The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2392

Among the courtiers, many people bowed their heads and thought deeply, praising Liu Hao\'s weighty step and Wang Meng, who was about to make progress.

Wise people always look at things one step at a time.

Who is qualified to stand on the court hall and participate in the discussion of the Great Han Dynasty? Who is not a human being? He has long been proficient in observing words and colors and trying to figure out the emperor\'s heart.

No matter how powerful the Gaoli army is, the Gaisu name is invincible, but compared with the East and West Turks, can it turn the sky?

The key is Liu Hao\'s attitude.

Wang JINGLUE, the number one scholar, is simple in the heart of the emperor and takes charge of the military and political power in Northern Xinjiang. As long as he makes military achievements this time and makes progress in the future, where is it!?

After discussing the border war for a while, the final conclusion was reached.

Mourn the heavenly king ran min, Kou Zhong, BA fenghan and other generals with martial arts, lead the snow wolf to ride as a surprise soldier and raid the back of Koguryo.

The hall gradually quieted down. Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and asked, "since there\'s nothing wrong, then retreat to the dynasty. When the Tuyuhun war is settled, drive back to the dynasty."

"Minister, take orders!"

All the officials in the Hall fell on their knees.

Seeing Liu Hao\'s majestic and heroic appearance, everyone felt a feeling of towering mountains in their hearts, as if they originated from piety in the bottom of their hearts.

When the holy emperor left, all the ministers also fished out of the golden hall.

Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling walked side by side with heavy thoughts and couldn\'t help feeling:

"In the past, Yang Guangsan defeated Koguryo several times and damaged the foundation of the country. Today, Koguryo has become a climate, but in the eyes of his majesty, it is like a dead bone in a grave. Such a spirit is never seen in the world."

Fang Xuanling was also looking forward to it and murmured, "the holy emperor, the Holy Text, the divine force, has a boundless life, which is close to God! The glory of a strong man covers the world, and I don\'t know what kind of prosperous age it will be."



If there is a dark place, naturally there is no prison.

The deepest part of the dungeon.

Wearing a white shirt, he was looking at the iron wall and was stunned.

Although the middle-aged man was white and broken, he did not damage his bearing at all. On the contrary, he looked a kind of vicissitudes and handsome.

This man is Yun Shuai, the national teacher of West Turk.

Yun Shuai\'s lightness skill is unparalleled in the world. Even Shi Zhixuan laments that he is like a bird in a cage. However, he is locked at the bottom of the prison with iron walls.

The more this depression, the more it can be silent.

Yun Shuai knew that his life was coming soon. When he recalled the past, he couldn\'t help sighing.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the dead prison.

Walking slowly, the old man with gray hair, a round face and squinting eyes smiled with kindness.

When the royal guards in the prison saw the old man, they bowed and hugged hands, saluted the old man and said, "humble grade, welcome the manager!"

When Liu Hao proposed the royal guards organization, Cao Zhengchun personally took over the responsibility and trained many dead masters for Liu Hao.

Later, the royal guards system was reformed and joined the division of East factory and West factory. They can no longer clean themselves, but the royal guards are still full of respect for Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun said calmly, "take our family to yunshuai. Your majesty has an intention."


The royal guards led the way, and Cao Zhengchun followed behind. They went outside yunshuai\'s cell.

Yun Shuai looked calm. Some Taishan looked expectant and said, "but I\'ve come to take Yun Shuai\'s head?"

Cao Zhengchun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Mr. Yun is fallacious! His majesty is thirsty for talents and loves his talents. Moreover, he has sent thousands of gold into the palace to serve the emperor. Now the holy family is growing. Who dares to hurt his life?"

Yun Shuai looked slightly stunned and couldn\'t help asking, "lianrou... Is lianrou okay?"

"That\'s nature..."

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile, "the holy emperor asked to confer the title of beauty. Please follow our family into the palace. Lotus beauty misses her husband."

Yun Shuai had the heart to die, but he was even more a father. He fought with heaven and man in his heart, and obediently went out of prison with Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun didn\'t limit Yun Shuai\'s activities. When they entered the palace in the same car, they suddenly heard the sound of boiling and killing in the car.

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile, "in this morning\'s Dynasty, the holy emperor issued an edict, and the Ministry of punishment was responsible for beheading Tongye Hu and 197 members of the royal family. Now they are beheading at the Meridian Gate."

The familiar Turkic language howls and screams, which is insignificant in the roar of Han people.

Yun Shuai really felt the strength of the big man. He suddenly appeared a touch of desolation in his heart and sighed with regret: "there has been an admonition for a long time. Never move a war. The sweat doesn\'t listen. Even this disaster is caused by luck. It should be when you hit."


Tuguhun King City.

The Lord of the Kingdom, voyun, was sitting in the king\'s tent with a golden armor and a golden sword.

Now the front-line urgent report is spread continuously. The iron and blood soldiers of the big men are unparalleled. Lien Chan has won in a row and defeated the Tuyuhun army 70 miles!

It can be said that the current situation has reached the bald head of life and death,

Voyun, king of Tuyuhun, is also an ambitious man. At this time, he is ordering troops in the army. The Tuyuhun generals in the tent are also rubbing their hands and ready to work hard with the army and the Han army.

However, a scout suddenly came in outside the account.

"Report! Report! Report! Prince Fu Qian has lost!"

"When Prince Fu Qian retreated, he was killed in the chaos by a black faced man. 300000 troops collapsed in the first war and beheaded more than 100000. Now the Han army is advancing rapidly towards the king\'s city. Please make a decision quickly!"


There was an uproar in the king\'s account!

The Tuyuhun generals, who were still rubbing their hands, shed a cold sweat the size of soybeans on their forehead, opened their mouth, and even stuffed a goose egg!

This... How is this possible!?

Three hundred thousand troops are lined up all over the mountains and fields, which can cover the sky!

More than 100000 people were beheaded in World War I. what\'s the concept!?

It\'s no exaggeration to say that the bodies of these people stacked on the ground can be as high as a city!

The leader of Tuyuhun state, Fu Yunru, was bombarded by five thunder. His face was very white and he sat on the throne powerlessly.

There was a dead silence in the king\'s tent.

Just then, there was another noise outside the tent, and a Tuyuhun soldier rushed in with a wooden box in his arms.

"The Han Army General sent someone to send the prince\'s head and said... He also said that if the king didn\'t surrender the city, there would be no chickens and dogs!"

When the wooden box was opened, a ferocious blood dripping head stood out on it.

He is not the arrogant Prince Fu Qian, but who is he!?

"Kill me!"

The head of Tuyuhun state Fu Yun\'s eyes were red, stared at Aizi\'s head, and suddenly vomited a mouthful of red blood.

Fall on your back, no more breath