The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2391

Lianrou\'s eyes were bleak, she bit her lips and said, "my maidservant is yunshuai\'s daughter of West Turk. She should die for resisting her majesty. Thanks for your grace and forgiveness, she can serve the king."

Liu Hao suddenly.

There is such an exotic beauty in the original book of the Tang Dynasty.

Lianrou is Yun Shuai\'s daughter. In order to win over Yun Shuai, ye Hu of the West Turkic system accepted her as her adoptive daughter.

In terms of status, it is also equivalent to a princess of a country. Now she claims to be a slave in front of Liu Hao. She is clever and sensible.

Liu Hao didn\'t ask about the prisoners of war in Western Turks, but all of them were handed over to di Renjie. After the Korean parliament, most of them wanted to dye Chang\'an with blood. Lian Rou was very beautiful. Most of them were arranged into the palace by the old manager, but her family couldn\'t escape the butcher\'s knife.

Although Liu Hao never asked for mercy for her father, Liu Hao could see her careful thinking at a glance. He gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, smiled and said, "I leave yunshuai\'s life."

Yun Shuai is lianrou\'s closest relative, and also the first expert in Western Turks.

His lightness skill and body method are unparalleled in the world. His skill of flying back was praised by the evil king Shi Zhixuan: "if you attack and kill in a short distance, you will naturally win by the minister\'s magic body method, but if you run for a long distance, it\'s not as good as the skill of flying back."

Liu Haosu likes to collect unique skills of divine skill. He is very interested in this vein of lightness skill and naturally wants to include it in the Dynasty\'s arsenal.

Lianrou was suddenly hit by surprise. Tan\'s mouth was slightly open. Her beautiful big eyes were full of gratitude, but she didn\'t know what to say.

"Thank you, your majesty, for your gracious kindness. The maidservant must be an ox and a horse to repay your majesty!"

In an instant, Liu Hao burst out the favor of the exotic beauty. Liu Hao smiled calmly, got up, put on his crown Dragon Robe and prepared to go to court.

The towering morning bell rang through Chang\'an, and all the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty began to flow into the hall.

Liu Hao sat high in the red gold dragon chair. Cao Zhengchun brushed the dust in his hand, stood on the white jade step and shouted, "play early if you have something, and retreat if you have nothing!"

Du Ruhui, the minister in charge of the Ministry of military affairs, stepped out, arched his hands and said respectfully, "last night, the military aircraft Department received an urgent report from the flying eagle. Field marshal Yue Fei Yu Tuyuhun defeated more than 300000 enemy troops and beheaded more than 100000 levels. The enemy was defeated. Prince Fuqian of Tuyuhun gave the head. This is a great victory!"

"Congratulations, your majesty. Tuyuhun will win a great victory in a few days!"

"I congratulate your majesty. Saint Wen is powerful and powerful. He is unique in the world!"


Du Ruhui stood up and threw a heavy bomb, and the whole hall was overturned.

Sitting high in the Dragon seat and listening to his fancy flattery is actually a wonderful feeling.

Liu Hao smiled and said nothing, but he only heard that the royal guards broke in outside the hall, knelt on one knee, hugged his fist, and said respectfully, "inform your majesty that Tong YeHu, a West Turkic war criminal, has been brought to the hall to wait for your majesty."

When the military aircraft office reported the matter, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

Liu Hao said calmly, "the Ministry of punishment has a final conclusion. How did you decide?"

The punishment of Western Turkic war criminals is unified by the Ministry of punishment.

Hearing Liu Hao\'s call, di Renjie, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment, stood out, bowed down, arched his hands and said, "judge ye Hu, the head of the West Turk bandit, and make a decision. Yun Shuai, the teacher of the West Turk state, is a martial arts master. Now he has entered the prison and is waiting for his majesty."

Liu Hao nodded slightly.

Di Renjie is still very awesome in his work. He may have been angry with Cao Zhengchun, the old manager.

Since lianrou is Yun Shuai\'s only daughter and has been sent to the palace, it is natural to treat Yun Shuai especially. Otherwise, in case of being favored in the future, it will be difficult for Cao Zhengchun and di Renjie to be human.

Liu Hao pondered for a while and said, "Tong YeHu dares to invade China. He should be punished for his crimes. However, Yun Shuai can be used. It would be a good thing if he could be subdued and driven by me."

At this point, Liu Hao stopped talking.

Di Renjie was also a human spirit. He knew elegance by listening to string songs. He immediately bowed his hand and said, "Your Majesty, the dragon looks at the tiger\'s soul, is thirsty for talents, and treats the corporal politely. He is the master of the Ming Dynasty. I admire him very much!"

The chaotang is indeed a big dye vat. Even the upright Di Renjie has become smooth and can guess the sacred heart.

Tongyehu, who listened in the hall, was like stepping on a cliff and being bombarded by thunder. His heart was full of fear.

He couldn\'t care about the degree any more. He bowed down in embarrassment, touched his forehead to the ground, and begged: "I beg your Majesty the Great Han holy emperor to forgive me. I\'m willing to be an ox and a horse to serve your Majesty the holy emperor!"

The old man was also the overlord of the generation who dominated the grassland in the past, and he regarded the existence of the Central Plains.

Now he knelt in front of Liu Hao and kowtowed like garlic. The white jade ground banged like a lost dog wagging its tail for mercy!

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, hugged the dust, but looked at his nose, nose and heart, with a cold look on his face.

During the period of following Liu Hao to achieve the supreme Dynasty, he has seen too many overlords who have become the dead bones under the seat of Liu Haolong.

"Unfortunately, I only blame your bad face. I don\'t have a beautiful daughter like lianrou."

If you let the West Turkic Khan Tongye Hu know Cao Zhengchun\'s thoughts, I\'m afraid he\'ll be angry enough to spit blood.

As soon as Liu Hao\'s golden mouth opened, tongyehu\'s fate had been decided. Perhaps the fate of the Western Turkic royal family had been decided.

The emperor is ruthless and bleeding thousands of miles.

Those who dare to wage war against the big men have only one way to go.

The royal guards forcibly dragged Tong YeHu out of the hall, and the Turkic wails and screams finally faded away.

Next, the latest military newspaper on the border came from the military aircraft department. Lord Gao Liguo took gaisuwen as the commander, unified 250000 troops and invaded Youzhou!

The ministers were in an uproar and talked loudly.

After the chaotic war in the northern and Southern Dynasties, the vitality of China was greatly damaged. Although Yang Jian ended the chaos, he was defeated by Yang Guang, a black sheep.

Yang Guangfa\'s millions of soldiers fought against Koguryo three times, but returned in vain.

It can also be seen that Koguryo is not easy to deal with.

The courtiers in the hall were also facing the great enemy and nervously discussed countermeasures. When the discussion was almost over, Liu Hao was very calm, waved his dragon sleeve and directly issued an order to the military aircraft Department:

Jiafeng Wang Meng is the Marquis of Jingbian. He continues to control the border army. The governor has full power to control the border war. If he catches the fighter, he can turn the military front and intercept the Korean army.

Jiafeng Luoyi is the Duke of Yan and sits in the West Turkic court to eliminate the residual forces.

In addition, all the Great Han generals who followed the king to destroy the West Turks were rewarded.

Fang Xuanling secretly praised: "Your Majesty is well versed in the art of Royal people. This has stabilized the hearts of the soldiers of the border army. With the style of Wang JINGLUE, if you destroy Koguryo, you can put him on the Shangshu platform in a fair name!..."