The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2389

After beating and killing two fierce generals in succession, Yue Yun reined in his horse\'s reins, held up two golden hammers of drum beating urn, and said with a loud smile: "children Fu Qian, dare to pick up a hammer from me!?"

Dare to pick up my hammer!?

One hammer no!?

The sound was like the roar of a dragon and a tiger. It stirred and spread far away. The eardrums of the shocked people were painful.

Hundreds of thousands of people watched as the two yellow Hussars returned to the battle with the bodies of the two great generals of Tuyuhun on their backs.


A fierce general with a hammer is so overbearing that he can drop ten meetings at one time. It\'s totally unreasonable!

The smile on Fu Qian\'s face finally solidified. His face was as heavy as iron and black as water.

Looking at the overall situation, the most terrible thing is not the loss of these two valiant generals, but the overall military formation of Tuyuhun, which unexpectedly appeared small-scale shock and chaos.

The ability of Fu Qian is the first true of Tuyuhun.

But it\'s really hard to control the battle on the scale of hundreds of thousands of people.

Before Fu Qian could react, he adjusted the battle array. Yue Fei, who was against him, had identified the fighter plane, commanded the generals under his command, commanded all the departments and launched a fierce offensive.

Step! Step! Step!!

Like a torrent of steel, the heavy cavalry of dragon scale and Xuan armor began to charge forward, and the whole ground began to tremble.

Experienced the baptism of blood and fire, the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry is absolutely unparalleled in the world!

Pei Xingyan and Pei Yuanqing, the Pei brothers, took the lead, like the sharpest knife, stabbed into the Tuyuhun formation, and immediately cut a gap with unparalleled bravery.

Although Tuyuhun\'s troops occupied several times the advantage, they were in a panic under the impact of the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry, but became a disadvantage.

The soldiers with shields in the front array were hit by the powerful force and couldn\'t resist at all. It was like a kite with a broken line. Even people with shields were hit and flew out for more than ten meters. Finally, they knocked down the soldiers in the back.

With his fierce strength, more than a dozen people fell to the ground together, and then trampled to death by Tuyuhun soldiers pouring up from the back.

The war is so tragic.

Pei Xing is as brave as a tiger. He dances with a long gun. Several Tuyuhun valiant generals have been killed under the gun.

In the face of such marksmanship, Tuyuhun soldiers didn\'t even have time to react. They didn\'t even know how they died.

Pei Yuanqing, the third hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, was fiercer than his brother. His twin hammers fell like thunder. With one blow, he had great strength. Killing enemy soldiers was like patting a flying grass man.

The big man\'s four fierce eight big hammers rushed into the array from several different directions.

The front array of Tuyuhun was scattered in the sound of beating drums.

Moreover, the Chinese army is like facing the great enemy. Fu Qian\'s eyes are full, and the flag is in the air. He can\'t believe it.

He can\'t believe it.

With hundreds of thousands of fierce soldiers against tens of thousands of Han troops, the front array was completely unable to resist and was beaten into a sieve!!

Da Kezhi pressed the crazy sand knife at his waist with one hand, and his face suddenly changed. He said, "be careful, Prince. A black faced man will rush into the array in the future!"

At a glance, Fu Qian saw a Han general who was fearlessly attacking the Chinese army in Tuyuhun.

This man is nine feet tall, his face is like black charcoal, but he has a wide forehead, a tiger back and a bear waist. He has a pair of steel whips in his hand and dances in the air. He is like two black dragon Python Flying through the air and killing. He is very powerful.

Any Tuyuhun soldier who gets a little whip will immediately end up with broken muscles and bones.

However, after more than a dozen breaths, the black faced double whip man had fought his way and came straight to Tuyuhun\'s handsome flag.

"I finally got the chance!"

Yuchi Gong\'s eyes were red and his anger roared again and again. His Qi strength had reached the extreme.

This was the first war in which he surrendered to the Han Dynasty after the war in Guanzhong. He was depressed for too long and vented in this war.


Yuchi Gong roared wildly, rolled the steel whip with his left and right hands, and burst the brains of the two Tuyuhun fierce generals.

The scarlet blood splashed on his cheek, as ferocious as a ferocious God.

The Tuyuhun soldiers around did not dare to stop Yuchi Gong\'s sudden advance, and retreated one after another.

"Protect the prince!"

At this time, the situation was extremely urgent. Tuyuhun army began to shrink towards the Chinese army, and the forbidden guards moved together. Even Da Kezhi joined the battlefield with a knife.

"Madman, take a crazy sand knife!"

This is a sabre technique that can be understood by Da Dazhi from the misfortune and despair in the desert. It is divided into five pitfalls: spinning, blowing, rolling, rolling and breaking. It can be used against the enemy with a single Sabre or both scabbard and scabbard.

Its blade can turn the surrounding into a lifeless arid desert. Its blade law is sometimes like a violent desert cyclone and sometimes like changing rolling quicksand, which makes the enemy unpredictable.

Yuchi Gong was shocked when he noticed that an expert was coming. He was about to raise his whip to parry, but he saw someone shouting: "general Yuchi, kill Fu Qian quickly. Give him to me!"

Yuchi Gong saw that the man who spoke was wearing a hat and shuttling through the battlefield, like walking around in a leisurely court. It was the Di Zi No. 1 spy of HuLong villa who returned to the sea!

It is also one of the Seven Saints under the emperor!

Without further hesitation, Yuchi Gong turned his horse\'s head and drove his horse to kill Fu Qian.

"The wild sand is boundless!"

Da Kezhi is the first swordsman on the grassland. At this time, he kills like a hawk and Falcon in the air.

On the body of the crazy sand sabre, the cold awn flickers and flows like a foreign artifact with spiritual life. When the crazy sand Sabre technique is used, the crazy killing Sabre becomes the core of the storm and involves the opponent in the wind and sand in the desert.

"Dominate the world!"

When he returned to the sea, his eyes suddenly burst into a dangerous red light. He lifted the knife with his right hand and suddenly cut into the air.

The domineering sword strength condensed into an invincible blade gang and directly crashed into the crazy sand blade.

The sound of the sword in the air was loud, the knife gas was fierce, and the yellow sand gravel rolled wildly. The people on the side couldn\'t open their eyes at all.

There was only a terrible howl. It was called the first swordsman in the grassland. Da Zhi, like a broken winged bird, fell from the air.

"Brother Da! How... How!"

Fu Qian was completely flustered at this time, and his forehead was full of sweat beads the size of soybeans.

The former army could not resist the front of the Han Army, just like the collapse of dominoes, which triggered a chain reaction.

Even the Chinese army was impacted by the forward of the Han army. There was a roar of killing around. The guard department of Tuyuhun shouted:

"The general situation is not good. Please leave quickly!"

Fu Qian looked at the defeat like a mountain falling, his heart was like dripping blood, angrily clenched his fist, and his nails were deeply pierced into the meat