden and good, and the skin color is like snow. Even the beautiful flowers in the imperial garden are eclipsed

With a gentle kiss, everything is silent.



The Tuguhun war has long been settled.

After Liu Hao returned to the Han Dynasty, Yue Fei left general Pei Renji to suppress Tuyuhun and led the Beiwei army back to the dynasty.

Now Wang Meng is in charge of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Gaoli has been destroyed. Wang Meng led the imperial Huanglong navy to cross the East China Sea, and Fusang on the east island also fell at the wind.

Liu Hao could see clearly from the system map that the warships of Huanglong Navy and Fusang Aborigines were on the East China Sea, and a sea war broke out.

Needless to say, the Huanglong navy was on the East China Sea, and thousands of thunder broke out at the same time, severely educating the Fusang aborigines. The Fusang warships were scattered, and the whole world of Sui and Tang Dynasties was under the control of Wang Meng.

After Wang mengping recovered the islands in the East China Sea, the Dongming sect in the East China Sea completely eliminated its worries. Shan Wanjing, the princess of Dongming, has gone to the main realm of the Han Dynasty with Liu Hao.

The world of Sui and Tang Dynasties was the longest battle Liu Hao had fought. It lasted more than two years. There were 72 roads of smoke and dust in the world and 18 roads against the king!

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the world are enemies. Finally, the sword swings the eight wastelands, sweeps across the north and south, and then returns to the unification of the strong Han Dynasty.

The benefits of the harvest are also unprecedented. The wealth of several countries is piled up like a mountain and ready to be transported back to the Han Dynasty.

Transmitting the Xuanguang masterpiece of the array, a group of Great Han Huben fierce soldiers stepped out of the array.

"Look, that\'s the No. 1 scholar Lang Wang Meng. He\'s leading the troops back!"

"It is said that Wang JINGLUE has been entrusted with an important task by his majesty. This time, he has wiped out half the world and opened another ten thousand miles for the Han Dynasty!"

"I\'ve received the wind. Wang Meng\'s war achievements may rise to the top this time and be listed on the Shangshu stage!"

"Frighten! Are so many boxes filled with gold and silver treasures?"


Calming the Sui and Tang Dynasties was also a major event that caused a sensation in the whole Han Dynasty.

The Han people flocked to watch the peerless demeanor of the number one scholar. Liu Haolong and Yan Dayue personally drove to meet Wang Meng.

After all, this is the first in all circles recommended by the Han imperial examination. Liu Hao personally awarded the title of No. 1 scholar Lang, making a world-famous name, and Liu Hao also has a light on his face.

The fierce soldier of the iron and blood tiger Ben bravely took a neat step and sent the mountain of gold and silver wealth to the internal affairs office of the dynasty. These will be Liu Hao\'s private wealth and will finally be filled into the national treasury.

Wang Meng, dressed in a green shirt, led the army in front, just like an unparalleled national scholar.

Behind the army, a group of prisoners of war were remanded. Many of them were Hu people from the western regions with blond hair, Eagle nose and blue eyes. One of them was a monk in a strange robe, which was particularly eye-catching.

The monk is tall and thin, with a tall nose and deep eyes. He is wearing an orange and apricot white robe. His demeanor is very frightening. His hair is heavily wrapped in white yarn, which makes the bridge of his nose look taller and his eyes look deeper and unpredictable. At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether he is handsome or ugly and how old he is, but he has a charm that makes people admire and feel that he is an extraordinary generation.

"Your Majesty, this man is vonanda, a crazy monk from Tianzhu, who practices the martial arts of foreign Buddhism. He was captured by the imperial master on the way to attack the western regions."

Wang Meng saw all the imperial flowers one day, but he didn\'t get any color on his face. He knelt down directly on the ground and bowed down in front of Liu Hao.

With a smile, Liu Hao stepped forward to help Wang Meng and said, "Wang JINGLUE, a real national scholar!"

The end of the world war in the late Sui and Tang Dynasties was basically dominated by Wang Meng alone.

Destroy the country and the city.

This is true. As soon as he was born, he covered the heavens and achieved the name of an unparalleled national scholar.

Before the crowd, Wang Meng was so praised by Liu Hao that he was still excited and said, "Your Majesty\'s Holy Text and martial arts are boundless for a long time. What do you do? Why bother?"

Liu Hao glanced at Fu nanduo, and his eyes flashed. The monk was also a martial arts master, and he practiced special skills.

Funanto was secretly looking at Liu Hao. When he was looked at by this look, he was shocked in his heart