The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2394

Fu Cailin observed everything in the imperial capital of the Han Dynasty. There were stormy waves in the heart lake of Gujing bubo.

All of the people around the street are vigorous and energetic. They have a wonderful feeling that everyone is like a dragon in the ancient sages\' books!

Xie Xuan, the great general of the forbidden guards, drove his horse in front of him according to his sword, while the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp escorted all the important prisoners of war in the Sui and Tang Dynasties into the city. While celebrating in the city, they were not in a mess.

After arriving at the palace, Li Lianying led the royal guards to wait outside. After carefully checking their identity, Longxiang camp handed over the prisoners of war to Li Lianying.

Looking at the Koguryo prisoners who smelled bad, Li Lianying frowned, covered her nose and ordered, "take it down and clean it."

Summoned by the holy emperor, in front of the heaven and earth hall is the center of the power of the dynasty. It is an extremely solemn Holy Land, which can not tolerate any pollution.

After the royal guards took the prisoners to clean the smell, they took them outside the heaven and earth hall and informed them to wait.

King Koguryo looked at Jiulong occupying the heaven and earth hall, dignified and solemn, just like the ancient heaven, which was more than ten times broader and majestic than his Koguryo palace. He felt small and humble in his heart.

Only then did he understand the true meaning of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Before I saw Liu Hao\'s face, I only saw the magnificent palace of the Han Dynasty. I was so scared that my legs and stomach softened, and I had a strong idea of bending my knees and kneeling.

"Alas! A slip of foot will become eternal hatred!"

"If I had known this, I shouldn\'t have listened to gaisuwen\'s bullshit plan of uniting Turks and besieging the Central Plains. When I am king of Koguryo, I also enjoy endless glory and wealth!"

Koguryo King regretted that he was about to vomit blood. Panic and fear flooded him.

"Xuan ~ ~ ~ Koguryo prisoners of war enter the temple to meet!"

The old eunuch held the dust and shouted loudly at the gate of the palace. The voice was heard from afar. The royal guards immediately started to escort Koguryo prisoners of war into the heaven and earth palace.

Shua Shua!

In the hall of heaven and earth, dozens and hundreds of sharp eyes, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, fell on the Lord of Koguryo and others, and the scalp of Koguryo king was numb.

Koguryo Wang didn\'t dare to look up at Liu Hao on the Jiuchong white jade step. He just felt like falling into an ice cave. He was cold all over. He was soaked in cold sweat behind him

"Dare not kneel before the emperor!"

Cao Shaoqin looked hard and kicked the Koguryo king in the leg. The Koguryo King fell down on his knees and hit the ground with his head.

Koguryo\'s officials were frightened and knelt down one after another. Only gaisuwen glared angrily and laughed: "my general is indomitable. If it weren\'t for bad luck, I\'m afraid that the emperor of the Han Dynasty would die under my general\'s throwing knife!"

"I was defeated and captured today. I have nothing to say. In the future, I will command the soldiers and horses of the Han Dynasty. With a nine leaf Throwing Knife, I can fight all over the world!"

Death is coming. How dare this guy talk wildly?!

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty looked at gaisuwen with contempt, as if they were looking at a dead man.

These goods are really stupid fighters. They have no brains and can\'t figure out the situation.


A sound containing infinite majesty came from the jiuzhong tianque.

"Follow the emperor\'s order and put the Liao to death!"

Cao Shaoqin\'s white eyebrows stood upright, with a murderous look between his eyebrows. He grabbed gaisuwen\'s collar and walked out.

Gaisuwen finally panicked. He shouted to spare his life, but Liu Hao just didn\'t hear him.

But for a moment, Su Wen\'s scream and roar outside the hall gradually subsided, and a system prompt sounded in Liu Hao\'s ear:

"Congratulations to the host, kill the legendary general gaisuwen of Koguryo, get a treasure chest of emperor rating, and get a Wuhun stone * 2. The additional reward is 5000 points of worship and 10000 points of merit!"

The reward is quite good

Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction.

This makes an example of the others, which is why the king of Koguryo was frightened

"High Jianwu, the sinner of the subjugation, knocks at his Majesty the Great Han Emperor. Long live the emperor, long live your majesty!"

Koguryo King\'s fear was extreme. His pants were scared to pee. He threw himself to the ground and kowtowed like garlic. The white jade floor Banged!

Fu Cailin on the edge closed his eyes and felt sad and could not bear to look again.

Both are the masters of a country, but compared with the Great Han Emperor Liu Hao, King Koguryo\'s demeanor is simply different and can\'t be compared at all.

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty looked at the ugly appearance of King Koguryo with contempt in their eyes.

In the land of barbarians with only bullets, they dare to raise troops, invade the Chinese divine land and forcibly shake the tiger Ben and fierce soldiers of the Han Dynasty. I really don\'t know that the word "death" is written like this.

Liu Hao frowned slightly, waved his hand casually, and said, "take them all down, parade in the street, spare him one life, and take him into prison according to the law of the Han Dynasty, waiting for judgment."

This Koguryo king, whose several attributes do not exceed 80 points, can only be regarded as mediocre. There is no need to waste time on him.


Cao Shaoqin bowed to his command, took King Koguryo and retreated.

"Thank you, your majesty! Thank you, your majesty!"

At the time of withdrawal, the Lord of Koguryo picked up his life and was still thanking Liu Hao

Koguryo has been destroyed. A conquered king is just a turtle in a jar. Obviously, it can\'t become a climate.

Moreover, there is Wang Meng under the pressure of Koguryo, and the whole Koguryo country can be said to have turned into dust and annihilated in the long river of history.

After dealing with Koguryo, we discussed the affairs of the central court, and it was time for the next Dynasty.

Liu Hao pondered for a while and said, "send someone to bring Fu Cailin, the Yi sword master of Koguryo."


Li Lianying bowed down and stepped back.

Before long, Fu Cailin, the master of Yijian, was brought into the heaven and earth hall.

Liu Hao was not polite either. He immediately lost his Qi skill:

Fu Cailin - force 111, intelligence 83, politics 72, command 74!

Stunt 1, jiuxuan: the lower guard the form, the upper guard the God, the God is God, and the machine is moving!

This is the Supreme Xuangong of Yijian Pavilion. Fu Cailin\'s force + 2 and combat power increased by 5%!

Stunt 2, Yijian: Yijian with people, Yijian with enemies.

Knowing the enemy\'s flaws + 100%!

"What a master Yijian!"

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed, glanced up and down at Fu Cailin, and gave him a high evaluation