The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2386

Outside the carriage, Xie Xuan, the leader of the forbidden guard of Longxiang camp, suddenly looked dignified. His right hand had been pressed on his Jiushao Dingyin sword and blocked in front of the emperor\'s car.

The surrounding dragon guards also looked alert, clanking iron armor, holding long guns and halberds, looking up at the sky.

Even if the sky is angry, they will fight to stop the emperor and cut the sky!

Fortunately, the visions of heaven and earth gradually subsided after all.

"Real person, can there be results?"

Liu Hao\'s expression moved slightly. Between his eyes, a strange light flashed and stared at Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang stared at Liu Hao, his lips trembled slightly, and his expression was shocked beyond measure

After a long time, he calmed down his turbulent mood, erased the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, looked complex and said: "the ancient divination and secret strategy fell into my hand, and only missed Li Tang this time... Your majesty, you are not a person in this world."

A stone stirs thousands of waves!

Liu Hao\'s eyebrows were slightly raised and his expression moved.

It was the first time he met someone who said this to himself.

It took yuan Tiangang a long time to calm down. He sighed: "unfortunately, I have limited accomplishments. I can only see the secret of heaven. If I reach the realm of Taoist immortals, I may see more things."

"What do you say?"

"In fact, the Taoist skills I have cultivated are also spread from an ancient Taoist school, and physiognomy is only one of them."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "the Tao of this vein attaches the most importance to spiritual cultivation. Those who practice it to the extreme can wander around the world, see the secrets of heaven and earth, and know the opportunity of longevity... However, I have been bitten by this vain peeping at the secrets of heaven and earth, which has damaged my life for 20 years. I don\'t get nothing. At least I know the secrets of the world, as stated in the book."

The Taoist cultivation system is different from the martial arts. Yuan Tiangang\'s opportunity for longevity is probably equivalent to the land immortal realm of martial arts.

However, Liu Hao was obviously more interested in the world secret that Yuan Tiangang spent 20 years to see. He asked, "can you solve my doubts about the world secret that real people say?"

Yuan Tiangang said, "the secret of heaven has been seen, so it\'s OK to tell your majesty. I used Ancient Astrology to look at your Majesty\'s appearance and trace back to the origin. As a result, I accidentally saw the remnant floating shadow of your majesty from one world to another through the starlight channel."

"I once learned from an ancient Taoist book that the universe is boundless and boundless. It is divided into heaven, small world, medium world and great world. The great world is in the center of the universe and governs all worlds... I thought it was just the absurd idea of predecessors after they became obsessed with Taoism. Now it seems that the theory of the world is true..."

Liu Hao suddenly.

This is actually the problem of vision pattern. Yuan Tiangang is limited by the current world and can\'t get out of the situation. Naturally, he doesn\'t believe it.

But Liu Hao stepped on the stars and came to the world of heaven. His sword swept away the eight wastelands and six harmonies, and changed the pattern of world development. This is unimaginable.

Before and after contact, Yuan Tiangang carefully defined the theory of the world.

Liu Hao listened and fell into meditation.

Small thousand world, middle thousand world and big thousand world.

If these three labels are divided into planes according to the richness of aura, the world planes from low Wu to medium Wu should belong to the small thousand world.

The main realm of the Han Dynasty is in the center. With the rise of the dynasty, it controls all worlds and has more and more vitality. Although it is not at present, it may be promoted to the world in the future.

Liu Hao also benefited a lot from sitting with people like yuan Tiangang, and his goal became clearer and clearer.

As long as enough Qi is swallowed, the future dynasty may not be able to be promoted to Tianting. At that time, the world pattern will naturally be different.

After the collapse of the East Turks, Liu Hao handed over the follow-up matters to Li Jing and drove back to Chang\'an city.

With the passage of time, the overall pattern of the world in the Sui and Tang Dynasties has changed greatly.

More than 500000 Rangers from the eastern Turks died out overnight. The strategic plan of several countries from the Western Turks and Tuyuhun to attack the Central Plains is tantamount to being torn open.

Liu Hao sat on the Diaoyutai, but he was not worried about the progress of the battlefield on both sides.

Wang Meng commanded the army and continued to go north to fight against western Turks.

Yue feize led the Weibei army to intercept Tuyuhun to the West.

Both of them are famous marshals who have shocked the ages. The Tianjiao of an era led an iron and blood hero to fight against such alien races as Turks and Tuyuhun.

Liu Hao is in charge of Chang\'an city. While deducing a complete heaven devil strategy with the evil king Shi Zhixuan, he sends the royal guards out to search for the news of the evil emperor to Yutian.

The evil emperor Xiang Yutian has been in the world hundreds of years ago. No one can control it. He is very likely to enter the realm of human immortality.

Liu Hao was not afraid.

With his current martial arts background, he also has enough confidence to challenge the immortal and strong.

Unfortunately, the evil emperor\'s trace to Yutian is ethereal. No one has heard anything from Yutian since he disappeared decades ago.

On this day, Liu Hao was sitting on the red gold Panlong chair. He suddenly put down the military newspaper Memorial in his hand and asked, "old manager, can a young man named BA fenghan join the army recently?"

The system prompted BA fenghan to belong to the Han Dynasty, and Liu Haocai asked.

After all, BA fenghan, as the third strongest player in the Tang Dynasty, has the same qualification as Shuanglong. He deserves congratulations for being able to kill him from the blood.

Cao Zhengchun bowed down, hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty is wise. There is such a man."

Liu Hao smiled and said, "bring him to see me."

Ba Feng was used to being free by nature. At this time, he joined the Han army. Constrained by the military law, he wore the armor of the Han Dynasty and a chopping sword on his waist. He was not used to it.

He followed Cao Zhengchun into the palace.

The guards of the Dragon camp on both sides clanked with iron armor, holding long guns and halberds, stood beside the white jade steps. The solemn and murderous Ba Feng Han straightened his back.

"Xuanba fenghan meets ~ ~ ~"

"Xuanba fenghan meets ~ ~ ~"

The sharp voice of the eunuch of the yellow gate stirred in the palace. BA fenghan was not qualified to enter the palace with a sword. He untied his chopping sword outside the palace gate and stepped slowly into the palace.

He only looked up, trembled and lowered his head.

The magnificent posture on the red gold dragon chair is like the emperor of heaven, dropping his eyes and overlooking the world.

This sense of oppression is more terrible than the violent killing of Wu Zun Bi Xuan by Wu mourning King ran min on that day.

BA fenghan felt strange and mysterious, but he was more and more shocked that Liu Hao\'s strength had reached this point