The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2387

BA fenghan - force 93, intelligence 74, politics 56, command 66!

Stunt 1, tenacity: BA fenghan is a hero on the grassland. He is tenacious and has great talent!

During the battle, BA fenghan\'s force + 2, and has a greater chance to complete the breakthrough in the battle!

Stunt 2, yingjue: BA fenghan\'s superior force is peerless.

When it falls into a siege, its combat power is increased by 3%!

After all, it was the system prompt in the Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty. Luo Cheng killed the king\'s Court of the West Turk and captured the Khan YeHu of the West Turk alive.

As a young man with a weak crown, he captured the national division commander of West Turk first, and then captured the king of a country alive, which is rare in wars of all dynasties.

East and West Turks have been a great trouble since the Sui Dynasty to the hundred years of Li and Tang Dynasties. Today, they have finally been completely eliminated.

It can also be seen that the Han Dynasty had a strong foundation. Several lines fought at the same time, but each achieved its own heyday.

After the collapse of the Turks, the collapse of Tuyuhun and Gaoli was a matter of time.

A few days later, the royal guards escorted Ye Hu and Yun Shuai of the West Turkic Khan into Chang\'an city.

The people in Guanzhong went out of the city for more than ten miles just to see what the Turkic Khan looked like.

Turks are strong and powerful, and the potential is pressing the Central Plains.

According to the folklore of the Central Plains, Turks are ferocious beasts who like to eat human flesh.

But now it seems that the Turkic Khan and nobles in the prison car are also terrified and afraid, such as lost dogs.

"In the past, Li Yuan, Dou Jiande, Liu Wuzhou and other princes all knelt and licked Turkic dogs like their grandchildren. It was still the hardness of his Majesty the holy emperor!"

"It\'s a once-in-a-lifetime great feat to level Guanzhong in January and destroy Turks in March!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"


Outside Chang\'an City, the sound was as loud as thunder.

Western Turkic Khan system leaves eardrum shock pain, a touch of bitterness appears in the corners of the mouth.

He looked at the Dragon camp guard with clanking iron armor on his side, and his heart was as heavy as iron