The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2388

West Turkic Khan Tongye Hu felt extremely remorseful: if he had known that the great man was so powerful, he shouldn\'t have listened to the eloquent emissary sent by the East Turk!

Otherwise, I will not become a prisoner at the bottom of the rank now. Life and death are controlled by others!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. His ambition led him into the Central Plains and touched Liu Hao\'s scales. After all, he also tasted the bitter fruit.

Liu Hao received the news from Cao Zhengchun at the first time, gave instructions and said calmly, "these Turkic war criminals should be handed over to di Renjie of the Ministry of punishment and dealt with according to the laws and regulations of the dynasty."


Cao Zhengchun bowed to his command and retreated.

The collapse of West Turks pushed the main task of the world forward again.

Liu Hao opened the system panel and began to pay attention to the war in Tuyuhun.

East and West Turks fought bloody battles one after another, and Tuyuhun and the Han Dynasty were also facing each other on the battlefield.

Yue Fei commanded tens of thousands of Weibei troops to intercept Tuyuhun in the west, and has fought several bloody battles with Tuyuhun\'s vanguard army.

The king of Tuyuhun, Fu Yun, took Prince Fu Qian as the commander and raised 200000 troops to meet the back Wei army.

Liu Hao glanced at Fu Qian\'s attributes, which was first-class:

Prince Fu Qian of Tuyuhun - force 95, intelligence 83, politics 75, command 86!

Stunt 1, brave: Fu Qian is known as the first warrior of Tuyuhun, brave and rebellious, force + 2!

Stunt 2, thrill fight: the soldiers under Fu Qian will automatically trigger the thrill fight attribute.

Force of all generals + 1!

"This man is also the number one person, but he was unlucky to run into our Marshal Wu Mu..."

Liu Hao looked at Fu Qian\'s eagle nose, deep eyes and the rebellious alien dress of his braids in the sea of consciousness, and snorted coldly.

When this guy appeared in Datang, he claimed to be an expert enough to challenge Ning dodge. In fact, Tuyuhun was just trying to build momentum for him.

The red light on the system panel flashes, Liu Hao\'s mind moves, and the picture rotates.

Tuyuhun battlefield.

The western frontier fortress is a huge town with heavy soldiers and brave iron cavalry.

What comes into view is thousands of miles of yellow sand, gravel, mud and dust flying all over the sky.

Overlooking the earth, you can see the tyranny of dust, full of a desolation unique to the frontier fortress.

The big man with the word "Yue" hung high, and hundreds of thousands of troops opposed in front of the battle.

Yue Fei, wearing majestic armor and holding Liquan magic gun, rode on a magic horse and stood under the handsome flag.

Around Pei Yuanqing, Yue Yun, he Yuanqing, Yan Chengfang and other big men lined up in a row, with clanking iron armor and a murderous look ahead.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

In the big Han array, the warrior with tiger back and bear waist, bare his arms, Qiu Jie\'s strong muscles like hard rocks, began to swing his hammer wildly, and roared the battle drum, which sounded like thunder.

In the Tuyuhun array opposite, the military array is also strict, and there are no mistakes and omissions.

It can be seen from this that Prince Fu Qian, who is the first of Tuyuhun, is also a good hand in marching and arranging.

"Brother Da Da, let\'s see how someone defeated the Han Army today."

Fu Qian looked around the battlefield and sneered: "arrogance! The Han emperor is so arrogant that he dared to fight with East and West Turks, Tuyuhun and Gaoli at the same time. If heaven wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy. Sooner or later, the Han Emperor will die!"

He called Da Da brother, Da Da Zhi.

This man is the first swordsman in the East Turks except Bi Xuan. He is a crazy sand knife that shocks the Turks.

At the beginning, he mixed with Li Jiancheng and got involved with Li Jiancheng. As a result, after Li Jiancheng was defeated, Da Kezhi fled outside the great wall and happened to run into voqian of Tuyuhun, so he joined Tuyuhun by mistake.

At this time, Da Dazhi didn\'t know how the Turkic war was. He sat on his horse and said with a loud smile, "the prince is brilliant and broad-minded. I respect him deeply. After breaking the enemy today, you and I will drink another glass of wine!"

The vanguard army was defeated in several wars. The king of Tuyuhun also realized that the situation was bad and handed over the command of the national forces to Fu Qian. He hoped that he could turn the tide and help the building.

Fu Qian narrowed his eyes and sneered. He was also full of confidence. He said: "the previous defeat was just that the Ministry did not know how to use troops and mistakenly fell into the treachery of the Han people. Today, the king pressed the array. 330000 troops are more than several times that of the Han army. Even one spit is enough to drown the Han Army!"

"What the prince said is reasonable!"

Tuyuhun\'s generals also burst into laughter.


In the Han Army array.

Yue Fei pointed his gun at the front array and said categorically, "the enemy is noisy and powerful. Who is willing to take the head of Fu Qian for our commander?"

"Tuyuhun\'s troops are as strong as tujiwa dogs in the eyes of the last general!"

Pei Xingyan was about to pull his horse out of the battle, but Yue Yun first killed him with a golden hammer in a drum beating urn.

Yue Yun often mixes with Cheng Yaojin on weekdays. He is also influenced by Cheng Yaojin and has learned the skill of seven point curse array.

Before the war, Yue Yun stood in front of the battle with two golden hammers like a hill and scolded Fu Qian\'s ancestors for eight generations, making Fu Qian\'s Qi smoke.

Before hundreds of thousands of troops, this face could not be lost. Fu Qian\'s face was blue and shouted, "who would like to take the head of this Han General for me?"

"The end will be willing to go!"

"The prince calms his anger and looks at the end of the general\'s means!"

Fu Qian killed two fierce generals around.

These two fierce men are more than eight feet tall, with thick waist and round arms.

The man on the left holds a one legged copper man weighing more than 100 kg, and the man on the right holds two mountain opening axes. It seems that he is also a generation of tigers and wolves.

They rushed out of the array in a murderous manner. They didn\'t talk about any rules. They shot together and killed Yue Yun.

Fu Qian smiled and said to Da Zhi, "Xin Meng and Tian Xiong are the left and right vanguard officials under Xiao Wang. They are brave enough! The boy\'s death is just around the corner!"

"The dead are coming!"

Yue Yun was not afraid of the two fierce generals alone. In his hand, a pair of drum beating urn gold hammers knocked left and right, like thunder.

Move the horse forward, hold the twin hammer high and drop it suddenly!

The fierce one legged copper man was knocked out of the sky by Yue Yun with a hammer. The fierce hammer fell down with the trend and burst his brain.

The golden hammer of his right hand swung again. With the power of thunder, Tian Xiong opened the axe in the hand of another fierce general. His arms were sour and soft. Yue Yun stopped and hit him like thunder.

The sound of broken bones was heard all the time, and this strong general Tuyuhun also made an account.

Within three in one, walk horses and wear flowers, and even kill double generals