The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2393

The Lord Fu Yun\'s eyes protruded violently and fell straight on the throne. His eyes were full of horror.

"This... This... What\'s the matter!?"

"King! King!"

"Save the king!"

The king\'s account of Tuyuhun was completely chaotic.


"Mr. Yun, please sit down."

Facing Yun Shuai, Liu Hao still politely called Mr.

After all, I\'m also my father-in-law. I still have to respect it.

Yunshuai, dressed in a brand-new white shirt, is natural and handsome, but in front of Liu Hao, there is a feeling of awe and surrender from the bottom of his heart.

"The sinner Yun Shuai, thank you for your grace."

Yun Shuai sat upright and dared not look at him.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Every mole and ant is greedy for life. After meeting his daughter, Yun Shuai also conforms to the general trend and demotes a big man.

After the two exchanged greetings, Liu Hao said with a light smile: "Mr. Yun\'s lightness skill is unique in the world. I want to list Mr. Yun into the worship hall and the lightness skill instructor of the royal guards. What do you think?"

"The order of the holy emperor is what he wants, and he dare not invite you!"

Yun Shuai bowed his head respectfully and accepted it.


Emperor era.

Marshal Wu Mu led his troops to fight against Tuyuhun. He won a series of battles. The leader of Tuyuhun was lying in front of Qian. The troops with a high back were coming to the city. The war had not yet started. The leader of Tuyuhun, Fu Yunwei, was afraid of the Great Han\'s heavenly power. He had vomited blood and died in shock. Tuyuhun fell without fighting -- "records of the Great Han Dynasty"

Liu Hao did not expect that the Tuguhun war would end so soon.

The king Tuyuhun was written into the history book by the historian. It is estimated that he will become a laughing stock for generations. He was scared to death before the war began

After arranging for Yue Fei to suppress Tuyuhun in the western border, Liu Hao opened the star channel and returned to the main realm of the Han Dynasty.

Anyway, the final task of the world is to destroy Koguryo first. The reward of the war temple is not in a hurry. In the main world, there are a lot of urgent affairs on the Shangshutai, which need to be handled by the DPRK.

Shaohua threw shuttle, the sun and moon flew arrows, and more than half a month passed between the fingers.

The Great Han dominates the world, in the majestic imperial capital city.

The majestic bell sounded, and the imperial meeting began.

Li Lianying, holding a brush in her hand, walked quickly from outside the hall, attached herself to Liu Hao\'s ear and said, "Your Majesty, the war in the kingdom of Koguryo has been finalized. Wang JINGLUE led his troops to sweep 200000 troops in the kingdom of Koguryo, and Dingding the king\'s capital in the first war. Luo Chengsheng captured Grand Marshal gaisuwen of Koguryo troops and horses, and song Weisheng captured master Fu Cailin of Yijian..."

"Luo Cheng shot into the palace and captured the king of Koguryo and 137 royal nobles of Koguryo alive..."


Liu Hao smiled at the speech.

The heaven and earth hall is full of martial arts masters. You don\'t have to listen carefully.

"Take Koguryo and the world will be completely settled."

The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty nodded and smiled, but they were not very excited.

The Han Dynasty conquered several worlds, conquered everything, fought everything, destroyed the city and destroyed the country, just like eating and drinking water, what is a small Koguryo country?

"Well, bring them up. Let me see if this guy Suwen really gave birth to three heads and six arms..."

A slight arc hung from the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth.

He had already learned about the specific war through the system message.

In the romance novels of previous lives, he once spent a lot of pen and ink to render this guy Su Wen, blowing him into a heavenly ghost and a lone star. He was invincible to the world. He also killed dozens of General Li Tang with a flying knife, and the killed Li Er fled at the sight of the wind

Later generations of Bangzi state even touted it as a figure at the level of God of war.

However, the imperial army gathered together for thousands of years. Under the iron and blood attack of the Great Han Huben, the destruction of Koguryo was like eating and drinking water. Obviously, this gesuwen could not cause any waves.

At that moment, Liu Hao lost his Qi skill first:

Gaisuwen - force 98, intelligence 77, politics 65, command 86!

Stunt, nine leaf throwing dagger: Gaisu Wenlian is surprised by Flying Daggers and ghosts, killing people in a hundred ways!

When using nine leaf throwing dagger, its force + 5!

For enemies whose basic force is not as good as their own, the second kill probability increases by 30%!

This nine leaf throwing knife can be said to be a weakened version of Zhang Lingjian.

However, Bangzi country has a shallow background and a lack of talents. It is really worth blowing for thousands of years to have a fierce man like gaisuwen


Imperial capital.

Xie Xuan is commanding the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp and is patrolling the city.

When the iron boots stepped on the ground, they made bursts of killing and crisp sounds, which made people tremble.

East Hall royal guards are responsible for special operations. They often assassinate people. You can see the figure of flying fish clothes, while Longxiang camp is a long spear and halberd to control the safety of the whole imperial capital and maintain the safety of emperor Liu Hao.

A group of people came out of the transmission array in the north of the imperial capital.

After Liu Hao calmed the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he directly spent a lot of money to establish a transmission array connecting the main world in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

When the channels on both sides are opened, it is convenient to act.

Inside the prison car made of black iron.

Gaisuwen was very embarrassed. His face was full of shock and fear. With his one eye, he looked more and more ferocious.

Koguryo\'s master of forest harvesting has a certain bearing. Although he was seriously injured by song que, sitting in the prison car and looking around, he has a Grandmaster\'s dignity.

The Lord of Koguryo is even worse and has been paralyzed

For Koguryo people, it is beyond imagination to reach another world through the star channel.

Now the majestic capital of the Han Dynasty stands majestically in front of them, with iron blood red dragon banners fluttering in the wind and hunting.

The Dragon camp guards with clanking iron armor and holding long spears and halberds are as murderous as tigers and wolves.

It is also a strange thing that prisoners of war enter the city. The Great Han people in the imperial capital rush out of the city and start a strong onlooking mode.

"It is said that his majesty is invincible and has captured another world."

"Calm down, calm down, what\'s strange about this."

"Look at the dead fat man with small eyes, who is the Lord of Koguryo..."

"Big cake face and mung bean eyes are really ugly. No wonder death provoked his majesty!"


Facing the instructions of the Han people, the Lord of Koguryo was ashamed and angry to death.

On weekdays, he sat high on the throne and was loved by thousands of people in Koguryo. Now he has become a prisoner at the bottom of the rank and humiliated in the street. He has a big gap in his heart.

Fu Cailin, the master of Yijian, who has always been calm and calm, finally showed a shocked look on Gu jingbubo\'s face