The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2390

However, Fu Qian is not a fool. In such a dangerous situation, he naturally wants to protect himself.

Under the protection of the Ministry\'s forbidden guards, Fu Qian was about to pull his horse back, but he only heard the urgent sound of horse hoofs, followed by a roar like thunder, which shook the whole battlefield.

"Big Han Yuchi Gong is here. Fu Qian doesn\'t get off his horse and die quickly!"

Black faced double whip Yuchi Gong is here!


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Yue Yun is crazy about killing generals and dominating the world with twin hammers. The additional reward worship value is 10000 points. Yue Yun\'s strength has been improved!"

"Congratulations to the host. With a sword returning to the sea, you can dominate the world and kill Da Zhi. The additional reward worship value is 3000 points. You have obtained a Wulin stone and a king rating treasure box!"

"Congratulations to the host. Yuchi Gong beat and killed voqian, Prince of Tuyuhun, with an additional reward of 5000 points. He won a Wulin stone and a king\'s rating chest!"


The projection of the heroic battlefield is impressively displayed on the map of the country.

Liu Hao thought of the king\'s visit to the country, overlooking the whole Tuyuhun battlefield, and his mind was agitated.

One after another, the systematic prompt sound jumped out. Marshal Wu Mu Yue Fei used his troops like a God and launched an assault with the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry, which is actually a symbol of blowing the horn of victory.

The situation on the battlefield is completely one-sided.

Tuyuhun has accumulated more than 300000 troops in recent generations. After World War I today, I\'m afraid there will be no one in ten!

"Yuchi Gong, a real tiger general!"

Looking at the brave black faced double whip general Yuchi Gong, Liu Hao sighed with heartfelt emotion. His mind was clear and comfortable. He immediately cut his mind to the storage space of the system and opened the treasure chest of rewards.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the king\'s rating treasure box and obtained the crazy sand Sabre technique of King\'s rating!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the king\'s rating treasure box and won the wolf horn of King\'s rating!"

Crazy sand Sabre technique: contains the desperate and unpredictable Sabre technique in the desert. It has amazing killing power and was created by the unique swordsman Da Zhi!

Wolf horn: wolf is the horn, killing the world!

When the wolf is sounded, the action speed and combat effectiveness of all friendly forces will be temporarily increased by 3% until the end of the current campaign!

Accidentally, it broke out the best.

Liu Hao\'s storage space has an extra yellow secret script and an old wolf\'s first military horn.

This crazy sand Sabre technique is worth mentioning. Liu Hao has collected half of the four wonderful books. There are thousands of books in the imperial Arsenal. Naturally, he won\'t pay attention to it.

However, this wolf horn, from Liu Hao\'s critical point of view, is also a rare little best.

Although it doesn\'t add any attributes, if you use this bugle in the battlefield of millions of troops, the temporary benefits will be unimaginable.

As soon as the bugle rang, the three armed forces worked hard to kill!

"Fu Qian, I will accept this great gift. I can only repay you by destroying your family and country."

The emperor was the most ruthless. Liu Hao glanced coldly at the shadow shrouded King City of Tuyuhun, and his eyes were full of opportunities.

After dealing with government affairs, it was evening before you knew it.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, dodged into the hall at the right time and bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, you have prepared dinner by yourself. Please have dinner with your majesty."

Cloud noble is cloud Yuzhen.

When he was still a virgin, the red powder sect leader in the Tang Dynasty was included in the harem by Liu Hao and granted the title of noble.

This woman\'s posture is very beautiful, and she has the quality of inner beauty. She is very open about her boudoir. It makes Liu Hao enjoy her romantic life.

Liu Hao thought of Yun Yuzhen\'s moving smile, such as water tenderness, and his mind moved slightly. He waved his hand and said, "go to Yun Guiren."

At the place where the emperor traveled, the palace maids knelt down in front of the door, and the mountain shouted long live.

Liu Haolong stepped into the palace of Yunnan and Guizhou. As soon as he looked up, he saw the pink veil and bright lights in the palace.

Cao Zhengchun, an old and refined man, waved to the palace and motioned the royal guards and palace maids to step back, leaving Liu Hao a quiet environment.

Yunyu really seems to have been waiting for a long time, but she fell asleep.

Liu Hao smiled and didn\'t disturb her. He took out a volume of war books on his desk and read them. While appreciating the beauty Begonia\'s spring sleep, he had a different style.

After a small half of Zhu Xiang, Yun Yuzhen\'s long eyelashes trembled and woke up. When he saw the magnificent and handsome figure in front of him, he was surprised. He turned over, knelt down and said, "I don\'t know your Majesty\'s arrival. Please punish your majesty."

"It doesn\'t hurt. Let\'s sit down."

Liu Hao held the incense arm of Yun Guiren and they sat down together.

With his magnanimity, he didn\'t care about these small things. Besides, Yun Yuzhen prepared dinner himself, which was also a sincere intention.

Yun Yuzhen was very nervous at first, but when he looked at Liu Hao\'s eating with relish, he smiled and said, "my concubine can\'t cook. I\'ve consulted concubine PEI for a long time. I don\'t know whether your majesty is satisfied or not."

Concubine Pei is Shang Xiupei. Although she has not been with Liu Hao for a long time, she is gentle and capable, proficient in cooking and knows Liu Hao\'s appetite.

Liu Hao also appreciated: "I\'m very satisfied that my concubine has a heart."

Yun Yuzhen smiled like a hundred flowers blooming. Quietly, when Liu Hao put down her silver chopsticks, she said, "Your Majesty is satisfied. My concubine has the last dish. Please taste it."

The jade palm stroked, and there was a sound of footsteps.

Liu Hao was a little curious. After a little exploration, he knew that this was a woman\'s foot step.

What the hell is yunyuzhen doing?

After half a ring, a beautiful woman with only gauze all over stood in front of Liu Hao.

The girl is 17 or 18 years old. Her skin is white and tender. Her nose is not like that of a woman in the Central Plains. She is very warped. She has willow eyebrows, apricot eyes and deep brown eyes. She is actually a rare exotic beauty.

Liu haos understands yunyuzhen\'s arrangement.

But the exotic beauty seemed a little nervous. Her slender and strong legs were close together. With the eyes of Liu Hao\'s old driver, she knew it was her maiden.

"Princess Ai, what does that mean?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed a trace of heat, but his face was still calm.

Yunyu\'s true feelings were infinite. He untied Liu Hao\'s belt and said, "Your Majesty has worked hard. Let your concubines serve your majesty."

The emperor is romantic, and the spring night is warm.

Also in a half push, we went to Yunyu Wushan and wrapped it up overnight!

May open a few degrees, I don\'t mention it more


When the first ray of sunshine shines into the bedroom in the morning.

Liu Hao heard a small sob, his eyes slowly opened, and his essence filled the divine court.

The subtlety of the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic is here. If ordinary men are so crazy, they are afraid that they will become soft footed shrimp the next day.

But Liu Hao was so full of energy that he gently grabbed the exotic beauty\'s shoulder and asked, "Why are you crying?"