The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2395

In fact, the face of the Yijian master is not handsome. His face is narrow and long, and his facial features are ordinary. However, when combined with each other, he has a strange charm.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is a realm beyond the great master..."

Fu Cailin was pierced with a lute bone and sealed his Qi with a unique secret method. The great master\'s accomplishments were no longer, but his eyes were still very poisonous.

He only looked at it and saw that Liu Hao, sitting on the red gold dragon chair, was detached. After staggering into the side hall, he sighed with deep admiration.

To become a great master of martial arts is the talent of none of millions of people. Liu Hao is above the great master. I don\'t know how amazing he is.

"Koguryo, there are such people."

Liu Hao looked calm and moved. In his body, he suddenly burst out the nihility Qi sword, condensing the emptiness into reality, like dragons and snakes dancing together, breaking the black iron chain on Fu Cailin.

"God among men, nothing more than that!"

Fu Cailin stood stunned. At this time, no one could understand the shock in his heart.

He concentrated on the great achievements of Tu, western regions and Korea. He came out of the cardinal, created the sword playing method, and walked out of his own master martial arts. He was the last step away from breaking the void.

Liu Hao was born with a broken body and invisible sword Qi, which annihilated the void. Only then did he reveal the tip of the iceberg, but he was close to the extreme of martial arts.

Even if he deduced from his peak Yi sword skill, he couldn\'t see any flaws. On the contrary, his Qi and blood fluctuated faintly and was affected by the sword Qi.

"Now that the kingdom of Koguryo is destroyed, will Mr. Fu die for his country, or follow me and have a look at the supreme avenue of the broken void?"

Liu HaoDuan sat in his seat, the eight winds did not move, and his expression was indifferent.

Fu Cailin has no choice.

Koguryo\'s country was destroyed and completely ceased to exist. The king of Koguryo also became a prisoner under the royal court.

If he chose to die for his country, perhaps the Great Han Emperor, who was high above, would be furious and kill all the prisoners of war in Koguryo.

"I really want to see what a state it is after breaking the void..."

Fu Cailin\'s expression changed again and again. He looked at Liu Hao as if he were looking at a treasure. Finally, he knelt down under the white jade step.

"Fu Cailin, willing to surrender."

The strong will only surrender to the stronger.

Fu Cailin, the master of Yijian, has studied all his life how to open the potential of the human body and reach a higher level of life. Liu Hao has been ahead of him in martial arts. He can break the void barrier with his hand. He is so powerful that he has nothing to say.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. I have accepted Fu Cailin, the master of Yijian. The additional reward worship value is 10000 points. At present, Fu Cailin\'s loyalty is 88 points!"

"I\'ve heard that Mr. Yi\'s sword skill is very exquisite. Can you solve my doubts?"

"What I wish, I dare not invite you!"

Fu Cailin readily agreed to come down without any privacy, and revealed his sword playing method unreservedly.

They sat and talked to each other, and their feelings of martial arts met.

Liu Hao\'s mind is always running the art of Yi sword, and a kind of enlightenment gradually appears in his heart.

"Yi sword skill has reached the extreme. In fact, it is close to the way of sincerity..."

The way of sincerity can be known before.

This is also a martial arts realm of broken emptiness that Liu Hao himself pushed and performed.

That is to know the direction of the enemy\'s moves first, so as to cut off the enemy\'s offensive and strike first.

"This... How is this possible?"

The great master, who is known as a man like God in Koguryo, was stunned when he saw Liu Hao deduce Yi swordsmanship.

Yi swordsmanship does everything. People who are not gifted can\'t practice it at all.

Even if it is a talent of Tianzong, it takes years of practice to skillfully deduce Yi swordsmanship.

Liu Hao even deduced the skill of Yi sword to an incredible level in a short time, which is equivalent to Fu Cailin\'s decades of work. How can he not be surprised!?

"The world\'s martial arts have the same goal by different paths. Sir, try the hidden dragon skill I created."

Liu Hao smiled and showed Fu Cailin the secret scriptures of the Han Dynasty

Collect the secrets of various families to achieve the dynasty hidden dragon.

As soon as Fu Cailin saw it, he was infatuated and immediately indulged in it.

Unconsciously, they talked about the dark. Liu Hao called Li Lianying into the hall and arranged a place for Fu Cailin to live. Then they left for dinner.

After the crowd dispersed, xiaoguizi came in from outside the hall, walked to Liu Hao, bowed down and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, among the Koguryo prisoners of war, there are also several beautiful women. Weichen made his own decision and left them in Lijing garden..."

Lijingyuan is the residence of Jin Shan, a noble person in the harem. When Liu Hao included the ghost Jin Yu in the map of the country, he took advantage of the situation to include his sister Jin Shan in the harem.

Jin Shan is gentle and virtuous, but he is also favored by Liu Hao.

Thinking that he had not seen this Korean beauty for a long time, Liu Hao moved in his heart and said, "drive the beautiful scenery garden."


Little Guizi understood and withdrew to arrange.

When Liu Hao arrived at Lijing garden, the maids on both sides had knelt down locally. The noble Jin Shan\'s slender waist was folded. He knelt down and said softly, "my concubine, welcome your majesty, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Welcome your majesty, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Everyone began to shout long live. Liu Hao listened to the exotic Chinese and smiled knowingly.

Jin Shan comes from Korea and doesn\'t speak Chinese in the Central Plains. However, in order to integrate into Liu Hao\'s harem, he also studies hard and speaks Chinese properly.

"Let\'s all get flat. Let\'s have dinner together."

Liu Hao nodded casually and walked into Lijing garden.

Xiaoguizi was considerate and had already been ready. When Liu Hao first arrived in Lijing garden, the imperial dining room had already prepared dinner.

Liu Hao doesn\'t like too much luxury, but the emperor\'s royal ceremony is still there.

A total of seventy-nine delicacies are displayed one by one in front of the table, which makes people move their fingers.

Jin Shan and Liu Hao sat at the same table with straight shoulders and backs. Liu Hao looked at it and felt a little funny. He asked, "in the imperial concubine\'s palace, have you received two new maidens?"

"Your Majesty, you are talking about Junyu and Junyi?"

Jin Shan suddenly stood up, knelt in front of Liu Hao, summoned up his courage and said, "please raise your hand, your majesty. Rao Junyu and Junyu are dead. They have not participated in the resistance to the big man."