The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2385

At this time, although the number of Western Turkic cavalry has a certain advantage on the battlefield, Luo Cheng and Cheng Yaojin Yong can\'t be the same. The three Han armies are completely crazy, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, but suppressing the Western Turkic cavalry.

In the West Turkic array, a long roar came out suddenly, and then a white figure swept out of the thousands of troops. It was cold in the air, straight to Luo Cheng!

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up slightly. Unexpectedly, there were such masters in the West Turk. He immediately lost his hope Qi skill.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

West Turkic state teacher Yun Shuai - force 97, intelligence 78, politics 74, command 85!

Stunt 1, lightness skill: flying back, the respect of lightness skill!

Yun Shuai is known as the best lightness skill in the world. When he exercises lightness skill, force + 3 and combat power + 3%!

Stunt 2, Zhenguo: as a Western Turkic national teacher, Yun Shuai is extremely smart, intelligence + 1, politics + 1!

"This man\'s martial arts are good, especially his lightness skills. However, he is caught in the battle today. His lightness skills are greatly reduced and may be defeated by Luo Cheng..."

With Liu Hao\'s accomplishments, only the emperor of heaven\'s Long Tong took a look at it, he has roughly deduced the victory or defeat between Luo Cheng and Yun Shuai.

Yun Shuai\'s skill of flying back can sweep the sky and be as ethereal as clouds. If you fight alone, you can run away even if you can\'t fight against Bi Xuan, the superior Wu Zun, and be completely invincible.

However, when the two armies were fighting, tens of thousands of troops fought for supremacy and slaughtered wildly. In a place where there was no standing cone, the role of body method was greatly limited.

Luo Chengwu\'s experience is naturally not as good as Yun Shuai. However, his blood courage has greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

Let Yun Shuai fly back. No matter how wonderful his body method is, Luo Cheng stays still. The tip of the five hook Flying Magic gun in his palm vibrates and turns into countless spears, like dragons and python, tossing in the air.

The gun moves through the void and moves forward without hesitation. It\'s as fierce as a white dragon. It\'s powerful. On the contrary, Yun Shuai can\'t stand it.

After thirty rounds, Yun Shuai retreated and swept backward.

Luo Cheng gave a long roar, and the man took advantage of his strength on the horse\'s back. The five hook Flying Magic gun in his palm soared into the air like a dragon, and the majestic gun hit Yun Shuai\'s shoulder and back.

Yun Shuai was like a bird with broken wings. He gave a terrible cry in the air. He was lightly relaxed by Luo Cheng\'s ape arm and captured a horse alive

"The commander-in-chief was captured, and the West Turks can\'t expect to last long."

Liu Hao scanned the map and found red lights flashing in several places.

In history, Wang Meng swept the whole North, and his ability to lead troops was not limited.

Luo Cheng and Cheng Yaojin, the vanguard army all the way, restrained most of the attention of Western Turks. Luo Yi led Youzhou army and began to raid the Wangting of Western Turks. Wang Meng led his own army and galloped on the grassland.

Odd and positive, a few lines bloom, killing blood all over the sky, and the bodies of the Western Turkic army are everywhere.

As for Tuyuhun, marshal Wu Mu Yue Fei was in charge, and the Silver Hammer general Pei Yuanqing was the pioneer. He also killed a sea of corpses.

During this time, Liu Hao sat down in Diaoyutai and had a wine banquet with the Han officials and generals every day. However, his worship value and merit value were rising crazily.

This feeling of lying down and getting rich is beautiful!

Seeing a series of zeros on the statistical list of worship value and merit value, Liu Hao decided to point out the back floors of the imperial soul tower when he returned to the DPRK.

"The Turkic war has been settled, and then I\'ll leave pharmacist Li to clear the grassland. I want Turks to exterminate the family... Go back to Chang\'an to deal with government affairs first."

Liu Hao waved his hand, and in such a sentence, he annihilated the once brilliant Turkic nation that suppressed China in the long river of history.

The war involving hundreds of thousands of people is still going on, but in Liu Hao\'s eyes, the war has undoubtedly ended.

All the princes in the world submit. Li Er, the son of Qi Yun, is the head. Qi Yun is scattered into the thunder pool of the dynasty.

The East Turks have been wiped out, and the West Turks and Tuyuhun are just dying. Liu Hao moved his mind to go back to Chang\'an.

The world is coming to an end, but the future development of the dynasty still needs to be laid out in advance.

Then, we should explore the war temple and look for opportunities to break through to the realm of supreme man and fairy.


The moon is bright and the stars are rare. Black magpies fly south.

After winter, the weather is getting colder and colder.

Liu Hao sat in the Kowloon Emperor\'s car, dressed in snow-white Fox and sable fur, two cups of hot tea on the table, and white smoke curled up.

Opposite sat an old man in a black Taoist robe.

It is yuan Tiangang, the famous Taoist immortal.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Yuan Tiangang - force 76, intelligence 89, politics 77, command 66, Taoism 102!

Stunt 1, divine appearance: Yuan Tiangang looks for the dragon and breaks the pulse, looks at the master of Qi, evaluates people and things, and if there is divine help.

Stunt 2, real person: Yuan Tiangang can inherit the ancient Taoist gate, Taoist real person, Taoism + 3!

At this time, Yuan Tiangang stared at Liu Hao with both eyes. His eyes were full of incredible. His mouth opened, but he couldn\'t say a word


Liu Hao saw the extreme shock in his eyes and couldn\'t help asking, "Taoist priest seems to have something to say to me?"

"Strange, strange!"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and murmured, "how is it possible? The rivers and mountains belong to Li and Tang in Guanzhong. How can there be a pattern of two dragons merging into the world... When the real dragon is extinct, how can such a domineering figure come into the world?"

This bull nose has long been optimistic that Li Tang won the world. Now the whole situation has been completely overturned and his cognition has been completely refreshed.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "I\'ve heard that Taoist priest is good at physiognomy for a long time. Can you calculate a divination for me?"

"The number of fights is mysterious and subtle, and it is difficult to explain the reason. Although questions are set in various articles, there are still some words, such as the separation of stars. Each belongs to its own... Since your majesty is interested, I will try it."

Yuan Tiangang nodded, took out an ancient tortoise shell from his sleeve and began to meditate.

Liu Hao knows something about the innate book of changes and the strange door dunjia. At this time, he can vaguely feel that Yuan Tiangang uses some mysterious means of the ancient Taoist door and is peeping at the secret of heaven and earth, attracting the aura of heaven and earth.

The Dragon camp guards outside have raised their heads and looked at the sky in shock.

I saw dark clouds gathering and thunder rolling on the sky, as if the sky was angry and the wind was blowing.


Yuan Tiangang in the carriage suddenly spit out a big mouthful of red blood. Looking at the ancient tortoise shell in his hand, it has broken into several pieces